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🇫🇷 Je dessine vraiment des pages au hasard selon mon envie mais là, j'ai mis au propre trois pages d'affilée et ce passage m'a brisé le coeur 😭 mais bon, la fin n'en est que plus émouvante 😊 j'espère que vous aimez cette histoire, je posterai tout quand j'aurai fini 🇬🇧 I draw the pages in a random order but here I have three pages in a row and this moment always breaks my heart 😭 but it makes the end even more beautiful 😊 I hope you like this story, I'll post everything once I'll be done #art #myart #mangapanel #mystyledrawing #drawing #drawingcontest #manga #anime #internationalmangaaward #originalcharachter #oc #ocdrawing #mangapage #digitaldrawing #digitalpainting #clipstudiopaint #clipstudiopaintpro #characters #characterdesign

5/31/2024, 4:23:41 PM

🇫🇷 Je pense que là je suis sur l'un de mes dessins préférés, j'aime tellement l'alchimie entre Benji et Mikaël 🥰 c'est la dernière page de mon one shot alors je ne voulais pas la révéler tout de suite mais j'ai eu tellement envie de l'encrer et je l'aime tellement que je n'ai pas résisté 😆 🇬🇧 I think this one's one of my favourite drawings so far, I love the dynamic between my two guys 🥰 it's the last page of my one shot so I didn't want to share it now but I was so excited to draw it and so proud that I just couldn't wait 😆 #art #myart #mystyledrawing #drawing #drawingcontest #internationalmangaaward #mangapanel #mymanga #manga #anime #clipstudiopaint #clipstudiopaintpro #digitaldrawing #digitalpainting #artist #artistsoninstagram #artstagram #oc #characters

5/26/2024, 6:34:12 PM

• This sunlight I've never seen before • 🇫🇷 J'ai fini la première page de mon manga pour le International manga award ! C'est la page 15 mais je voulais commencer par une page simple histoire de prendre la main 😊 comme dans un vrai manga, ça se lit de haut en bas, de droite à gauche (même si là il faut aussi défiler vers la droite, c'est confusant 😥) Vous pourrez retrouver la page entière dans ma story parce qu'encore une fois, merci Instagram et ses formats de post 😉 🇬🇧 My first manga page fir the International manga award is done ! It's page 15 but I wanted to start with an easy one to train a bit 😊 as in a real manga, you have to read from right to left and from up to down (it's confusing cause you also need to scroll to the right 😥) You can find the entire page in my story because once again, thank you Instagram for the post format 😉 #art #mymanga #myart #mystyledrawing #drawing #draw #drawingcontest #internationalmangaaward #mangapanel #manga #anime #oc #characters #mystyle #thissunlighti'veneverseenbefore #digitaldrawing #digitalart #digitalpainting #clipstudiopaint #clipstudiopaintpro

5/22/2024, 6:51:19 PM

🇫🇷 J'AI FINI ! J'ai fini mon storyboard pour le concours ! Le sentiment d'accomplissement est juste incroyable 😆 j'ai 18 pages en tout et j'en profite pour vous montrer mes moments favoris J'ai décidé de faire court comme c'est la première fois mais d'axer le propos sur l'émotion plus que sur de l'action, et honnêtement, le résultat me fait extrêmement plaisir 🥰 🇬🇧 FINALLY ! Finally I've done it ! The achievement is incredible for me 😆 I did 18 pages and here's my favourite moments I decided to make it short and to focus more on the feelings rather than the action and honestly, the result really makes me happy 🥰 #art #myart #mystyledrawing #drawing #mymanga #manga #mangapanel #storyboard #story #contest #drawingcontest #internationalmangaaward #work #hardwork #characters #oc #ocdrawing #artist #artistsoninstagram #artstagram #improvement #artistsupport

5/17/2024, 8:15:17 PM

🇨🇵 Aujourd'hui pas de gros posts, je suis en train de préparer beaucoup de choses qui vont arriver (et de réviser pour mes exams 😭) mais il y a du soleil sur mon bureau alors je me devais de faire une jolie photo de mon atelier storyboard ^^ 🇬🇧 Today is a little post, I've got a lot of work in progress (and I must study for my exams 😭) but there's a pretty sunlight in my room so I had to take a cute picture of my storyboard stuff ^^ #art #artist #artwork #artstyle #mymanga #mystyledrawing #manga #mangapanel #storyboard #work #internationalmangaaward #drawing #sketching #sketch

4/29/2024, 6:27:44 PM

We are inviting Floridian manga artists to apply for the 18th International MANGA Award! The International MANGA Award is a government sponsored competition and award to find and encourage new talented manga artists overseas. Applications are carefully examined by a group of Japan's renowned artists, and winners will be invited to Japan for the final award ceremony. There, they can meet Japan's key representatives and professional artists in the manga industry. This competition could be the way you make your big debut in Japan! Applications are open until July 5th, 2024. We were pleased that three Floridian manga artist-to-be applied for this award last year. With many Floridians aspiring to be great manga artists, we are looking forward to receiving many entries from applicants in Florida. When this award started in 2006, it was Consul General Kazuhiro Nakai who was the Director of Cultural Exchange at The Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He established this award and is confident of its many positive prospects. CG Nakai would be particularly thrilled to see more Floridian artists apply for this award. Here is the link to the application information- (copy text and paste) @mofa.jp_en @mofa.jp_jp @webjapan_mofajp #InternationalMangaAward #18InternationalMangaAward #floridamangaartist #miamimangaartist #mofa

