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داستان از اونجایی شروع شد ک من آذر ۱۴۰۱ متوجه شدم ک باردارم و با کلی ذوق و شوق این خبرو به همسرم (علی)دادم و یواش یواش به خانواده ها گفتیم و خوشحال از این اتفاق و بیخبر از آینده… کی فکرشو میکرد اتفاقایی برام بیفته ک تاحالا حتی راجبشون نشنیده باشم چه برسه به اینکه تجربه کنم… اتفاقی ک تونست اعتقاد منو عوض کنه،تونست از من یه آدم جدید بسازه،تونست حتی سرنوشت مارو عوض کنه … چقدر به خدا نزدیکتر شدم چقدر ارامشم بیشتر شده کسی چمیدونه شاید این اتفاق باید میفتاد تا من به آدم بهتری تبدیل بشم و هرلحظه حضور خدارو تو زندگیم احساس کنم… #خدایاشکرت #نوزاد_نارس_ان_آی_سیو #نوزادنارس #iugr #آی_یو_جی_آر

6/2/2024, 1:54:46 PM

Homeward Bound 💗 We have some furry friends to help us along on the journey. Everleigh loves her doggie besties, and it was her first time petting a kitty, which she thought was so soft. Thanks, @mygoldencircus and @ruffles4503, for the stop and delicious BLTs and special surprise for Everleigh. We've stopped again in Kamloops for the night and we are looking forward to arriving back home tomorrow. #achondroplasiabeautiful #Achondroplasia #dwarfismawareness #dwarfism #littleperson #nicubaby #iugr #preemie #goldensofinstagram

6/2/2024, 2:47:32 AM

۱۴۰۳/۳/۱۳ امروز بعد گذشت ماه ها بلخره تصمیم گرفتم هر انچه ک توی یکسال و خرده ای بما گذشت رو تو این پیج ثبت کنم دلم میخواد این خاطرات یجا ثبت بشه یجا بمونه که وقتی دیار بزرگ شد بدونه ما چه روزایی رو تحمل کردیم و خداوند چه معجزه ای رو وارد زندگی ما کرده ک اگ واقعا به قدرت خداوند ایمان بیاری مطمئن باشی ک میشه پس شدنیه … ۲۰ روز مونده به تولد یکسالگی دیار🎂 #نوزاد#نارس#نوزاد_نارس #IUGR#بارداری_پرخطر #nicu

6/2/2024, 1:04:17 AM

Where you lead…I will follow 👣 Today marks one year of my stay at home mom journey! Sometimes I can’t believe I left the corporate world, my dream job, and a dual income behind. But just one look at my precious baby girl proves to myself that this is what I was meant to do. Before I left my job, we were struggling to figure out how to help Sienna. Our mental health was in a rough place, we felt like we were letting her down. We were both only giving half to work and to being parents. Although I was working from home, I could not nearly spend enough time with her. And Miranda had to cut hours back at work to make sure Sienna was taken care of. Outside childcare was not an option for us. Sienna’s needs were too complex and she had numerous doctors visits to attend. We made the decision that I would leave my job and Miranda would pick up more hours to make up the difference. Today, Sienna is thriving! Being a SAHM isn’t the right choice for all families, but it was for us, for me and for Sienna. It’s not easy, far from it, but it’s a decision I would make over and over again. Sienna and I have a bond that I always dreamed of having with my daughter. I get to witness her growth and achievements every day. There are days where the snuggles never end and then there are days I want to pull my hair out and scream. But every day is worth it. She’s worth it ❤️ #SAHM #stayathomemom #girlmom #toddlerlife #toddlermom #medicallycomplex #iugr #failuretothrive

6/1/2024, 5:53:16 PM

近年の日本女性の傾向から、 妊娠中の体重増加を厳しく指導することは する必要がなくなっています。 もちろん増えるタイミングやスピードが 早すぎると指導が入るかもしれませんが 基本的にはどんどん食べてほしい! と私は思います。 医療機関以外でも、 妊婦さんが混乱しないように 共有認識をもっていたいですね^^ 〜〜・〜〜・〜〜・〜〜・〜〜・〜〜 ナース10年・予防医療診断士 りえです♡ @yoboiryo_nb このアカウントは 赤ちゃんを望むすべての女性や、 女性の身体をケアするお仕事を されている方に向けた 周産期についての情報を 看護師×予防医療診断士の視点から お届けしています♡   NICUナース経験を経て、 『胎児を健康に育むことは 当たり前じゃない』ということを 目の当たりにしました。 そして、赤ちゃんが 成長・発達にリスクを抱えずに、 元気に産まれてきてほしい…!と 強く願うようになりました。 そんな願いから 不定期ですがセラピストさん向けの 産前産後予防医学の講座を オンラインで開催しています☺️ あなたと、大切な人の未来を守る 『選択肢』を得ませんか?✨   #nicu #早産 #低出生体重児 #極低出生体重児 #超低出生体重児 #sga #fgr #iugr #子宮内感染 #子宮頸管無力症 #妊娠高血圧症候群 #妊娠糖尿病 #妊娠 #妊活 #不妊治療 #赤ちゃん #アラサー女子 #高齢出産 #看護師 #予防医療 #予防医療診断士 #早産予防 #切迫早産 #出産準備 #産前産後 #産前産後ケア #産前産後セラピスト #腸活 #よもぎ蒸し #東洋医学

6/1/2024, 2:17:52 PM

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding IUGR. Learn the facts about this condition and separate fact from fiction with our guide.To Consult Dr. LAKSHMI B A, GYNAECOLOGIST , OBSTETRICIAN & SONOLOGIST, KARNATAKA, Call: 8105714580 #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #BabyDevelopment #PregnancyComplications #FetalHealth #HighRiskPregnancy #IUGRAwareness #FetalGrowth #HealthyPregnancy #IUGRSupport #PregnancyHealth #BabyWeight #MaternalHealth #IUGRPrevention #PregnancyJourney #FetalMonitoring #IUGRInfo #BabyBump #PrenatalCare #NewMom

6/1/2024, 10:37:58 AM

IUGR Diagnosis - Learn about diagnosis methods for Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR). Understand the importance of early diagnosis and intervention to ensure optimal health outcomes for mother and baby. For Appointments Visit:http://medsurgeclinics.com/ or call us at 8341152153, 8341153154 #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #BabyDevelopment #PregnancyComplications #FetalHealth #HighRiskPregnancy #IUGRAwareness #FetalGrowth #HealthyPregnancy #IUGRSupport #PregnancyHealth #BabyWeight #MaternalHealth #IUGRPrevention #PregnancyJourney #FetalMonitoring #IUGRInfo #BabyBump #PrenatalCare #NewMom

