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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

Feeling anxious about loss? I can help you learn healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety after a loss. Don't miss out! Mark your calendars and set a reminder. #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

6/2/2024, 7:21:01 AM

Coaching = Empowerment ** Transitioning from service to leadership? ️** Executive coaching helps Veterans, military spouses, and caregivers enhance their leadership skills. Develop strategic thinking, exceptional communication skills, and emotional intelligence to thrive in the civilian world. Learn how Veterans Coaching Project™ can unlock your full potential. #vcp #vcpempowers #veteranleadership #militaryspousecareer #coachingworks #empoweredleaders

6/2/2024, 4:57:11 AM

“Clarity comes from seeing things as they are, not as we wish they were.” As a Life Coach who supports individuals going through life transitions, it’s essential to periodically check in on our vision and goals. Reflecting on the start of 2024, here are three things I realized needed clearer vision: Defining Goals: Specific goals lead to specific results. Clarity equals focus. Tracking Progress: To Manage Your Progress, You need to track progress. Keep track of your milestones and celebrate them. Aligning Actions: Calibrate when you're not getting the results. Keep things fluid until you fulfill your goals. These reflections have shown me the importance of regularly revisiting and refining my vision. As we approach the mid-year mark, I’m committed to sharpening my focus and ensuring my actions align with my aspirations. What about you? How are you ensuring clarity and alignment in your vision this month of June? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. #TheLifeCoachDad #LifeCoachPH #LifeCoachPHInternational #MentallyFitPhil #MentalFitnessFirst #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthCoach #MentalHealthCoaching #coachingonline #LifeCoachPH #EssentialServices #TheBrewEffect #coachingworks

6/1/2024, 5:30:12 PM

Grief is a personal journey, but you don't have to walk it alone. This week's challenge: Practice Gratitude. Take 5 minutes each day to write down 3 things you're grateful for, big or small. Gratitude can shift your perspective and open you to more joy. ✨ Click the link to learn more and register for my Reset After Loss Group Coaching! ➡️ #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

6/1/2024, 5:00:33 PM

Pentru toți oamenii mari: 💫 a fi copil înseamnă să cauți frumusețea în lucrurile din jur. 💫 a fi copil înseamnă să reinvetezi lumea pentru tine. 💫 a fi copil înseamnă să renunți la tipare și să explorezi. 💫 a fi copil înseamnă să-ți dai seama că ai dreptul să greșești. 💫 înseamnă că nu tot ceea ce faci trebuie să fie perfect. 💫 înseamnă și să găsești iubire peste tot. 💫 înseamnă să găsești o soluție chiar și în chestiunea cea mai dificilă. Dă-ți libertate și răbdare. Fii copil, atunci când simți. La mulți ani! #coaching #lifecoach #archegosmind #lifecoaching #coach #coachingworks #businesscoaching #kids #bucuresti

6/1/2024, 10:10:37 AM

Only 7 days until my Facebook and Instagram LIVE SESSION! Submit your questions about grief and loss in the comments below for a chance to get them answered live! Don't miss out! Mark your calendars and set a reminder. #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

6/1/2024, 2:00:30 AM

Pro At Work! •Coach Evelyn sets a quick pace for her client’s morning workout session! 🏋🏻🏃🏻‍♂️💪🏼 #letsmakehealthyhappen #training #coach #trainer #coaching #trainwithacoach #workwithacoach #personaltraining #pro #trainingprogram #coachingworks #personaltrainer #anytimefitness #anytimefitnessofmorrisplains #personal

5/31/2024, 9:44:21 PM

#tb throwback to 8 (!) years ago... . . . This was a mad day - I'd raced 144km the day before at the National Masters, rocked up to the line of the South Cerney RR feeling pannekouken, so raced for a teammate. Except I rolled off the front solo with about 10km to go and somehow managed to stay away on a pan flat course. The guy in second thought he'd won 👻 . . . This was my first road race win, and was topped off by team boss @stuart.gourley sprinting down the road to give me a hug. Special day . . . #cycling #cyclist #racing #hitter #gohardorgohome #wattsoverweight #fuelledbybuns #geezersgonnageez #coachingworks #rollthedice #cbear #silentspeedperformance