4/22/2024, 10:53:14 PM

⚠️ ¡Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para el 18 Japan International MANGA Award!🥳 Aquí te dejamos algunas de las razones por las cuales creemos que deberías apuntarte 👇👇 ¿A qué esperas? ✨🏆 #internationalmangaaward

4/22/2024, 1:41:41 PM

🤩Y para no perder el ritmo, aquí estamos desde la Embajada de Japón con una noticia que muchos esperan: ¡Abierta desde el 12 de abril la convocatoria para el 18vo Concurso Internacional de Manga! 🥳 Para los que nos leen por vez primera, brevemente decirles que el Premio Internacional de Manga fue fundado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores japonés en 2007. El objetivo: ampliar el intercambio internacional y el entendimiento mutuo a través de la cultura manga.🇯🇵🌏 Como lo oyen, así que avísenles a todos, novatos, seguidores, avezados y hasta a los aburridos: ¡el Manga ya está aquí!🧝‍♂️🙌 🤓Todos los detalles en este link: #embajadadejaponencuba #internationalmangaaward #amistadcubajapon #mangaencuba🇯🇵🇨🇺

4/16/2024, 7:37:10 PM

Appel à candidatures 📢 | Le Ministère des Affaires étrangères du Japon lance son 18ème Prix International du Manga ! ✒️🗯 Dans le but de promouvoir les échanges internationaux à travers la culture manga, les créateurs de manga/bande dessinée du monde entier son appelés à présenter leurs œuvres. Une grande diversité de styles, de formats ou encore de thématiques sont présentés et récompensés chaque année. N’hésitez pas à consulter le détail des critères d’éligibilité sur la page ci-dessous. Peut-être pourrez-vous voir vos travaux primés et être invité.e au Japon pour la cérémonie de remise des prix ! 🗓️ Inscriptions du 12/04 au 05/07/2024 👉 #internationalmangaaward #manga #bandedessinee #mangafrançais #concoursmanga

4/15/2024, 4:30:26 PM

Hoy, en #ConectaJapón, entrevistamos a @ana_oncina, una mangaka española que nos contará su trayectoria y su experiencia siendo ganadora del Premio de Plata en los International Manga Awards. ✍️ ❓ ¿Tienes alguna pregunta para ella? #internationalmangaaward

3/27/2024, 11:51:40 AM

Kyoto. Gracias por tanto❤️ 京都。 本当にありがとうございました❤️ @consuladojaponbcn #internationalmangaaward #kyoto

3/10/2024, 8:38:22 AM

Tokyo. Gracias por tanto.🩷 東京。本当にありがとうございました。🩷 @consuladojaponbcn #internationalmangaaward #tokyo

3/10/2024, 8:02:48 AM

My comic The dancing Universe has just got Silver award on Japan international manga award 17th. What a wonderful way to end a year of hard work! 🎉 #internationalmangaaward

1/2/2024, 6:57:05 PM

Artist: Asaf Hanuka @realistcomics Artist: Tomer Hanuka @tropical_toxic Writer: Boaz Lavie The Divine / Le Divin Originally published in French by Dargaud Published in English by First Second Books 2015

12/30/2023, 4:06:30 PM

Iogi is a comic book consisting of 11 topical daily stories happening around the Iogi train station in Suginami - Tokyo. The stories are lyrical, melancholic, and raw. The script was written by a Czech-French author who lives in the area with his Japanese wife and kids. Each story is drawn under supervision by a different student at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic). Reading this was an interesting experience although at times it felt a bit dull due to the nature of the stories, i.e. daily life. Sometimes the art style felt appropriate sometimes not. I would not enthusiastically recommend this to others but if you have time you can give it a try. Iogi was awarded a bronze medal at the International manga awards 2021. The book cover art is amazing. 👌 It was published (so far in the Czech language) by @kavkaartbookstore #manga #comics #czechcomics #czechmanga #japanesecomic #czechart #czechillustration #czechdesign #internationalmangaaward #iogi #kniha #knihomol #book #booklover #bookstagram #copravectu #dnesctu

8/8/2023, 3:52:22 PM

After an exhausting weekend at the Pustaka Bookfair in Kuching, Sarawak, where I had a non-stop signing autograph session and met with numerous fans,😇 I decided to take a day off to recuperate. Today, I am occupied with sending physical copies of documents to the Japan Embassy. This process has reminded me of my past achievements, particularly the two Japan International Manga Awards I received.✨️🙏✨️ The first award "LeGardenie" 2007, unfortunately, wasn't related to my intellectual property (IP), and as a result, I couldn't leverage it in any way. However, the second award, "ATAN" 2015 turned out to be my own IP. This has been a stroke of luck, and I am truly grateful for it.😌 Now, the question arises: what comes next? Although I may not be as fortunate to win this award again, I cannot deny the possibility of considering entering the competition again in the future. If I come up with any suitable works that I believe are worthy of competing, I will definitely give it a try.💪 Hopefully, a special idea will soon spark in my mind. Regardless of the outcome, I am immensely thankful for these two awards, as they have played a significant role in sustaining and fueling my passion for the Malaysian comic industry.😎 I appreciate the opportunities these accolades have provided, and they have been instrumental in keeping me motivated to continue my fight for the betterment of our local comic industry.❤️ #Internationalmangaaward #ATAN #LeGardenieAuthor #BenWong #Benkomikology @komikm @kedaibookcafe