6/1/2024, 7:47:04 AM

Today was orthopedics day! She started the day off with some x-rays. Everleigh was quite confused as to why she was being strapped into this weird bed instead of her Snoo, which rocks her and plays white noise. Needless to say, she wasn't a fan. We then met with the orthopedic surgeon. She has a condition called kyphosis, which is bending of her lower spine. This is quite common in achondroplasia babies. The good news is there are no damages to any of the vertebrae. The hope is that it will resolve with time as she's walking. But they will continue to follow her with x-rays every few months to see. If it doesn't resolve, she may need bracing when she's 2 years old, but hopefully, it won't be necessary. All in all, it wasn't unexpected news, although we were obviously hoping for less kyphosis. We were encouraged that, given that her head control has improved, she is able to have unrestricted activities at tummy time and has encouraged us to begin swimming with her in the next couple of months. Regarding solids, she won't be able to use a high chair for some time, but I think her and Stella will be happy to eat some cheerios off the ground together. That's a wrap on the medical appointments for now. We will await a time for her neurosurgery. In the meantime, we will once again begin the long journey back home. #Achondroplasia #achondroplasiabeautiful #littleperson #dwarfismawareness #dwarfism #achondroplasiaawareness #iugr #preemie #nicubaby

5/31/2024, 9:50:49 PM

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding IUGR. Learn the facts about this condition and separate fact from fiction with our guide. For Appointments Visit Shifa Maternity Hospital, Call us at 9426786350 #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #BabyDevelopment #PregnancyComplications #FetalHealth #HighRiskPregnancy #IUGRAwareness #FetalGrowth #HealthyPregnancy #IUGRSupport #PregnancyHealth #BabyWeight #MaternalHealth #IUGRPrevention #PregnancyJourney #FetalMonitoring #IUGRInfo #BabyBump #PrenatalCare #NewMom

5/31/2024, 8:21:50 AM

Ain't no party like a propofol party! Today, she had her sedated MRI, which I was the most nervous about. I did not want her to have the risk of anesthetic so young. But Everleigh continues to amaze me and did so well. In fact, I think she enjoyed flying as high as a kite. This afternoon, we then met with neurosurgery. The MRI was to review two main concerns swelling on the brained called hydrocephalus and narrowing of the spinal column at the junction between the cervical spine and the brain. Fortunately, her head size is still average for achon babies and no signs of fluid. Unfortunately, she has significant narrowing at her spinal column, and there are concerns that it is impacting her feeding and sleep. On a grade of one to four, she is a three. This means she'll need neurosurgery, which will involve decompression to open up this area and relieve pressure on her spinal column. We are awaiting more results regarding this. But in the best case scenario, we can do the surgery when she's older in late summer/early fall, which is less risky. Worst case scenario, we'd be looking at surgery within the month. This is definitely not the news we were hoping for, but I am grateful we have more answers. Hoping tomorrow brings less bad news as we meet with the orthopedic team. We appreciate all the love and support on our journey. #Achondroplasia #achondroplasiabeautiful #dwarfismawareness #dwarfism #nicubaby #nicu #iugr #preemie #littleperson

5/31/2024, 4:47:40 AM

I didn’t want to leave May without touching on it being preeclampsia awareness month, something both me and my first born came very close to losing our lives to. Not enough is known and I don’t think at the time close friends and family or even I realised how critical our condition was. It’s not just “high blood pressure”. Preeclampsia can affect the blood supply to the mother’s brain causing seizures and strokes and blood supply to the placenta causing the baby to stop growing and eventual placental abruption and fetal death. I had fluid around my organs, my brain and started to go into multiple organ failure. Nellie developed severe growth restriction, fluid around her organs and was born 12 weeks premature at just 625grams. We both spent weeks and months in intensive care and high dependency. Preeclampsia leaves lasting effects, doubling your chance of strokes and heart disease. There are many reasons why someone may develop preeclampsia but often no reason is found at all. Mine was likely caused by a kidney condition I have, meaning my blood pressure is already high and my body already works extra hard to pump blood around. Currently I’m checking my blood pressure twice a day, I take aspirin and x6 blood pressure tablets daily to keep the blood flowing nicely. So far we’ve had good news but it’s already taking medical intervention and a lot of monitoring to get this far. Preeclampsia leads to approximately 500,000 foetal deaths and 70,000 maternal deaths worldwide each year. So be vigilant and get ANY symptom no matter how small checked as soon as possible. . #preeclampsia #eclampsia #preeclampsiaawareness #preeclampsiaawarenessmonth #prematurebaby #prematurebabies #prematurebirth #micropreemie #28weeker #iugr #chronicillness #chronichypertension #kidneydisease #polycystickidneydisease #24weeks #24weekspregnant #secondtrimester

5/30/2024, 11:06:57 PM

This cheeky sausage is now 3x her birth weight at 12lb 7oz. Of course I cried when I saw the scales! Lily started weaning a few weeks ago and she is doing well! She LOVES yoghurt, avocado and buttery toast (hence this weeks chunky weight gain 😂). Keep growing baby girl 💪♥️ #iugr #preemie #iugrbaby #liloandstitch #nicubaby

5/30/2024, 4:44:50 PM

We've arrived to Vancouver unpacked and headed to the hospital for Everleigh's sleep study. Everleigh, because of her small facial features and nasal passages, is at increased risk for sleep apnea. Also, because her head is enlarged, it can compress on her spinal cord, causing central apneas. Achondroplasia babies are for this reason at increased risk of SIDS and other complications. The sleep study will assess the frequency of events. Depending on these results, she could need a CPAP machine or require surgery. Understandably, Everleigh is not a fan of the equipment and has been crying her poor little heart out. Although I'm not sure who has shed more tears, Everleigh or her Mama. We hope, though, that we can get enough information from this to decide next steps and have a clearer picture of what is going on. Because of her condition, one of us is awake 24/7 to keep an eye on her and monitor her for these events. We are hopeful that moving forward, this will no longer be necessary. A huge shout out to @megankpaul and her sister Lissa for letting us stay at their place when our housing fell through last minute at Ronald Macdonald House. We are forever grateful for our village. #Achondroplasia #achondroplasiabeautiful #nicubaby #nicu #iugr #preemie #fourmonthsold #sleepstudy #littleperson

5/30/2024, 7:05:36 AM

Yuk Stella Family ketahui penyebab IUGR itu apa?👋🏼 Ada beberapa kondisi pada ibu hamil yang dapat meningkatkan IUGR diantaranya ialah kelainan pada plasenta atau gangguan lainnya Untuk informasi lebih lengkap apa saja kondisinya, yuk simak terus pada banner diatas 🤔🤔 Apabila Moms and Dads masih ragu, yuk tanya langsung ke Dokter Fetomaternal kami dengan appointment di nomor: 0811 6046 508 (Appointment dapat dilakukan H-1 saat konsultasi ya Moms and Dads🥰) #stellamarismedan #stellamaris #fyp #stellamarisfetomaternal #fetomaternal #usg #fetomaternalmedan #ibuhamil #bayi #pregnancy #pregnant #like4like #usgfetomaternal #skriningfetomaternal #info #medan #instahealth #sumut #baby #iugr #mom #skrining #skriningfetomaternal #kehamilan #hamil