5/31/2024, 8:05:52 PM

Loss can feel isolating, but you don't have to heal alone. ✨ The Reset After Loss Program connects you with a supportive community and empowers you to transform your life. Click the link to learn more and register for my Reset After Loss Group Coaching! ➡️ #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/31/2024, 5:00:24 PM

Remember… 🤔💭 •”A body in motion STAYS in motion” •So get here and get going ! 🏃🏾🏃🏻‍♀️🏃‍♂️ #letsmakehealthyhappen #training #coach #trainer #coaching #trainwithacoach #workwithacoach #personaltraining #pro #trainingprogram #coachingworks #personaltrainer #anytimefitness #anytimefitnessofmorrisplains #personal

5/31/2024, 4:48:32 PM

Sometimes, the simplest thoughts can bring the most joy. Here’s my “biggest” secret to winning despite a confident crushing experience: Life is a 3 sided coin. Side 1 is the pain. Side 2 is the pleasure. Side 3 is the learning. All of the sides must coexist but be focused on learning. Because when you choose to learn, you practice gratitude. Gratitude is simply acknowledging that you are yet to become the person you wish to be. Focus on gratitude in the next 21 days. See how your life will change. What happy thought keeps you going? I’d love to hear it! #TheLifeCoachDad #LifeCoachPH #LifeCoachPHInternational #MentallyFitPhil #MentalFitnessFirst #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthCoach #MentalHealthCoaching #coachingonline #LifeCoachPH #EssentialServices #TheBrewEffect #coachingworks

5/31/2024, 4:11:08 PM

This week I had a call with my coaching certification school that reminded me of the importance of community. And not just any community, a community that grows WITH you. Change is inevitable in life. And sometimes we are lucky enough to have a community that changes and grows with us. But if that is not the case, it’s time to diversify your crowd. Doing it alone without support is a recipe for failure, setbacks and loneliness. And you know what? Your community might not even have to change. Maybe you are the one to inspire someone else to make that change with you 🩷 #selfconfidence #lifecoaching #mindsetshift #mindsetshifts #mindfullife #changeyourmindchangeyourlife #coachesofinstagram # #coachingworks #selfhealers #anxietytips #mentalhealthmatters #introduceyourself #anxietyrelief #mentalhealthsupport #selfcare #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthstigma #womensupportingwomen #believeinyou #personaldevelopmenttime #selfcareroutine #mentalhealthawareness #feelyourfeelings #selflover #highachiever

5/31/2024, 3:23:30 PM

Evening Action 🌃 •”Anytime” means just that. You can always find member activity 24/7 in the gym just like this past Wednesday night 💪🏼 #letsmakehealthyhappen #training #coach #trainer #coaching #trainwithacoach #workwithacoach #personaltraining #pro #trainingprogram #coachingworks #personaltrainer #anytimefitness #anytimefitnessofmorrisplains #personal

5/31/2024, 12:44:56 PM

🎙️ This week's episode is LIVE, and it's one you won't want to miss. If you connect with today's conversation, remember you can schedule a free 1:1 consultation with me by clicking the link in my bio. 🌟 Alright, folks, it's time to dive into the latest episode of Decisions Change Everything. 🎧 This week, I sat down with one of my fantastic clients, Jessica, so that she could discuss her experiences working with me through uncertainty, self-discovery, and embracing change. 🌈 Picture this: you're facing a big life decision or struggling with uncertainty, and you feel like you're juggling a million thoughts at once. That's where Jessica found herself, unsure about her pregnancy journey and craving clarity in the midst of potential obstacles and worries. 🤰 In this episode, Jessica shares her first-hand experience of bringing exactly this to our work together. From addressing fears about childbirth to finding empowerment in her neurodivergent identity, Jessica's journey is a great example of how coaching can help in any situation. 🌼 Tune in to discover how we helped Jessica navigate her path, embrace her unique identity, and find more confidence in her decisions. 🙌 Whether you're seeking clarity in the face of uncertainty or craving a fresh perspective to navigate life's twists and turns, this episode offers a wealth of insights and inspiration. You won't want to miss it. 😊 So grab your favorite summer beverage, find a cozy spot, and enjoy the conversation. 🌞🌿 #Podcastfriday #EmbracingChange #Coachingclient #coachingworks #generallifecoaching #pregnancycoaching #neurodivergentcoach #adhdhcoaching