8/1/2023, 1:20:39 PM

Les cuento un poco de la historia de mi primer libro Palma Sola. Esta novela grafica la hice en conjunto con mi padre Gerardo quien escribio la historia. Tuve muchos obstaculos en mi país RD tratando de publicarlo y nunca lo logré, rechazos y puertas cerradas… luego tuve la suerte de conocer al sensei Yamamoto que me motivo a participar en el concurso de manga. Me dedique a traducir el libro al inglés y a enviarlo, sin ningún objetivo de ganar más bien el de saber la opinión de los expertos del manga y para mi sorpresa ganamos medalla de bronce. Mi carrera artistica se disparo luego de ganar esta competición tan dificil. Espero motivarlos a que se atrevan a realizar cualquier que sea su proyecto. Haganlo y fracasen una y otra vez!! El verdadero fracaso es no intentarlo. El éxito es para los valientes y los locos. I will tell you a little about the history of my first book, “Palma Sola”. I made this graphic novel together with my father Gerardo who wrote the story. I had many obstacles in my country DR trying to publish it and I never succeeded, rejections and closed doors... then I was lucky enough to meet sensei Yamamoto who motivated me to participate in the manga contest. I dedicated myself to translating the book into English and sending it, with no goal of winning, rather knowing the opinion of manga experts and to my surprise we won bronze medal. My artistic career skyrocketed after winning this difficult competition. I hope to motivate you to dare and carry out whatever your project is. Do it and fail over and over again!! The real failure is not trying. Success is for the brave and the crazy. TBT- NIHON!! @litevisual #mangaspirit #internationalmangaaward #dominicancomic #comicdominicano #papaliborio #palmasola

7/21/2023, 12:38:55 AM

U okviru jubilarne 25. Balkanske smotre mladih stripa autora, u subotu, prvog jula, u Narodnom muzeju Leskovca otvorena je izložba „Japanski strip kao inspiracija“. Zahvaljujući naporima gospodina Marka Stojanovića, osnivača i organizatora festivala, publika u Srbiji će imati priliku da po prvi put vidi izložbu posvećenu japanskom stripu, odnosno mangi, a koja je organizovana uz direktno učešće Ambasade Japana. Izložbu je otvorila gospođa Ikoma Juki, prvi sekretar Ambasade, ističući da je posebno raduje što saradnja Srbije i Japana jača i na lokalnom nivou, i što interesovanje za japanski jezik i kulturu cveta i u manjim gradovima. „Leskovac je grad bogatog i jedinstvenog kulturnog života, koji je još od 19.veka imao prve narodne čitaonice, knjižare i štamparije. Verujem da i danas želja za sticanjem novih znanja, kao i ljubav prema umetnosti i lepoti bogato živi u Leskovcu, što se da primetiti i putem prelepih izložbi koje su ovde otvorene tokom ovih dana“, naglasila je ona. Izložbu „Japanski strip kao inspiracija“ čine dva dela, odnosno radovi poznate japanske umetnice Mićijo Akaiši, i radovi prošlogodišnjih dobitnika „Internacionalne manga nagrade“. Osim Narodnog muzeja i izložbe „Japanski strip kao inspiracija“, u subotu smo imali priliku da posetimo i Narodnu biblioteku „Radoje Domanović“, sa postavkama „Osećaj/Osećajnost: Zapadna obala Kanade“ i „Vekovnice: Ženski princip u balkanskom stripu“, kao i centralnu izložbu u Leskovačkom kulturnom centru, koja predstavlja retrospektivu prethodnih 25 Balkanskih smotri. @lebiblioteka #manga #internationalmangaaward #leskovac #balkanskasmotramladihstripautora #japanskistrip #mangaartist #narodnabibliotekaradojedomanović

7/4/2023, 2:15:18 PM

El Cònsol General del Japó a Barcelona, Yasushi Sato, ha lliurat a @busquetjosep i @jonatan_cantero el diploma del Premi de Bronze del XVIè Premi Internacional MANGA del Japó, per la seva obra ‘Korokke y el espíritu bajo la montaña’. Enhorabona! 📸Ah! I gràcies a @saliendodemi per les fotos! #manga #comic #bd #Japan #internationalmangaaward #internationalmanga #award #awardwinning

6/1/2023, 8:15:02 PM

16º Prêmio International Manga Award. Cerimonial da entrega do certificado Prêmio Bronze de Amarelo Seletivo pelo Consul Geral do Japão de São Paulo, Sr. Ryosuke Kuwana, que contou também com a presença ilustre da Consul Sra. Asuka Ozutsumi e do Sr. Daigo Tamura, Diretor-Geral da Fundação Japão. Um dia memorável para mim e para o Ricardo Tayra. Felicidade e gratidão. 🥰🌸✨💐 * As inscrições para a edição 2023 do 17º Prêmio internacional de mangá irão até o dia 07 de Julho! Deixo aqui o link com as informações sobre a inscrição 😉: * #talessak #manga @consulgeraljapao_sp @japanfoundation_sp #internationalmangaaward