5/30/2024, 6:04:46 AM

Today I was thinking how thankful I was that we had the courage to try for another FET transfer that led to T. How grateful I am that he’s here. And that even after infertility, severe preeclampsia, IUGR, a moderately long NICU stay, that we had it in us to try again. (In consultation with my doctors). And this is the type of courage that is most celebrated. The never-gave-up kind, the happy-ending-term-baby kind. And it did take courage. But it’s not the only kind of courage. But please know I see your courage too. The courage it takes to know when you’re done. The courage to care for your body, mind, and spirit. The courage it takes to dream new dreams and make sure you’re alive to see them. The courage to face questions about “when you’re giving your child a sibling.” The courage to grieve, the courage to hope, the courage to risk loss or be done risking loss. The courage to keep trying and the courage to stop. There are some people for whom having children comes more easily, for them the courage comes with parenting. For the rest of us, I pray you feel seen, you acknowledge your own courage, that hope feels like a gift not a curse. Your courage may not always be understood- but there are folks out there who see it. #ivf #ivfjourney #ivfcommunity #nicu #nicumom #nicubaby #hope #courage #parenting #preeclampsia #preeclampsiasurvivor #iugr #tryingtoconceive #tryingagain #infertility

5/30/2024, 2:34:52 AM

Everleigh gets to have her first night in a hotel. We made it to our first stop. We are breaking up the drive and have arrived at our first stop in Kamloops. Took just shy of 8 hours to get here. One of the challenges that people with achondroplasia face is that they have an enlarged head with a shortened neck. This means they are at risk for obstruction and breathing problems. This is heightened with a neck in flexion, which is the exact positioning in a car seat. In preparation for this journey, the mobility team from Vancouver flew to Prince George and assessed her in her car seat. She had to have specific modifications in order to make this a safe journey for her. We're also required to stop every 90 minutes to change positions and ensure she doesn't reach too deep of a sleep. Unfortunately or fortunately reaching a deep sleep isn't too much of a concern for Everleigh. By the time she fell asleep, she'd have to be awake 20 minutes later for her next stop. Needless to say, she is feeling a bit fussy and cranky, but hopefully, that means she sleeps well tonight! #achondroplasiabeautiful #achondroplasia #preemie #iugr #nicubaby #dwarfism

5/29/2024, 6:45:38 AM

The day that we've been nervously awaiting since Everleigh was born is upon us. Today, we begin our almost 1000km journey to BC Children's Hospital for Everleigh. The unfortunate thing about living in Canada is that it is geographically large with a small population. This means extensive travel to access healthcare. We are located in the middle of the province. However, the Children's Hospital is located 1000km south of us, and those living more North can need to travel 2000km in order to access care. While I'm grateful for a healthcare system where we have not paid a medical bill since she is born for her NICU stay, doctor visits or for her OT, PT and SLP appointments, there are no subsidies for our travel costs. The time off work, the hotels, the gas are all substantial for those living in more northern cities. This really highlights the disparities those living in more northern cities face. I'll be sharing our journey to show a realistic look at what it means to have a baby with extra needs and what that looks like living in the North. Wish us luck on our journey, and we ask you to keep us in your thoughts. #achondroplasia #achondroplasiabeautiful #skeletaldysplasia #dwarfism #dwarfismawareness #nicu #iugr #preemie #fourmonthsold #northernliving # #takeonpg #rural #ruralhealth #ruralhealthcare

5/28/2024, 7:43:43 PM

It’s that time of year again! Sign ups to have your child/children included on the back of our 2024 fundraising t-shirts are now open. Sign ups will remain open until June 30th. Link in our bio to sign up form. Swipe to see this year’s colors and design. Shirts will be available for purchase in July through our partner’s site @northpenncustomtees ! More details on the sale to come later. 💙💚 *** there is typo on the design. The final product will say “anchor”. May has been a rough month 🥴🫠😂 #infantloss #sids #miscarriage #stillborn #neonatalloss #IUGR #chd #childloss #lifeafterloss #1in4 #grief #bereavedparents #placentalabruption #PPROM #bereavedfathers #TFMR #bereavedmothers #incompententcervix #pretermlabor #lossmothers #etsyshop #donationofprofits #podcast

5/28/2024, 4:26:27 PM

"Liten? Jeg? Langtifra. Jeg er akkurat stor nok." Milla er en liten luring. En fascinerende liten jente som ofte setter et smil på de hun møter 🌸 En jente som er liten av størrelse, men med en stor personlighet og en deilig utstråling. Vi får ofte spørsmålet om alder når hun kommer susende rundt, gjerne etterfulgt av et lite blikk og kanskje et spørsmål om hun ikke er litt liten for alderen. Det er jo ingen hemmelighet, Milla er litt liten for alderen. Vi bikket 6kg for kort tid siden og bruker fremdeles str. 68 i klær. Størrelsen tar hun riktignok igjen i personligheten sin og de deilige smilene 🤭 De som spør, spør som regel med et smil, men noen dager kan vi riktignok synes det er litt sårt med disse påminnelsene og spørsmålene også. En av legene sa helt i starten at «hun kommer til å være liten, og hun kommer til å være liten lenge». Den siste tiden har vi derfor snakket en del om dette hjemme, for jeg synes det er viktig å snakke om ting, sette litt ord på det man tenker og føler. Sammen fokuserer vi på det fine i det, på hvor langt vi er kommet og hvor mange hjerter denne jenten smelter med sine fine «heiii» og sin deilige utstråling. Ikke minst hvor sykt det er at hun i det hele tatt er her med oss, for en stund der var det ingen som trodde at det skulle bli virkeligheten! Uendelig takknemlig for lille, store (!) Milla, din store personlighet vil gi oss masse glede, men også prøvelser, akkurat slik det skal være, hehe 😅 Og la oss være ærlig, hun er jo helt perfekt, bare litt liten! #livet #åpenhet #veksthemming #IUGR #prematur #nicugraduate #girl #datter #daugther #familie #familietid #storjente

5/28/2024, 3:36:08 PM

Our little girl is 10 months old today 🥰 SariahJanelle #iugr #iugrbaby #iugrawareness #iugrsurvivor #iugrbabythriving @riccosuave17

5/27/2024, 5:37:12 AM

When Jackson was discharged after his tubie surgery we filled out a form to receive a @tubiefriends bear. Well, we received it a few weeks ago and Jackson LOVES IT. He got so excited to see that the bear had a tubie just like him and that it was “super cozy.” 🥰 Jackson has made HUGE gains, like 13 lbs 😱) in the 8 months since the tubie placement. As you saw from his first vs last day pictures he has also grown 4 INCHES! The height part I definitely didn’t account for in the clothes department 😂😅 Now we have to continue to help him with his oral intake and that may include a feeding intensive. In July we will be having an extensive appointment with Nationwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus to see if he qualifies for their program 😊 That’s the update 8 months in, we are ready for summer and then, in the fall, KINDERGARTEN! Go buddddyyyy, go! #gtube #tubie #tubielife #tubefeedingawareness #gtubelife #tubiekid #iugr #failuretothrive #adhd