5/31/2024, 12:00:47 PM

Unlock Your Potential: How Coaching Transforms Lives Ever feel stuck in a job that drains you? Ready for a change but not sure where to start? That's where coaching steps in! Coaching isn't just about setting goals – it's about transforming your life. Whether you're looking to change careers or find a new job, a coach provides the guidance, support, and strategies to make it happen. Imagine having a personal cheerleader who keeps you focused, motivated, and on track. I’ve been there. In 2023, I left a corporate job and dived into a competitive job market. With the help of amazing mentors and coaches, I started my own coaching business and an AI agency. The journey was terrifying yet electrifying. The rewards? Freedom, growth, and authentic living. So, if you're ready for a career change or to find your dream job, coaching might be just what you need. It's time to unlock your potential and make those substantive life changes. 👉 Discover how coaching can change your life 👈 Let's start this journey together. 🚀 #LifeCoach #CareerChange #FindYourDreamJob #TransformYourLife #coachingworks

5/31/2024, 10:32:04 AM

Is your life a mystery box? Coaching unlocks it and shows you what's inside. #coachingworks #unpackyourpotential #PursuitByDesign #getcoached #LevelUpYourLife

5/31/2024, 10:15:09 AM

Een "testimonial" of een "client review" is een korte getuigenis van een cliënt over hoe hij (zij) zijn (haar) coachingtraject met mij heeft ervaren. Want wie beter dan een coachee kan vertellen wat de coaching met hem/haar deed? En op die manier misschien ook jou inspireren om ook die stap te zetten? 🙏✨🙏✨🙏✨🙏 Voici le "témoignage" d'un client sur la façon dont il (elle) a vécu son parcours de coaching avec moi. Car qui de mieux qu'un coaché pour dire ce que le coaching lui a apporté ? Et de cette façon peut-être vous inspirer à franchir le pas vers le coaching? 🙏✨🙏✨🙏✨🙏 #testimonialfriday #lovemyjob #jaimemonjob #lovemyclients #jaimemesclients #témoignage #testimonial #coaching #gratitude #grateful #inspirer #inspire #inspireren #signifierquelquechose #ietsbetekenen #avisclient #merci #coachingworks #coachingwerkt #lecoachingçamarche

5/31/2024, 8:07:10 AM

Another smasher of a week where I’ve also been introduced to the “pre-workout itch”. That was too much caffeine considering it was double a Red Bull - we live and learn (and sleep when we’re dead ☠️ ) 😂😅 #midlifecrisis #training #oldladygains #gymlife #liftheavy #coachingworks

5/31/2024, 7:21:56 AM

"It can't be done..." That's what I often hear. My anxiety can't be lifted, I've had this trauma for 5 years, and I've been in therapy for almost 2 years. I have an addiction, but I don't want to talk about it, and my therapist said if I don't open up, they can't help me... I don't see any hope of getting out of this. I believe I won't be able to overcome this issue. These are some of the sentences my clients have said to me before engaging in my coaching. As always, I tell them I can't promise them anything, but I know my coaching process works, and I will do my best. After the session, what I hear is: I know what happened to me before was very bad, but now I feel like I've accepted it, and I can finally move on. I feel a lot lighter, like something heavy has been lifted off me. I still can't believe I've stopped my addiction, and I no longer have the yearning. As a coach/therapist, we can't promise anything to our clients, but when we're confident in our modality, we know we can help our clients and not give up on them. if you know anyone who need help either on their mental distress, addiction, self sabotage or other subconscious blockage do let them know there will never be too late to heal and be happy again. #MentalHealth #Therapy #Coaching #Addiction #Trauma #Anxiety #Hope #Healing #Recovery #MentalHealthMatters #CoachingWorks