5/25/2023, 1:53:38 AM

Halo, Sahabat JF! Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia membuka kontes untuk Sahabat JF yang tertarik membuat MANGA nih! Pendaftaran "The 17th Japan International MANGA Award" kembali dibuka untuk penerimaan karya-karya MANGA peserta kontes dalam bentuk fisik maupun PDF. Sebagai bagian dari pemanfaatan budaya pop dalam diplomasi publik, pemerintah Jepang memutuskan untuk menyelenggarakan Kontes Manga Internasional. Penghargaan ini diadakan untuk menghormati seniman manga yang berkontribusi dalam promosi manga di luar Jepang. Pada kontes ini, penghargaan “the Gold Award” akan diberikan kepada 1 karya manga terbaik, “the Silver Award” kepada 3 karya yang unggul, dan “the Bronze Award” akan diberikan kepada beberapa karya lainnya. Selain itu beberapa karya lain mungkin akan mendapatkan penghargaan khusus dari dewan juri. Pemenang “Gold Award” dan “Silver Award” akan diundang untuk menghadiri upacara penghargaan dan rangkaian acara lainnya di Jepang selama kurang lebih 7 hari. Apabila Sahabat JF tertarik, silakan pelajari informasi lebih lengkap di laman berikut: (link di BIO) Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 14 April - 7 Juli 2023. #internationalmangaaward #kontesmanga #jfjakarta #japanfoundation

5/11/2023, 9:03:10 AM

Das japanische Außenministerium ruft wieder Manga-Zeichner aus aller Welt auf, ihre Geschichten vorzustellen. Den besten Zeichnern aus aller Welt winkt eine Einladung nach Tokyo. #Japan #Manga #InternationalMangaAward

4/30/2023, 2:30:14 PM

Sebagai bagian dari pemanfaatan budaya pop dalam diplomasi publik dan untuk menghormati seniman manga🖋 yang berkontribusi ‎dalam promosi manga di luar Jepang🇯🇵, pemerintah ‎Jepang menyelenggarakan 'Kontes Manga Internasional'. ‎🎉 Pendaftaran periode ke-17 atau "The 17th Japan International MANGA Award" telah dibuka sejak tanggal 14 April sampai 7 Juli 2023🗓 Pemerintah Jepang menantikan karya-karya dari seniman manga seluruh dunia!😊🖋🌏 Pada Kontes ini, penghargaan “The Gold Award”🥇 akan diberikan ‎kepada 1 karya manga terbaik, “The Silver Award”🥈🥈🥈 kepada 3 karya yang unggul, serta ‎beberapa karya lainnya akan diberikan “The Bronze Award”.🥉🥉🥉 Selain itu beberapa karya ‎lain mungkin akan mendapatkan penghargaan khusus✨️ dari dewan juri.‎🧐 Sebagai hadiah tambahan, pemenang “The Gold Award” dan “The Silver Award” akan ‎diundang untuk menghadiri upacara penghargaan dan rangkaian acara lainnya di ‎Jepang🇯🇵 selama kurang lebih 7 hari.‎👏🎉 Untuk informasi lebih lengkap silahkan mengunjungi URL di bawah ini:📝 #internationalmangaaward #mangaaward #manga #konsulerjepangmks

4/25/2023, 3:39:27 AM

POČEO "SEDAMNAESTI MEĐUNARODNI KONKURS ZA MANGA RADOVE" JAPANSKA AMBASADA U REPUBLICI SRBIJI OBAVEŠTAVA SVE ZAINTERESOVANE DA JE POČEO „SEDAMNAESTI MEĐUNARODNI KONKURS ZA MANGA RADOVE“ KOJI ĆE TRAJATI OD PETKA, 14. APRILA 2023. GODINE DO PETKA, 07. JULA 2023. GODINE. Zainteresovani svoje aplikacije mogu poslati: *Odeljenju za kulturu Japanske ambasade u Beogradu sa naznakom „Aplikacija za sedamnaesti međunarodni konkurs za manga radove“ (Ul. Trešnjinog cveta 13, 11070 Novi Beograd) *direktno prema uputstvima na linku: Napomena: *Ukoliko aplikaciju dostavljate Ambasadi Japana u Beogradu, dostavite je najkasnije dve nedelje pre isteka prijavnog roka zbog slanja u Japan. Ovaj međunarodni konkurs osnovan je u maju 2007. godine na inicijativu tadašnjeg ministra spoljnih poslova, sa ciljem da se nagrade najbolji manga autori i da se na taj način doprinese popularizaciji manga kulture širom sveta. Dobitnici nagrada su do sada pozivani u Japan od strane Japanske fondacije kako bi prisustvovali ceremoniji dodele nagrada u Tokiju, i tokom boravka u Japanu mogli su da razmene iskustva i mišljenja sa nekim od najboljih manga autora, ali i da posete neke od najeminentnijih izdavačkih kuća i najbitnijih lokaliteta u Japanu. DETALJNE INFORMACIJE O USLOVIMA KONKURSA I APLIKACIONI FORMULAR MOŽETE PREUZETI NA: #manga #mangaartist #mangaaward #japanmanga #日本国際漫画賞 #internationalmangaaward