5/24/2024, 11:35:16 PM

Aaaaand she passed!! Thea did amazing over night and we were given the ok to stop using her vent 24/7! Which means T has officially joined Team No Vent 😎🥳 Next up is capping and then we’ll get to hop on the Naked Neck train sometime after that with decan! No set timelines but it should be less than a year left with the trach 🎉🎉 #trachbaby #iugr #tubie #gtube #26weeker #micropreemie #tracheostomy #trachlife #tubielife #nicugrad #ventgrad

5/24/2024, 8:52:40 PM

Rachel’s story OUT NOW ✨🎙 A big thank you to @rachellkovacevic_ for being so vulnerable during this chat. It’s clear after listening to this episode that Rachel is a strong woman and mumma! 👊🏻 this story honestly has a bit of EVERYTHING! It’s so important to recognise when your mental health may be taking a hit, so that you can seek the help you need and deserve both for yourself but also for your kids too! Rachel sought out that help and did everything she could to be the best mum she could be ❤️ It hasn’t been an easy road and there’s always going to be things to move past; but at least now she has her support system in place! If anyone is looking for a place to start. Rachel highly recommends PANDA as a helpful and supportive resource! And don’t be afraid to chat to your GP 💕 #podcast #mentalhealth #femalementalhealth #mums #mumlife #postpartummentalhealth #ppd #ppa #ptsd #ocd #ectopic #iugr #birthstory #pregnancy #hysterectomy #podcastersofinstagram

5/23/2024, 9:35:00 AM

AQUÍ TE DEJO DATOS MUY IMPORTANTES SOBRE LA PREECLAMPSIA… HOY en el Día Mundial de Concienciación sobre la Preeclampsia que se celebra cada 22 de mayo. Hay que informarnos sobre la preeclampsia, una grave complicación del embarazo que puede afectar a mujeres embarazadas y sus bebés. Es una de las principales causas de muerte materna y fetal antes durante y después del parto. La preeclampsia es una patología que surge en el embarazo caracterizada, principalmente, por una hipertensión arterial. Además, la preeclampsia puede provocar daños en algunos órganos como en el hígado o el riñón. Existen factores de riesgo que pueden aumentar las posibilidades de padecer preeclampsia 📌No llevar un control prenatal 📌Que se trate del primer embarazo. 📌Tener diabetes, hipertensión, etc. previas al embarazo. 📌Insuficiencia renal. 📌Obesidad. 📌Preeclampsia en embarazo previo. 📌Diabetes mellitus preconcepcional y/o diabetes gestacional 📌Infección recurrente de vías urinarias. Recuerda: Acude a tus consultas para tratar a tiempo este tipo de padecimientos🙌🏻 #preeclampsia #pregnancy #preeclampsiasurvivor #preemie #preeclampsiaawareness #nicu #weeker #nicubaby #eclampsia #highriskpregnancy #nicumom #hellpsyndrome #baby #preemiestrong #rainbowbaby #o #momlife #diabetesgestacional #pregnancycomplications #infertility #pregnant #micropreemie #postpartum #embarazo #preemiebaby #iugr #prematurebaby #motherhood #pregnancyhealth #ginecologia

5/22/2024, 8:53:50 PM

Het derde trimester - something very special 🏥👩‍⚕️👶🏻🫨 Dat laatste trimester, dat was een bijzondere. Op 30 weken zei ons plaatselijke ziekenhuis dat onze kleine meid op P40 zou zitten, net iets onder het gemiddelde. Maar het Erasmus kwam 2 dagen later onder de P5 uit. Er werd overlegd en overlegd, en we moesten een week later nogmaals langs het plaatselijke ziekenhuis. En toen gingen alle alarmbellen rinkelen. De kleine meid zat rond de P2. Dus vanaf campings en huis reden we heeeel vaak naar het ziekenhuis. Eerst 2x per week, later bijna dagelijks. CTG, groeiecho, Doppler metingen, nog een keer een blaasontsteking, een extra GUO. Iedere dag weer naar het gezellige Albert Schweitzer, en we waren er ondertussen kind aan huis. “Tussendoor” waren we dus gewoon nog op vakantie, moesten we de babykamer afmaken, werd er een babyshower georganiseerd, moesten de laatste dingen gekocht worden, babywasjes worden gedaan, etc. Want ze kon echt ieder moment gehaald worden, als bleek dat het niet (meer) goed genoeg was binnen de buik. De extra GUO met 35 weken bij de perinatoloog, een hoogleraar/doctorandus die gespecialiseerd is in diagnostiek in de buik, gaf aan zich niet zo druk te maken en te zien en voelen dat ze nu al ruuuim 2 kilo woog. De inleiding werd ingepland voor 13 augustus 2023, ik zou een ballon krijgen en moeten blijven tot ze geboren was. De risico’s, voornamelijk op een langdurende bevalling of een keizersnede, waren groot. Tot die tijd nog wel iedere 2 dagen, of als ik me zorgen maakte, terug voor CTG’s en Doppler metingen, en hetzelfde blijft gezegd worden: iedere dag kunnen we besluiten dat onze dame gehaald zou worden, als het niet goed genoeg was. #worstclubbestmembers #nietslieverdaneenkind #ivf #icsi #fertiliteit #infertilitywarrior #punctie #terugplaatsing #worstclubbestmembers #zwanger #geschenk #wonder #babyontheway #echo #radboudumc #erasmusmc #derdetrimester #ctg #doppler #IUGR

5/22/2024, 3:54:11 PM

Η 22α Μαΐου έχει καθιερωθεί ως Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Προεκλαμψίας. Η προεκλαμψία είναι μια σοβαρή κατάσταση στην εγκυμοσύνη που σχετίζεται με αύξηση της αρτηριακής πίεσης. 📌 Μπορεί να συμβεί οποτεδήποτε μετά την 20ή εβδομάδα κύησης ως και 6 εβδομάδες μετά τον τοκετό 📌 Επηρεάζει 1 στις 10 κυήσεις παγκοσμίως 📌 Αποτελεί την κύρια αιτία μητρικού και νεογνικού θανάτου 📌 Είναι μια απ'τις σημαντικότερες αιτίες πρόωρου τοκετού Εκδηλώνεται με: ☑️ Έντονο πονοκέφαλο ☑️ Οίδημα προσώπου και άκρων ☑️ Δυσκολία στην αναπνοή ☑️ Ναυτία που εμφανίζεται στο δεύτερο τρίμηνο ☑️ Διαταραχές στην όραση Μάθετε περισσότερα για την προεκλαμψία εδώ: https://maternacare.gr/klinikes-plhrofories/pathologia-kyhshs/ypertasi-kyhshs-proeklampsia/ #preeclampsia #pregnancy #preeclampsiasurvivor #eclampsia #highriskpregnancy #hellpsyndrome #baby #preemiestrong #rainbowbaby #momlife #pregnancycomplications #infertility #pregnant #postpartum #preemiebaby #iugr #prematurebaby #motherhood #pregnancyhealth #womenshealth #obstetrics #obgyn #προεκλαμψία #εκλαμψία #υπέρτασηκύησης #εγκυμοσύνη #τοκετός #προωρότητα #γυναικολόγος