5/31/2024, 7:09:01 AM

You started a coaching business because you love coaching, not marketing, right? But When you are a coach, you'll soon realise that to grow your coaching business, you need to do marketing. However, most coaches don't know much about marketing. But marketing for coaches doesn’t have to be overwhelming for you. There are so many marketing tips and strategies that you can implement. The trick is to choose one or two strategies and make them work for you before you start working on another marketing technique. Fortunately, here are few effective business tips for coaches(part 1) that you should apply. Some of these will be things that you are already doing, other things you know but might have forgotten to do regularly and some might be new. You can change the world with your coaching skills and help people. You just need to show up, take that step and go out there. You’ve got this! Listen to Episode 245 of Small Business Talk For Coaches for the full details on your favourite Podcasts app or at the Small Business Talk For Coaches - Cathy Smith website. #smallbusinesstalkpodcast #businesstipsforcoaches #podcastingBunbury #marketingtips #marketingideas #marketingideasforcoaches #coachestips #marketingtipsforcoaches #businessmarketing #Businessmarketingforcoaches #growyourbusiness #Businessgrowth #coachingworks #coachinglife #coachingislove #coachespodcast #podcastforcoaches

5/31/2024, 5:30:12 AM

Don't miss out! Join me for a LIVE Q&A session on June 6th at 7:15PM CST! I, Dr. Tonya, a Certified Life Coach & Grief Counselor, will be answering your questions about: The misconception about ignoring grief Is vulnerability a sign of weakness? Why it's not a good idea to go it alone Don't miss out! Mark your calendars and set a reminder. #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/31/2024, 2:06:58 AM

Are you tired of your CV disappearing into a black hole? Sick of recruiters ghosting you? If endless applications are getting you nowhere, you might be making this one big mistake: 🥹You’re using the same job-seeking strategies as everyone else! 🙌🏻As someone who has hired thousands of graduates, PhD students, and career starters, I know the secret to standing out: 👀Get seen by the right people, without the competition. When there’s only one role and 100 applications, I’m sorry to say that blending in just won’t cut it. I can help you break free from this cycle of frustration! Take my free 10-page guide, “Ditch Online Applications and Get Hired Fast,” and discover my game-changing strategy that will get you interviews at lightning speed. No more guesswork. No more months of mind-numbing applications. Just a clear, effective approach to land your dream job. Click here for this free download: #coach #job #university #graduate #onlinecoach #onlinecoaching #coachingonline #careercoaching #careergrowth #careeropportunities #coachingtips #careertips #careerwoman #graduateschool #careeropportunity #careerpath #careerguidance #graduated🎓 #careerfair #careerday #careercoachingforwomen #graduatejobs #coachingworks #coachinstagram #careerhelp #careerjourney #job❤️ #careerchoice #careertalk #careerchoices

5/30/2024, 11:27:37 PM

Ready to turn your aspirations into achievements? Discover firsthand the remarkable impact coaching can have from your very first session, just like it did for this client. Picture the incredible strides you could make in just one hour with the power of coaching. Secure your free 15-minute consultation now! Skyline Coaching #CoachingTestimonial #ClientTestimonials #LifeCoachTestimonial #SkylineCoaching #CoachingWorks

5/30/2024, 6:26:01 PM

Victory Number 18&19 of 2024 for Downing Cycling coached riders 🏁 ( we missed one last week ☺️) Callum Jones HUUB BCC race team 22:30 & 22:05 Griffydam Local 10 mile TT x 2 weeks on the bounce ( which makes that 3 wins on the bounce 👊🏻😎) 1x Rain 1x Sunshine #coachingworks #racing #winner #junior

5/30/2024, 5:13:56 PM

Loss can feel isolating, but you don't have to heal alone. ✨ The Reset After Loss Program connects you with a supportive community and empowers you to transform your life. Click the link to learn more and register for my Reset After Loss Group Coaching! ➡️ #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/30/2024, 5:04:24 PM

Thank You! Coaching Works . . #coachingworks #thursdayinspiration #corporatecoaching #businesscoaching #leadership

5/30/2024, 1:56:24 PM

Coaching session = major breakthroughs. . #TransformationThursday #CoachingJourney #pursuitbydesign #coachingworks