4/18/2023, 10:01:33 AM

"Hidden Side" (Script : Sylvain Runberg/Illustrations : Olivier Martin/Complete story in two volumes/Futuropolis publishing)Publisher's pitch : "For several years now, Sylvain Runberg's favourite reading material has come from Japan and, as an author, the large paginations, the layout and the very cinematographic setting of manga have made him dream. Olivier Martin, for his part, lived in this country for several years and his wife was born there. That's why they both wanted to make a manga! A long psychological story that plunges into the heart of contemporary Japanese society, where the strict and prized conventions often hide terrible situations. This manga received an International Manga Award in Tokyo in 2010"/"Face Cachée" (Scénario : Sylvain Runberg/Illustrations : Olivier Martin/Récit complet en deux tomes/Editions Futuropolis) Le résumé de l'éditeur : "Depuis plusieurs années, les lectures préférées de Sylvain Runberg lui viennent du Japon et, en tant qu'auteur, les grandes paginations, le découpage et les mises en scène très cinématographiques du manga le font rêver. Olivier Martin, quant à lui, a vécu plusieurs années dans ce pays et sa femme y est née. Et c'est pourquoi tous deux ont eu l'envie de réaliser un manga! Un long récit psychologique qui plonge au cœur de la société nippone contemporaine, où les convenances si strictes et prisées cachent le plus souvent de terribles situations. Ce manga a reçu à Tokyo un International Manga Award en 2010" @olivier_martin_art @sebastiengnaedig @futuropolis

3/4/2023, 10:39:49 AM

Check out our most recent blog on the topic at Feel free to leave your thoughts in the blogs comment section. #internationalmangaaward #internationalmanga

3/1/2023, 10:31:49 PM

We met an artist @REXKOO san through @paosinis from @mill6chat Congratulations on winning the Japan #InternationalMangaAward Got a sign on his cool art book #IKNOWKUNGFU 💥🥋 THX! アーティストのREX KOOさんにお会いしました。日本国際漫画賞の受賞、おめでとうございます!画集にサインもして頂きました🙏🏻

2/10/2023, 11:29:18 AM

TRUYỆN TRANH VIỆT NAM ĐOẠT GIẢI TẠI MANGA QUỐC TẾ NHẬT BẢN Được thành lập từ năm 2007, Giải thưởng Manga Quốc tế Nhật Bản hướng đến mục tiêu khuyến khích và tôn vinh những họa sĩ truyện tranh nằm ngoài lãnh thổ Nhật - nơi được coi là“cái nôi” truyện tranh thế giới. Trong lần trao giải thứ 16, tác phẩm 𝐁𝐚̂̉𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚̂̀𝐲 𝐓𝐮̛𝐨̛̀𝐧𝐠, 𝐜𝐨́ 𝐭𝐡𝐚̂̀𝐲 𝐕𝐮̃ đ𝐞̂́𝐧 𝐭𝐢̀𝐦! đã nhận giải Đồng. Giải thưởng năm nay có 503 tác phẩm được gửi về từ khắp nơi trên thế giới, từ đó ban giám khảo đã đánh giá và chọn ra những tác phẩm chiến thắng bao gồm: 1 giải Vàng, 3 giải Bạc và 11 giải Đồng. Chi tết danh sách các tác phẩm đoạt giải tại link bio #tramdoc #readstation #internationalmangaaward #publishingnews #mangavietnam

12/27/2022, 5:00:05 AM

HOLY AVENGER VOLUME 2 Voltando ao mundo de Arton, continuamos a saga de Lisandra, a druida que está dando tudo de si para reunir os Rubis da Virtude para despertar o Paladino. Novos personagens interessantes aparecem: o pirata Jimmy K. e sua irmã caçula Anne, a cozinheira sem olfato Petra e seu pai necromante Vladislav Tpish, o mago Vectorius e a meia-elfa gladiadora Loriane. Além de conhecer um pouco o passado da elfa Niele, descobrimos que o amor de Lisandra pelo Paladino é falso, fruto de uma poderosa magia incancelável. O que mais chama atenção no encadernado são os momentos com Sandro Galtran, o ladino que entra na arena de Valkaria para ganhar um dos Rubis da Virtude, sob a mentoria de Loriane. Apesar de nunca mais ter se encontrado com aquela que cativou seu coração, Lisandra, ele ainda busca ajudá-la a reunir os rubis. Marcelo Cassaro e Erica Awano conseguem manter um bom ritmo e o humor típico da série, e aos poucos vão revelando os segredos por trás da jornada de Lisandra, Niele, Sandro e Tork (os personagens que formam o núcleo da história). HOLY AVENGER EDIÇÃO DEFINITIVA: VOLUME 2 foi publicado em 2013 pelo #JamboEditora. Nota: 4,5/5,0.