5/22/2024, 2:36:57 PM

"Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy. With preeclampsia, you might have high blood pressure, high levels of protein in urine that indicate kidney damage (proteinuria), or other signs of organ damage. Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had previously been in the standard range. Left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to serious - even fatal - complications for both the mother and baby," ( Mayo Clinic). #preeclampsia #pregnancy #preeclampsiasurvivor #preemie #preeclampsiaawareness #nicu #weeker #nicubaby #eclampsia #highriskpregnancy #nicumom #hellpsyndrome #baby #preemiestrong #rainbowbaby #o #momlife #gestationaldiabetes #pregnancycomplications #infertility #pregnant #micropreemie #postpartum #babyboy #preemiebaby #iugr #prematurebaby #motherhood #pregnancyhealth #maternalmentalhealth

5/22/2024, 1:55:22 PM

Doula Kelly has a little personal story for you today! 28 years ago, as a fresh 16 year old, I gave birth to my very first baby, Abigail. I was induced at 39 weeks due to IUGR, and was absolutely TERRIFIED of what was about to happen. When I checked in to Deaconess, my first nurse looked me in the eye, and said “I hope you know this could take DAYS.” 😳 I received pitocin at 7am, started really feeling things around 9am, labored in my bed, in my hospital room, with no alternative (so I thought), for hours until I was told I could have IV pain meds (Stadol). I half dozed for about an hour, woke up to the most intense pain I’ve ever felt, and requested an epidural. I was 4cm dilated when I got my epidural and the doc broke my water, 90 minutes later, I woke up from a nap, and told anyone who would listen that I “felt something”…over and over I was told “you’re probably having a contraction … don’t worry about it…it’s just pressure, you’re fine.” Continued in comments… #birthstory #doula #induction #iugr #doula #career #womenownedbusiness #smallbusiness #happybirthday #teenmom #hospitalbirth #birthexperience #traumainformedcare #birthjourney

5/22/2024, 5:10:11 AM

It has taken me two years to complete Reed’s birth story, but with Reed turning two this month, I wanted to document what we experienced back in May of 2022. There were times I didn’t think I would ever come to be able to share all that happened, but this process was cathartic and I believe a large part of my healing process. It can be easy to share the good, perfect, ideal, and hard to share the not so pretty, difficult, or heavy. But I’m here to say time does offer healing and it is possible to get through whatever “hard” is thrown your way. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ After a high risk pregnancy and difficult birth + postpartum, Reed and I were separated for 11 days shortly after he was born. Those were the darkest 11 days of my life —I’ve never felt pain that deep. No mama should be separated from their baby, but more importantly, no baby should ever be separated from their mama. And even though we will never get those 11 days back, we are now on the other side, and our hearts are so full with Reed being a part of our family. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I took these photos of Reed on May 18th this year, the day he turned two. You can find the full story on my blog or in my stories.

5/22/2024, 2:52:14 AM

Happy NICUversary Roman✨ I cant believe it’s been a year since you’ve come home to us. Those 42 days were hard yet so redemptive from your sisters NICU experience. It was so amazing to have you cared for by the same incredible doctors and nurses as Reign and to remain connected to them. From 2lbs to 26 lbs…from 6th percentile to the 83rd you have THRIVED! Keep being incredible sweet boy❤️ #nicuversary #31weeker #iugr #intrauterinegrowthrestriction #iugrbaby #iugrsurvivor #iugrawareness #nicu #nicugrad #nicunurse #niculife #nicugraduate #preemie #preemiestrong #preemieparents #preemiepower #preemiemom #miraclebaby #miraclemamasllc

5/21/2024, 7:22:35 PM

Individuals with Williams Syndrome tend to be "small" compared to their peers. This made so much sense to us once Ainsley had her diagnosis because she has always been very small for her size, and now we had another question answered! When I first started to research WS, it didn't even cross my mind that Ainsley may not live a full life. As I typed Williams Syndrome into the google search bar and saw "life expectancy" pop up as a frequently asked question, my heart froze. I contemplated even clicking on it because I didn't want to know the answer. I didn't want to be faced with the reality that I would have to say goodbye to another one of my daughters. I was sick to my stomach and the pain of losing Ava flooded my body. But I knew I HAD to know... so I clicked. To say I was relieved is an understatement when I saw that most individuals with WS have a normal life expectancy as long as there aren't any major health issues. But that's the same for all of us, right?? While we have a long road ahead of us and a lot of uncertainties for Ainsley's health, at this time she is HEALTHY and we couldn't be more grateful and optimistic for her future! . . #williamssyndromeawareness #WS #lifeexpectancy #raregeneticdisorder #IUGR

5/20/2024, 6:51:15 PM

Treatment for IUGR typically involves monitoring the baby’s growth and health utilizing medical interventions such as medications and nutrition therapy and reducing risks associated with delivery. With appropriate medical care and monitoring most babies with IUGR can go on to have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. To Consult Dr. LAKSHMI B A, GYNAECOLOGIST , OBSTETRICIAN & SONOLOGIST, KARNATAKA, Call: 8105714580 #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #BabyDevelopment #PregnancyComplications #FetalHealth #HighRiskPregnancy #IUGRAwareness #FetalGrowth #HealthyPregnancy #IUGRSupport #PregnancyHealth #BabyWeight #MaternalHealth #IUGRPrevention #PregnancyJourney #FetalMonitoring #IUGRInfo #BabyBump #PrenatalCare #NewMom

5/18/2024, 4:14:30 PM

No matter how many times I hear this, it bothers me every time. People casually bring up another baby without knowing how profoundly deep my trauma runs. My trauma makes the thought of another pregnancy unbearable, and someone insinuating that I should have another baby makes me feel like they think I should suffer again. #birthtrauma #maternalmentalhealth #maternalmentalhealthawarness #birthptsd #postpartumptsd #familysize #maternalhealth #preeclampsia #HELLPsyndrome #prolapsedcord #IUGR #preemie #PPROM #prematureruptureofmembranes #emergencycsection #emergencycesarean #csection #urgentcsection #shoulderdystocia #cordcompression #ectopicpregnancy #infantloss #miscarriage #placentaprevia #eclampsia #deepveinthrombosis #pregnancycomplications #postpartumhemorrhage #postpartumpulmonaryembolism #pregnancyhypertension

5/18/2024, 12:01:49 AM

Anemia, kurang darah bila dibilang secara awam, ditandai dengan gejala letih, lesu, dan sering pingsan. Pada kehamilan, dampaknya lebih besar loh ibunda, beberapa diantaranya: - Pertumbuhan janin terhambat (janin cenderung kecil) - kontraksi prematur rahim - perdarahan dalam kehamilan - resiko persalinan prematur - resiko keguguran janin - dan resiko lainnya dalam kehamilan Bebas dari anemia dalam kehamilan diukur dengan nilai normal laboratorium Hemoglobin 11 - 10,5 -11 g/dl tiap trimester kehamilan. #anemia #anemiadalamkehamilan #pertumbuhanjaninterhambat #iugr #keguguran #dokterspesialiskandungan #usg