5/30/2024, 10:45:07 AM

Are you ready to break free and reach your full potential? There are only a limited number of spots available for my personalised coaching program! During our first free consultation, we'll discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them, designed to help you achieve: - Clarity & focus: Identify limiting beliefs and develop a roadmap to success. - Actionable strategies: Craft a personalised plan aligned with your values to overcome obstacles and reach your goals. - Unleash your potential: Uncover hidden strengths and build confidence to excel. Don't hold yourself back any longer! Book your first free consultation today and let's unlock your potential together! ➡️ #coachingworks #flifecoachingnz #careercoachingnz #personalisedcoaching #personalisedapproach #unleashyourpotentialnz #femaleempowermentnz

5/30/2024, 10:00:31 AM

Mark your calendars! Join me, your Certified Life Coach & Grief Counselor, for a LIVE Q&A on June 6th at 7:15 PM CST. I will be answering your questions about grief, stress, and moving forward. Don't miss out! Mark your calendars and set a reminder. #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/30/2024, 1:54:48 AM

If you've ever gotten frustrated by a situation and felt like you can't see the wood for the trees, get a external help. It's SO much harder to see the real problem when we're in the middle of it. As the coach my role is impartial, to help you get to where you want to be. If you want lasting change and results it's critical to get an external perspective. To Your Success, Laura 🙌 #CoachingLife #ExternalPerspective #ImpartialAdvice #CareerGrowth #ProfessionalSupport #LastingChange #LeadershipCoaching #Conflictresolution #ObjectiveView #WorkplaceSuccess #AchieveYourGoals #CareerClarity #SuccessMindset #GoalSetting #SelfImprovement #TransformYourLife #FindYourPath #CareerAdvice #TeamDynamics #MentorshipMatters #GrowthMindset #OvercomeChallenges #WorkplaceWellbeing #BetterTogether #SuccessJourney #GetUnstuck #SeekSupport #CoachingWorks #AchieveMore

5/30/2024, 1:30:52 AM

Here are three lifestyle changes for individuals in leadership positions, particularly entrepreneurs, proven to "avoid burnout, and optimize efficiency." If you're striving to be a better role model for your team, this may be a good place to start. Source:, "3 Lifestyle Changes Entrepreneurs Should Consider in 2023" #NicoleProvonchee #BrightBlueConsulting #entrepreneur #leader #executivecoach #coach #coachingworks #womenprofessionals #leadershipstyle #lifestyle #burnout #efficiency

5/29/2024, 5:01:15 PM

Life can be tough, but focusing on gratitude can shift your perspective and spark joy, even during difficult times. Here's a simple gratitude practice to get you started: Gratitude Prompt: Write down 3 things you're grateful for today, big or small. It could be a supportive friend, a warm cup of coffee, or a beautiful sunset. Benefits of Gratitude: Reduces stress and anxiety. Boosts mood and happiness. Improves sleep quality. Strengthens relationships. Click the link to learn more and register for my Reset After Loss Coaching! ➡️ #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/29/2024, 5:01:09 PM

Yesterday, I chatted with a dear friend who's dreaming of a year in Italy after retirement!🇮🇹 So exciting!🤩 But we talked about more than just logistics (flights, visas, budgeting). We talked about preparing her mindset for such a big leap.🤯 Big dreams require big inner work! It's about: 🙌 Building self-worth: Believe you deserve this adventure! 🙌 Trusting yourself: You've got this! 🙌 Nurturing independence: Ready to explore solo? 🙌 Embracing a new culture: Soak in a new way of life and learn to adapt. It's also about surrounding yourself with dream supporters! People who ask "how" instead of "why," and who fuel your fire with ideas and feedback.🔥 By speaking your dream into existence - talking about it openly, visualizing it, planning for it - you're taking action and manifesting your vision. This passion, this purpose, it THRIVES on action!💥 What incredible dreams do YOU have in mind? Share them in the comments! Let's speak them into existence, together! #mindsetcoachjudy #manifestyourdream #lifeadventure #dreambig #dreamchasers #positivevibes #manifestation #lifecoaching #italy #livingabroad #coachingworks #selfworth #confidence #findyourpurpose #findyourpassion #purpose #trustinyourself