8/9/2022, 7:23:48 PM

Hoy ha sido uno de los días más raros de mi carrera, lo de hacer tebeos nos ha llevado a una comida con el Cónsul de Japón en Barcelona. Es raro, porqué ni siquiera cuando te atreves a soñar a lo grande te imaginas que en Japón van a conocer tus dibujos y les van a gustar tus libros🤯 Para los que nos criamos con Bola de Drac, Dr Slump, Musculman, Lupin, Heidi, el Petit Chef y compañía, algo así es sumamente extraño. La primera vez que tuve idea de que Japón existía fue por su Arte, concretamente por sus Mangas y Animes, recuerdo como alucinaba delante del televisor, esperando que la carta de ajuste terminara para que empezaran los dibujos japoneses. Tenían mi completa atención y fueron mi primera escuela de arte. Dragon Ball en mi cole era una auténtica religión, todos teníamos fotocopias de los dibujos de Toriyama y los días que llovía no podías encontrar un hueco en la ventana para calcar Son Gokus y Bulmas, allargat bastó!! Son muchos recuerdos, como decían mis compañeros, es como cerrar un círculo. Me siento muy feliz por este premio🖤 y vaya lujazo recogerlo al lado de tan grandes artistas, las 3 Jotas!! @jimimacias @jordi_lafebre @jonatan_cantero ARIGATO! @consuladojaponbcn Adeu amics!! Ha!! #mangaaward #manga #internationalmangaaward

5/13/2022, 11:41:54 PM

ההרשמה לתחרות פרס המנגה הבינלאומי ה-16 נפתחה! 🏆✏ התחרות מתקיימת מאז שנת 2007 והינה יוזמה מטעם משרד החוץ היפני, שמטרתה לקדם את תרבות יפן ברחבי העולם באמצעות אומנות המנגה, ולהוקיר תודה לאמני מנגה בינלאומיים אשר לוקחים בכך חלק. בתחרות ישנם 15 זוכים סה"כ - פרס "זהב" אחד, שלושה פרסי "כסף" ו11 פרסי "ברונזה". זוכי הזהב והכסף יוזמנו ליפן להשתתף בטקס חלוקת הפרסים! 🥇🥈🥉 הגשת המועמדות תתאפשר עד ה8 ליולי. פרטים מלאים באתר התחרות. נציין שבעבר היו זוכים ישראלים בתחרות, כך שבהחלט יש לאן לשאוף :) אתר התחרות: לינק לחיץ בסטורי. @israeltaishikan @japaninisrael #mangaawards #internationalmangaaward #mangaka #mangaisrael #mangaart #japanisrael #japanmanga #mangacompetition #מנגה #מנגהישראל

5/13/2022, 1:23:33 PM

Continúa desarrollándose el #Taller de #Dibujo e #Historieta #InkScroll. En apoyo a los jóvenes que planean participar en el #InternationalMangaAward #ConcursoInternacionaldeManga #2022 una de las integrantes más jóvenes del Taller muestra un excelente trabajo con estéticas propias e influenciadas por la escuela japonesa de manga

5/5/2022, 4:27:35 PM

We are happy to announce that the application is now open for the 16th Japan International MANGA Award! 🌸✏️📔 The application period for the Award will be from April 15th to July 8th 2022. We are looking forward to receiving entries from MANGA artists worldwide! (日本国際漫画賞英語版フェイスブックをシェアする→ Website: #manga #mangaart #mangaartist #mangaaward #luxembourg #japan #japaneseculture #context #drawing #internationalmangaaward

4/19/2022, 12:30:37 PM

يسعدنا أن نعلن لكم عن فتح باب التقدم لجائزة #المانغا #اليابانية الدولية السادسة عشرة. حيث ستمتد فترة التقديم للمسابقة من 15 أبريل إلى 8 يوليو 2022. نتطلع إلى تلقي المشاركات من فناني #المانجا من جميع أنحاء العالم. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 We are happy to announce that the application for the 16th #Japan International #MANGA #award is now open. The application period for the competition will be from April 15th until July 8th 2022. We are looking forward to receiving entries from MANGA #artists worldwide. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 #japanese #manga #مانغا #مانجا #اليابان #ياباني #جائزة #مسابقة #مسابقة_المانجا #internationalmangaaward #manga_award

4/19/2022, 10:00:48 AM

Can you see the giant robot from the #hayaomiyazaki movie #castleinthesky staring at us ? ✨ #HappyMemories #Japan #InternationalMangaAwards #VisitAtGhibliMuseum (A collection of smiles at Ghibli Museum (Mitaka/Japan/2011)

3/8/2022, 5:04:06 PM

The 15th Japan International Manga Award 2022 ceremony was held this evening in Japan. What an incredible event to attend. So proud and happy with the 1st Prize for Jours de Sable! Due to Covid and airline restrictions the winners could not attend the show in Japan. But we were able to tune in anyway. Here I am streaming from the Japanese embassy in The Hague. Others tuned in from Japan, Spain, Belgium, Taiwan and even the US. 🇯🇵🇳🇱🇪🇸🇹🇼🇧🇪🇺🇸 The screening and executive committee specifically expressed their support to the Silver Award winner Nataliia Rerekina from Ukraine 🇺🇦, who is in a shelter currently, to seek refuge from the awful events in her country. Everyone in the room was deeply saddened by these events. We were honored to see the Ukrainian ambassador from Japan present at the ceremony. A touching moment for all of us. Manga can connect lives all over the world, it can build bridges in times of war, it can evoke the same emotions among people everywhere. This is why we love it. "I will draw manga till my last breath" said one of the winners. ❤️ Congrats to Nataliia, my dear friend @jordi_lafebre and Cory and Feng Shi, who also won the Silver Awards! Many thanks to the committees of the Japan International Manga Award, Embassy of Japan in the Hague, to Ms Oshima, Ms Suzuki, Ms Satonaka, translator Shione, the Japan Foundation, my publisher @dargaud with @ryun_reuchamps @yvesschlirf @coraline.w ! Arigato!!! ❤️🙏🇯🇵🇺🇦 #mangaaward #manga #internationalmangaaward #japanfoundation #datgaud #aimeedejongh #joursdesable