5/17/2024, 6:32:33 PM

Thank you so much to all who sponsored this batch of crocheted items. 💚💙 We love seeing old and new names each time we do this. #infantloss #sids #miscarriage #stillborn #neonatalloss #IUGR #chd #childloss #lifeafterloss #1in4 #grief #bereavedparents #placentalabruption #PPROM #bereavedfathers #TFMR #bereavedmothers #incompententcervix #pretermlabor #lossmothers #etsyshop #donationofprofits #podcast

5/17/2024, 3:26:24 PM

Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) is a condition that occurs when a baby does not grow at the expected rate in the womb. Lifestyle changes can help manage IUGR and promote healthy fetal growth. For Appointments Visit Shifa Maternity Hospital, Call us at 9426786350 #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #BabyDevelopment #PregnancyComplications #FetalHealth #HighRiskPregnancy #IUGRAwareness #FetalGrowth #HealthyPregnancy #IUGRSupport #PregnancyHealth #BabyWeight #MaternalHealth #IUGRPrevention #PregnancyJourney #FetalMonitoring #IUGRInfo #BabyBump #PrenatalCare #NewMom

5/17/2024, 11:45:43 AM

Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) is a condition in which a baby does not grow at the expected rate in the womb. Risk factors for IUGR include maternal age smoking alcohol use poor nutrition and pre-existing health conditions. For Appointments Visit:http://medsurgeclinics.com/ or Call us at 8341152153, 8341153154 #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #BabyDevelopment #PregnancyComplications #FetalHealth #HighRiskPregnancy #IUGRAwareness #FetalGrowth #HealthyPregnancy #IUGRSupport #PregnancyHealth #BabyWeight #MaternalHealth #IUGRPrevention #PregnancyJourney #FetalMonitoring #IUGRInfo #BabyBump #PrenatalCare #NewMom

5/17/2024, 8:29:05 AM

“A regular two year old.” ⁣ ⁣ I don’t know what else to say or what more of a caption to write but Olivia’s cardiology visit today was the best one she’s ever had. Our cardiologist, who we adore, said she has learned so much from Olivia. That she, Olivia, is the author of her own story and that regardless of what numerous medical diagnoses she has, Olivia is going to prove that she’s so much more than what is written in her medical chart. ⁣ ⁣ So here’s to Olivia… a regular two year old, with a wonderfully functioning heart who has been through so much and who now will only see cardiology once a year! 🎉🎉🎉⁣ ⁣ #chd #chdawareness #dorv #vsd #iugr #heartwarrior #heartmom #conqueringchd #openheartsurgerysurvivor #openheartsurgery #zipperclub #toddlerlife

5/16/2024, 8:59:00 PM

When I brought Milanah in last night I was just being proactive since she was awake and her sats were low. I knew once she was asleep she would need oxygen. Which is a baseline to get her checked out, even though we have it in the home her parameters vary based on the situation so she always needs to be checked out first. Knowing the pneumonia was so recent I was scared it was back and decided to take her in before she fell asleep. Somewhere between the short car ride from home to the hospital she had dropped from 92 to 86 - they quickly rushed her in from triage and started the blow by oxygen as well as 8 puffs of ventalin.. They also gave her a round of dex to open up her airways. Once she was more stable we went and did a chest X-ray. That showed her pneumonia from a month ago was basically still the same, maybe a little better but it takes 6 weeks to show any improvement usually and we’re not there yet. So thankfully it likely wasn’t the pneumonia coming back. The Dr said it was likely something viral or an asthmatic flare up - at this point we’re pretty positive she does have childhood asthma due to prematurity but we’re going to talk more about it at her next pulmonologist appointment. Thankfully we were able to go home due to us having oxygen in the home still and the correct monitors and comfort level to be deciphering when and how much. She did need oxygen to sleep last night but has been great so far this morning! We’re super thankful for the emergency nurses at LHSC, unfortunately most of them know us but they’re always such a delight and so many of them stop in to see Milanah when she’s there. She literally loves the nurses there. It’s so nice to see how much they care for my girl and the sweet impression she’s made on them ❤️ . . #lifeafternicu #25weeker #trachealbronchus #chroniclungdiseaseofprematurity #iugr #fightlikepreemie #preemiepower

5/16/2024, 5:18:51 PM

Gebelikte şiddetli hipertansiyon ve gelişme geriliği nedeniyle 33+5 haftada dünyaya getirdigim 1640 gramlık Kuzey bebeği 2 kg olarak tekrar kucağımıza almanın mutluluğunu paylaşıyoruz,Demirbağ ailesinin gözü aydın, sağlıkla büyüsün.Hastanemiz yenidoğan yoğun bakım ekibine çok teşekkürler 🙏🥰🧿 #medicanaizmir #medicanasağlık #medicanainternationalizmir #medicanaperinatoloji #perinatolojiuzmanı #riskligebelikler #riskligebelikuzmanı #perinatolojidoktoru #kadındoğumuzmanı #iugr #preeclampsia #gelişmegeriliği #sezaryen #riskligebeliktakibi #taramatestleri #fetaldna# #gebeliktehipertansiyon #gebeliktakibivedoğum #detaylıultrason #dopplerultrason #ayrıntılıultrason#

5/16/2024, 6:17:54 AM

NICU life is such a strange and often emotionally hard experience. I never thought I would be in a position that I have to ask for permission to hold my baby. I never thought a stranger would know personality traits about my daughter that I didn’t. Keeping your phone on loud for the few hours you go home to sleep in case you get a call that something has gone wrong. Waiting and longing for the day you can bring the last piece of your family home to finally feel whole. Some days are better than others. A lot of days involve more tears than I’d like to admit. I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone and I pray for all of those going through a similar situation. After battling infertility and loss I am so beyond grateful to be able to hold this little girl in my arms even if it’s just for a few hours a day, but man is it a tough pill to swallow after everything we’ve already been through. You truly don’t know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice. I hope at least that someday Layla will know just how hard we fought for her and never once gave up on her. I find peace knowing that this isn’t our story, only a chapter 💕 #rainbowbaby #nicubaby #nicumom #nicu #preemie #preemiestrong #preemiebaby #infertility #misscarriagesurvivor #infertilitywarrior #intrauterinegrowthrestriction #fetalgrowthrestriction #iugrbaby #iugr

5/16/2024, 3:21:31 AM

Mother’s Day was hard this year. It is a reminder of this beautiful human I get to mother but also brings a dark unknown cloud over my heart. This year, we did bring Dean to Riley’s grave. I questioned it at first but instead of scaring him, Dean told me he felt better because he was able to “see” where his baby sister is. Matt, Dean and I went to see her gravesite, and when back at the car, Dean ran back. He said he wanted to go himself. It wasn’t far and we could see him, but after I turned around upon a minute of waiting, I see this image. The image of a big brother praying over his sister’s grave site. The image of my heart, also holding another part of my heart. Riley, we didn’t get to hold you, but you hold such a big part our heart and minds. Rest easy, baby girl. Happy late Mother’s Day to all of you mamas- hug your babies close if you can! ♥️🤍🙏 #babyloss #gravesites #stillbirth #stillborn #infantloss #grief #pregnancyloss #babylossawareness #in #lifeafterloss #mothersday #childloss #babylosssupport #stillbornstillloved #bereavedparents #griefjourney #angelbaby #miscarriageawareness #griefsupport #stillbirthawareness #intrauterinegrowthrestriction #babylosscommunity #pregnancyandinfantloss #miscarriagesupport #loss #love #godisgood #pregnancylossawareness #iugr