5/29/2024, 5:00:30 PM

Hello Friends, Happy WINSDay! What are your WINS for the week? Here are mine: • Facilitated new manager training • Enjoyed spending time with my family in California • Coached clients who have made significant progress Check out my WINSDay newsletter here: #experiencecoaching #becauseocoaching #coachingworks #coaching #coach #leadership #newleader #leadershipcoach #leadershipdevelopment #businesscoach #goals #newmanager #CoachCalhoun #CalhounCoachingConsulting #CertifiedMeditationTeacher

5/29/2024, 4:14:45 PM

3rd place in the @ftpracingteam Open 10 tt for Blackcat rider John O'Dwyer @veloclubbristol - John stopped the clock in 21:22, well done! #cyclecoach #cyclingtimetrials #aero #timetrials #timetrialcoaching #timetrialbike #cyclingtimetrials #coachingworks #wanttogofaster

5/29/2024, 4:08:58 PM

Ando pensando: a batalha mais difícil é a de vencer aquilo que não temos orgulho em nós. Vencer não significa, necessariamente, abandonar nosso lado ruim (se é que é possível), mas superá-lo, aprender a controlá-lo, ressignificá-lo. #Liderança #mundocorporativo #culturaorganizacional #mundoexecutivo #trabalho #gestãoocupacional #mundoocupacional #mercadodetrabalho #Motivação #rhestratégico #RecursosHumanos #recrutamento #Mentoring #RH #GestãodePessoas #GestãoEstratégica #Carreira #Profissão #genteegestão #Motivação #Coaching #LifeCoaching #BusinessCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #CoachingLife #CoachingWorks #CoachingdeVida #CoachingBrasil #CoachingTime

5/29/2024, 3:04:08 PM

"Money can be earned if lost, but time, once lost, cannot be regained." - The Life Coach Dad Passion is a powerful force that drives us to leap out of bed with excitement and purpose. Here are three things that wake me up better than an alarm clock: Creative Projects: Working on my idea for a blog about managers and leaders fuels my energy and enthusiasm every morning. Helping Others: Knowing that my work will make a difference to those young leaders by managing their work-life purposely keeps me motivated and eager to start the day. Personal Growth: The pursuit of learning new skills, drives me to seize the day and make the most out of every opportunity. These elements of passion infuse my mornings with a sense of purpose and excitement. How does your morning look? What fuels your passion and gets you out of bed with a smile? Express it with an emoji below or share your thoughts! #TheLifeCoachDad #LifeCoachPH #LifeCoachPHInternational #DCupCoffeeRepublic #DCupCoffeeWorldwide #BeCoachedBeTransformed #MentallyFitPhil #MentalFitnessFirst #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthCoach #MentalHealthCoaching #coachingonline #LifeCoachPH #EssentialServices #TheBrewEffect #coachingworks

5/29/2024, 2:00:21 PM

First race and first win 🥇 of the season for coached athlete @dave.ackerley at The Stowmarket & District CC 10m TT, Dave was a bit later to start his season because of work and family commitments taking priority, so now we are looking forwards to him getting stuck into a block of racing, consisting of 10-25 and 50 mile TT races in the coming weeks before he heads back to working away. 👏🏻🏆💪🏻👊🏻. #achieveyourgoals #yourbestseasonyet #dreambelieveachieve #progressiveoverload #progressivemindset #coaching #procycling #cyclingscience #cyclecoaching #powerdata #coachingworks #onlinecyclecoaching #wk05 #trainingpeaks #trainsmart #power #physiology #advancecyclecoaching

5/29/2024, 12:46:24 PM

These reasons are important for several key aspects of personal coaching: 1. **Core Workout 🏋️‍♂️**: Building a strong core is essential for overall fitness, stability, and injury prevention. It forms the foundation for other exercises and daily activities. 2. **Correct Form 🧘‍♀️**: Ensuring correct form prevents injuries and maximizes the effectiveness of workouts. Proper technique is crucial for achieving desired results safely. 3. **Planning 📅**: Planning helps in setting clear, achievable goals and creating a structured approach to reach them. It keeps both the coach and the client on track. 4. **Accountability ✅**: Accountability provides motivation and ensures consistency. A coach holds clients responsible for their progress, helping them stay committed to their fitness journey. 5. **Ask Hard Questions ❓**: Asking hard questions helps in identifying underlying issues, setting realistic goals, and understanding the client's true motivations. It fosters self-reflection and growth. 6. **Reach Goals Fast 🚀**: Effective coaching accelerates progress by providing expert guidance, personalized plans, and continuous support. It helps clients achieve their goals more efficiently. #letsmakehealthyhappen #training #coach #trainer #coaching #trainwithacoach #workwithacoach #personaltraining #pro #trainingprogram #coachingworks #personaltrainer #anytimefitness #anytimefitnessofmorrisplains #personal