3/4/2022, 1:43:15 PM

Tanggal 21 November diperingati sebagai Hari Televisi Sedunia dimana kita bisa mengapresiasi peran perangkat ini dalam menyebarkan informasi secara luas. Ragam acara yang kita nikmati lewat TV tidak terlepas dari peran para personil dan kru di belakangnya terutama editor. Inilah yang coba diangkat dalam komik 5 Menit Sebelum Tayang karya Ockto dan Matto. Komik yang pernah hadir di platform Makko, Kosmik dan bentuk cetak ini bahkan pernah memenangkan Silver Award dalam International Manga Award tahun 2013 di Jepang loh. Buat yang penasaran untuk baca masih dijual di berbagai toko online marketplace loh :) . 💥 Follow IG @bangtimur.komik untuk info seputar komik Indonesia 💥 Cek juga channel Youtube bangtimur untuk ulasan komik lokal kita . #haritelevisisedunia #worldtelevisionday #tv #televisi #5menitsebelumtayang #ocktobaringbing #fathanathulhaq #matto #makko #kosmik #editor #reporter #sliceoflife #internationalmangaaward #komikindonesia #365harikomikindonesia

11/22/2021, 5:48:12 AM

#throwbackthursday Tokyo. Night Out. 2011 (photo by @jdmorvan )

10/21/2021, 10:53:03 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 19 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/13/2021, 9:33:17 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 18 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/13/2021, 3:23:25 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 17 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/12/2021, 5:55:44 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 16 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/12/2021, 5:54:09 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 15 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/11/2021, 6:30:53 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 14 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/11/2021, 6:29:46 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 13 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/10/2021, 10:34:06 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 12 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/10/2021, 10:33:19 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 11 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/9/2021, 4:59:49 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 10 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/8/2021, 5:39:31 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 9 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastel

8/8/2021, 10:54:22 AM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 8 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/7/2021, 10:32:21 AM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 7 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/6/2021, 3:45:54 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 6 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastellglobal

8/6/2021, 9:35:44 AM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 5 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastel

8/5/2021, 11:18:47 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 4 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastel

8/5/2021, 10:04:36 AM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 3 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastel

8/4/2021, 10:04:21 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 2 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastell

8/4/2021, 12:12:47 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - PAGE 1 of 19 I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastel

8/3/2021, 11:15:13 PM

Warhead "the flower of liberty" - TITLE COVER I will publish the whole story in the upcoming days!! STAY TUNED AND ENJOY🤞⬇️🎉 I wrote this traditionally drawn comic for the 15th international manga competition of the Japanese Ministry 🇯🇵🈷️ #mangapanel #mangapages #westernmanga #internationalmangaaward #japaneseforeignministry #traditionalcomic #traditionalmanga #comicpage #mangaartist #indiecomic #emergingartist #fabercastel

8/3/2021, 11:12:54 PM

Mukhlis Nur, salah satu komikus berbakat Indonesia yang pernah mendapatkan Bronze Winner di International Manga Award ke-8 tahun 2014 melalui karyanya Only Human ini, berulang tahun pada 25 Juli kemarin loh. Beliau telah membuat berbagai karya seperti komik fantasi Merry & Sherry dalam antologi Kroma dan judul lainnya Knight of Rakshasa bisa kalian nikmati saat ini di RE:ON Comics ya. Yuk kita lihat deretan judul komik yang pernah dibuat oleh Mukhlis dengan nama pena Sinlaire ini :) . 💥 Follow IG @bangtimur.komik untuk info seputar komik Indonesia 💥 Cek juga channel Youtube bangtimur untuk ulasan komik lokal kita . #mukhlisnur #sinlaire #onlyhuman #acquaalta #knightofrakshasa #reoncomic #merryandsherry #kroma #inheritage #fatamorgana #shonenfight #komikindonesia #komikjagoan #komikantologi #komikfantasi #komikwebtoon #linewebtoon #internationalmangaaward #365harikomikindonesia

7/26/2021, 7:26:03 AM

Finally finished Warhead is a one shot comic i did for the 15th international manga award hosted by the Japanese Ministry LINK in bio to read it #internationalmangaaward #comics

7/19/2021, 4:11:31 PM

Some pictures from the printed version! Warhead is a one shot comic i did for the 15th international manga award hosted by the Japanese Ministry LINK in bio to read it #internationalmangaaward #comics

7/19/2021, 4:07:01 PM

There’s some awesome stuff coming soon for the international manga contests I’m entering! Stay tuned ❤️ #wip #internationalmangaaward sketch #workinprogress #typhoonmanga

6/28/2021, 10:22:20 PM

#throwbackwednesday #internationalmangaaward #tokyo #japan #facecachee #2011 @futuropolis @olivier_martin_art