5/15/2024, 11:58:24 PM

May 15th is International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day! So in honor of IKCAD, we are sharing our first kangaroo care with our precious Reign & Roman! We had to wait until she reached 2 lbs & all umbilical lines were out which took about 9 days. But it was WELL worth the wait. I was readmitted to L&D for stroke level pressure after an incision check. Holding my sweet girl for the first time was LIFE-changing and healing for me. With Roman, I was able to hold him on Day 2 of life and it was so healing and redeeming after all we had gone through with Reign. Daddy also held him that same day. He immediately reacted to our voices but honestly, we needed his touch just as much after a long L&D admission prior to his birth. To all the NICU mamas waiting on their turn to hold their little ones, be patient. It’s gonna happen right on time, when you need it most and it will be SO worth it❤️ #internationalkangaroocareday #26weeker #31weeker #micropreemie #nicugrad #nicubaby #iugr #iugrbaby #hellpsyndromesurvivor #preeclampsia #preeclampsiasurvivor #prematurity #preemie

5/15/2024, 10:41:44 PM

🦠 SAI CHE IL MICROBIOTA PATERNO PUO’ INFLUIRE SULLA SALUTE DELLA SUA PROGENIE? Eh si miei cari papà, voi che generalmente non riponete così attenzione nella salute e nello stile di vita rispetto alle vostre consorti, stavolta invece tocca proprio a voi! Quel contributo fondamentale che date deve essere di qualità! Curate il vostro stile di vita perché è anche questo che influenza la salute dei vostri figli! Nella foto tanta rucola e semini ad accompagnare una bresaola buonissima 🤤 #lanutrizionistamangiacose #microbiota #microbiotamaschile #salutedeifigli #disbiosi #bassopesoallanascita #iugr #fertilità #infertilità #stiledivita #curalatuasalute

5/15/2024, 10:31:51 PM

It’s been AWHILE since our last donation sponsorship opportunity. This time @inspiredbyezra even made an octopus for donation! Save the date for Thursday! 💚💙 #infantloss #sids #miscarriage #stillborn #neonatalloss #IUGR #chd #childloss #lifeafterloss #1in4 #grief #bereavedparents #placentalabruption #PPROM #bereavedfathers #TFMR #bereavedmothers #incompententcervix #pretermlabor #lossmothers #etsyshop #donationofprofits #podcast

5/14/2024, 4:00:14 PM

Fascinating discussion on Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) at Ovum Hospital! Dr. Bharathi Reddy SK & Dr. Sharath S Ghalige delivered a fantastic Perinatal Meet today, diving deep into IUGR - its causes, diagnosis, and management. Want to learn how to ensure optimal fetal health? Stay tuned for more! For more information, Visit us at: https://ovumhospitals.com/ Bhattarahalli - 080 2991 5453 Banashankari - +91 91485 85366 Hennur - +91 96320 82665 Hoskote- 080 6842 5000 Kalyan Nagar - +91 70228 03385 HSR Layout - 080 4344 3000 #IUGR #pregnancycare #ovumhospital #yourtrustedpartner  #cometoovum

5/14/2024, 1:06:02 PM

Being your momma is my favorite thing in this whole world. You bring me joy I didn’t know was possible. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. I love you, my sweet, beautiful Harper-Ensley!! #harperensley #momma #mothersday #singlemom #preemie #iugr #sga #idiopathicshortstature

5/12/2024, 11:47:14 PM

40 weeks of growing baby B. From the moment I learned he was measuring small (IUGR), I dreamt about making it full-term. Each doctor’s appointment, every scan and screening brought lots of fear and tears. Through it, Matt and I grew closer, hanging onto each other for strength. I made sure every calorie went to baby. I didn’t workout and ate like a body builder for months. Doctors offered no clear answers, suggesting it might just be genetics or a placenta issue. If Baby’s growth stopped, we would need to bring him earth side sooner. The thought scared the living daylights out of me. As my due date (May 3rd) approached, my surf bestie @mahnaghafori convinced me to do one last photo shoot on the beach. A mere 3 days before baby boy was born, we had ourselves an intimate sunset moment at one of my favorite surf spots. The moment I saw these photos on Mahna’s phone, I cried. In that moment, I realized I had poured every ounce of love and care into growing this baby. I created him from scratch, a human just right for my body. Even though this was not the pregnancy I wished for, it’s the one that brought me baby B three days later. Happy Mother’s Day to all my fellow warrior moms ❤️ #highriskpregnancy #iugr #sga #maybaby #firstbaby #babyboy #firstmothersday #surferbabyinthemaking

5/12/2024, 8:50:24 PM

Mother's Day is hard for a lot of people, including those who have lost a child. We know that there is a separate day for Bereaved Mother's Day, but you deserve to celebrate today, too. You ARE a mother and always will be. We see you, and we sit with you in your grief today whether you have living children or not. #friendsoffinnegan #mothersday #stillamom #stillbirth #infantloss #infertility #niculoss #miscarriage #ectopicpregnancy #tfmr #failedivf #iugr #pprom #placentalabruption #griefsupport #measuretheplacenta

5/12/2024, 5:24:49 PM

Happy Mother’s Day to all my Babies’ Moms😍 With Love & Gratitude And blessings from the One Above !! ❤️❤️🙏🙏 #drseemawadhwagynae #gynaecareandcureclinic #pretermbaby #laparoscopy #roboticsurgery #fibroids #fibroidclinic #iugr #labourpains #cesareansection #endometriosis #bestgynaeinmohali #bestgynaeinchandigarh

5/12/2024, 2:09:36 PM

I know that Mother’s Day can be triggering for those who have lost their Mothers or unborn babies, but I want you to know that I feel you. For 2 1/2 months in my third trimester, I cried multiple times per day, fearing that my unborn child would not make it out of the womb. I wrote about my pregnancy complications for Business Insider (link to story in my bio)👩🏻‍💻 How could life be so cruel, I thought, and allow me to bond with this baby, only to take her away from me? Neonatal doctors, high risk pregnancy specialists, strapped me to all kinds of machines 3-5x a week for ten weeks to monitor Lyra’s heart, fluids, and every movement to ensure she didn’t die a stillborn ⚕️I wondered what I did to experience this kind of pain and uncertainty. My NICU baby fought for her life and the universe decided I was going to be her Mom. When people ask, “Why don’t you have more kids?” I just smile and say, “I already got my dream child.” They don’t understand how much trauma I am still healing from, 8 years later ❤️‍🩹 Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas, especially those who have lost a baby angel or their own beloved Mothers. Don’t stop doing the inner work to heal 👼🏻 We have the ability to get through rollercoasters and obstacles 💪🏽 . . . . . . . . . . #intrauterinegrowthrestriction #iugr #iugrbaby #nicubaby #nicumom #trauma #traumahealing #mothersdaytrigger #mothersdaytriggerawareness #writergram