6/23/2021, 9:37:16 PM

Swipe>>> Please tell me 1 photo with a black frame Or 2 with a manga style frame Made for Kyoto international manga and anime awards @feel_kiyomizudera @kyotointernationalmangamuseum Trip to Japan painting complete I am still not great at painting buildings but I think I've done a better job this time This is based on my trip to Kyoto (it was exactly 6 years ago :'( ) #medibangpaint #kyotomangamuseum #kyotomangaanimefair #kyotomangaaward #internationalmangaaward #illustrator #digitalanimation #digitalillustrations #digitalillustrationsart #hinotori #mangaartist #mangaanime #mangaillustration #mangaillustationawrds #kyotointernationalmangamuseum #triptojapan #japanillustration #kyotomanga #kyotoillustration #kinkakujitemple #kiyomizuderatemple #shinai

6/12/2021, 5:35:10 PM

The application period for the 15th Japan International Manga Award is coming to a close July 8, 2021. Don’t forget to submit your manga! Winners of the gold and silver awards will be invited for a 10 day visit to Japan to take part in the awards ceremony! See link in bio to learn more about conditions of entry and how to submit your work.   Bring a little Japan into your home! #japanathome #explorejapan   #japan #manga #comics #japanesecomics #art #graphicnovel #illustration #internationalmangaaward

6/11/2021, 6:44:43 PM

🐳🐳ANNOUNCEMENT 🍭🍭 The 15th Japan International Manga Award are accepting submissions between now and 8th July 2021. The prestigious prize is open to residents outside of Japan who are creating manga, comics and graphic novels. Entries over 16 pages long, published or unpublished can be entered. We’ll be posting more deets soon and the link to the official page for the contest is in our bio . . #internationalmangaaward #mangaaward #mangacompetition #mangaprize #comicprize #japan #illustration

4/16/2021, 11:31:30 AM

Η Πρεσβεία της Ιαπωνίας στην Ελλάδα σας ενημερώνει για την προκήρυξη του διαγωνισμού 15th Japan International Manga Award! Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπείτε στο! #embassyofjapaningreece #embassyofjapan #15thjapaninternationalmangaaward #mangaaward #internationalmangaaward #manga #pressrelease

4/14/2021, 10:30:23 AM

Idag presenterar vi inte en specifik manga på vår #mangamåndag, utan tipsar om att det är öppen tävlingsperiod för prestigefyllda Japan International Manga Award, till den 8:e juli 2021. Detta är en internationell tävling arrangerad av japanska utrikesministeriet som körs för femtonde året. 🎌 International Manga Award riktar sig till internationella tecknare som skapar serier med mangainspiration (vilket, som ni kan se på bilderna, inte alls betyder att de behöver vara likriktade) och vinnarna väljs av en jury som består av representanter från handels- och utrikesepartementena samt japanska serieindustrin. Priskategorierna är guld, silver och brons och de två förstnämnda vinner en resa till Japan för att att delta i prisceremonin, besöka förlag och möta personer ur mangabranschen (!) Tidigare vinnare har kommit från länder som Taiwan, Israel, Colombia, Mongoliet och Belgien - men inga från Sverige än, känns som om det är på tiden nu. Anmälan måste ske på japanska eller engelska, men serierna får vara på vilket språk som helst! 🎌 Det finns en officiell Facebook-sida med namnet @ manga.award (mellanslag så den inte länkar till fel Instagramkonto) och såklart en website: Varifrån vi plockat dessa bilder från tidigare pristagare. #JapanInternationalMangaAward #InternationalMangaAward #mangatävling #manga #mangaaward #serietävling #internationalmangaaward2021 #mangaaward2021

4/12/2021, 5:19:11 PM

Hari Buku Anak Sedunia diperingati pada tanggal 2 April kemarin. Para kreator Indonesia pun sudah banyak membuat berbagai buku bergambar atau komik untuk anak yang tak kalah menghibur untuk orang dewasa. Salah satunya adalah Komik Sang Sayur karya SYS yang pernah menjadi finalis International Manga Award di tahun 2007 dan pernah terbit di Majalah Cherry pada tahun 2011 - 2012 . Komik yang diterbitkan secara luas di bawah penerbit Koloni tahun 2012 ini, mengisahkan si Bawang Putih beserta keluarga dan teman-temannya di suatu negeri yang ditinggali oleh buah-buahan dan sayur-mayur. Mereka mengalami berbagai keseharian dan petualangan yang unik dan kocak banget. Sekarang 3 kisah Sang Sayur juga udah bisa dilihat di LINE Webtoon loh...lengkap dengan berbagai info menarik tentang buah dan sayur yang menyehatkan badan. Benar-benar edukatif dan cocok dibaca segala umur bahkan anak-anak. . 💥 Follow IG @bangtimur.komik untuk info seputar komik Indonesia 💥 Cek juga channel Youtube bangtimur untuk ulasan komik lokal kita . #sangsayur #bawangputih #shirleysusilo #komikkoloni #komikanak #komikindonesia #haribukuanaksedunia #komikkocak #internationalmangaaward #stroberi #bapakterong #pitaya #majalahcherry #kakaktomat #buahara #gramediamnc #365harikomikindonesia

4/3/2021, 9:06:07 AM