5/12/2024, 2:00:00 PM

Today we honored our boys at @kats5k for @friends.of.angels! It was the first time in years that it didn’t rain for the event. It was a wonderful way to start Mother’s Day weekend, honoring all our babies who aren’t physically here. 💙💚 #infantloss #sids #miscarriage #stillborn #neonatalloss #IUGR #chd #childloss #lifeafterloss #1in4 #grief #bereavedparents #placentalabruption #PPROM #bereavedfathers #TFMR #bereavedmothers #incompententcervix #pretermlabor #lossmothers #etsyshop #donationofprofits #podcast

5/12/2024, 3:01:56 AM

... Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). It is a condition in which the baby's growth slows or stops while in the womb. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including problems with the placenta, maternal health problems, or genetic factors. Babies with IUGR can be born prematurely and have health problems at birth and later in life because of their small size. For more visit our website #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #PregnancyComplications #MaternalHealth #BabyHealth #FetalDevelopment #PreventionIsKey #HealthAwareness #MaternalCare #HighRiskPregnancy #EarlyDetection #FetalMonitoring #HealthyBaby #PrenatalHealth #PlacentalIssues #GrowthRestriction #NeonatalCare #RiskFactors #MedicalResearch #HealthyPregnancy

5/11/2024, 7:56:47 PM

Hola Stella Family, info tentang IUGR kembali lagi nihh👋🏼 Nah, kali ini Stella Maris Fetomaternal akan membahas tentang apa saja jenis IUGR🫡 IUGR memiliki 2 jenis dengan pengertian yang berbeda... Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, Stella Family dapat mengetahuinya pada banner kita ya... Apabila Moms and Dads masih ragu, yuk tanya langsung ke Dokter Fetomaternal kami dengan appointment di nomor: 0811 6046 508 (Appointment dapat dilakukan H-1 saat konsultasi ya Moms and Dads🥰) #stellamarismedan #stellamaris #fyp #stellamarisfetomaternal #fetomaternal #usg #fetomaternalmedan #ibuhamil #bayi #pregnancy #pregnant #like4like #usgfetomaternal #skriningfetomaternal #info #medan #instahealth #sumut #baby #iugr #mom #skrining #skriningfetomaternal

5/11/2024, 3:49:19 AM

Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) is a condition in which an unborn baby does not grow at the expected rate during pregnancy. This can lead to low birth weight a small body size and various health complications. #IUGR #IntrauterineGrowthRestriction #BabyDevelopment #PregnancyComplications #FetalHealth #HighRiskPregnancy #IUGRAwareness #FetalGrowth #HealthyPregnancy #IUGRSupport #PregnancyHealth #BabyWeight #MaternalHealth #IUGRPrevention #PregnancyJourney #FetalMonitoring #IUGRInfo #BabyBump #PrenatalCare #NewMom

5/10/2024, 2:29:37 PM

Being “too big” or “too small” alone is not the problem. Big babies are birth-able and small babies are very likely growing just fine. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or the “too small baby” is a rising trend and diagnosis handed out for nearly any “small baby.” The criteria qualifying a baby as having IUGR varies based on who you ask, and it is difficult to accurately diagnose until after your baby is born. Some say IUGR is occurring when “your baby is smaller than your doctor expects,” or below the 10th percentile on the growth curve. Many mothers are offered induction before a baby reaches term which increases the risk of cesarean birth and time spent in the the NICU. Early induction for a small baby also causes significant challenges with breastfeeding. Some risk factors that contribute to truly growth-restricted babies include: - A mother who smokes during pregnancy - A mother who drinks alcohol during pregnancy - A mother with unusually high blood pressure, infections in pregnancy, chromosomal abnormalities - A mother who has been on certain medications during pregnancy. -A mother who has pre-eclampsia -A mother with poorly managed diabetes In these instances, sometimes it *may* be safer for a baby to be out of the womb than to continue remaining in utero. Prenatal ultrasound is unreliable at determining a baby’s weight in late pregnancy and estimates vary greatly based on changing factors, leading to inaccurate diagnoses of a “small” or “especially “big” baby. Therefore, you must become aware of the rhetoric. Not ALL small babies are compromised babies. The vast majority are not. Here everyone. Listen to yourself. Follow downtobirthshow #birth #bigbaby #cesareanbirth #vbac #iugr #vbacsuccess #physiologicalbirth

5/10/2024, 12:22:38 AM

Anne karnında büyüme geriliği nedeniyle 34 Hf da 1300 Gr olarak dünyaya gelen minik Hilal Umay bebeğimizi 2180 Gr olarak tekrar kucağımıza almanın mutluluğunu paylasiyoruz.,hastanemiz yenidoğan yoğun bakım ekibine destek ve tedavileri için çok teşekkürler 🙏🥰🧿 #medicanaperinatoloji #perinatolojiuzmanı #riskligebelikuzmanı #riskligebelikler #perinatolojidoktoru #iugr #büyümegeriliği #medicanahastanesi #medicanaizmir #medicanainternationalizmir #detaylıultrason #ayrıntılıultrason #dopplerultrason #sezaryen #taramatestleri #gebeliktakibivedoğum #riskligebeliktakibi #fetaldna #kadındoğumuzmanı #perinatolojiuzmanı#

5/9/2024, 7:13:16 PM

What a difference 3 months can make? Our girl is still tiny… but she is healthy, strong, cheeky and happy. #iugr #iugrbaby #nicu #preemie

5/9/2024, 6:18:43 PM

I Cherryish You. Hard to believe she's four months already! She is still in newborn clothes, although some 0-3 month clothes are starting to fit. This month, she started babbling and even shook her rattle for the first time! She is working on her head control, and I can tell she is desperate to get crawling she is constantly moving all of her limbs. Her favourite things this month are shaking her teething beads, playing with her toy spider, reading books with Papa, and dance parties with Mama. She also enjoyed a visit from her Grandma and Grandpa Wyllie, who taught her to stick out her tongue, which she is constantly doing now! She continues to struggle with her sleep, so we are one tired household. She also still has some eating difficulties, although you wouldn't know it with the cutest baby rolls forming. At the end of the month, we head to BC Children's for a bunch of testing, so we ask you to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. In the meantime, we'll enjoy her constant smiles. #achondroplasia #achondroplasiabeautiful #dwarfismawareness #dwarfism #skeletaldysplasia #iugr #preemie #nicubaby #fourmonthsold

5/9/2024, 12:36:36 AM

Aiden James Fix 2/22/24 🥹🩵 5lbs 18in Welcome to the world little one, you are everything. #newborn #heshere #newbaby #welcometotheworld #baby #rainbowbaby #hospitalnewborn #blessed #iugr #iugrbaby #premiebaby #healthybaby #myeverything

2/25/2024, 3:16:54 AM