5/29/2024, 12:32:12 PM

Coping with loss can be overwhelming. Join the conversation! What questions do you have about processing grief and emotions? Share them in the comments below in preparation for our upcoming Q&A session with me Dr. Tonya Cunningham - your grief doctor! Don't miss out! Mark your calendars and set a reminder. #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/29/2024, 2:07:12 AM

Let's take this moment to reflect on your growth journey as a leader: What pivotal moments challenged and shaped you? Do share with us your specific experience where you stepped out of your comfort zone and embraced change! How did it impact your leadership style and relationships? Now, envision your future aspirations as a leader. What steps can you take to continue evolving and inspiring others? Let's embark on this journey of growth together. What's your next bold move? ********* I am #CoachWendyWong, passionate about helping talents optimize potential by building leadership skills creatively through coaching and training. I believe #coachingworks Here's more about what I do: #coaching #leadershipdevelopment #executivecoaching #executivecoach #leadershipcoach

5/29/2024, 2:01:02 AM

Happy Tuesday, Friends! Check out this HBR article that does a nice job of summing up the benefits of group coaching. It's titled, "The Surprising Power of Peer Coaching". Click the link here: #experiencecoaching #becauseocoaching #coachingworks #coaching #coach #leadership #newleader #leadershipcoach #leadershipdevelopment #businesscoach #goals #newmanager #CoachCalhoun #CalhounCoachingConsulting #CertifiedMeditationTeacher

5/28/2024, 7:36:08 PM

Ready to turn your aspirations into achievements? Discover firsthand the remarkable impact coaching can have from your very first session, just like it did for this client. Picture the incredible strides you could make in just one hour with the power of coaching. Secure your free 15-minute consultation now! Skyline Coaching #CoachingTestimonial #ClientTestimonials #LifeCoachTestimonial #SkylineCoaching #CoachingWorks

5/28/2024, 7:23:08 PM

Victory Number 17 of 2024 for Downing Cycling coached riders 🏁 Seb Grindley Fensham Howes MAS Design Stage 3 - Time Trial - 10 mile 20:11 National Junior Road Race series North West Junior Tour #coachingworks #racing #winner #junior

5/28/2024, 7:22:57 PM

Feeling down? Weekly affirmations can help! This week's affirmation: "I am strong, resilient, and worthy of healing." Repeating affirmations daily can help: Shift your mindset towards positivity. Build self-compassion and self-love. Foster inner strength during challenging times. Click the link to learn more and register for my Reset After Loss Coaching! ➡️ #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/28/2024, 5:00:45 PM

A note from a client: Fitness programs are not a one size fits all type of deal. Rebecca truly understands this and takes special care to create a program that meets your personal goals. She takes her time and builds a plan that will support all of your needs. The best part is... she does it with passion and excitement! She got me so pumped to start my new program, that I got started an hour after she left my house! She won’t baby you, but she understands that mental and physical health go hand-in-hand. I hear her voice in my head telling me I can even when I think I can’t. She’s the real deal. Highly recommend! - Kirstyn Smith Thank you, Lady K, for entrusting me with helping you with your goals and for the beautifully kind words after! So damn proud of all you’ve accomplished and am excited to see the “finished” product! 💪 (Side note: check out Kirstyn’s awesome archery range @sigmaarchery located in Niagara! The woman has mad skillz) I have just a couple of spots open to start June coaching - message me today and reserve yours! #gritgetsgoals #testimonialtuesday #coachingworks #cpt #acceptingnewclients #fitnesscoaching #letmehelpyou 📸 @muirimagephotography

5/28/2024, 1:48:41 PM

Ditch the "Not Good Enough" Story! Lacking confidence often boils down to one belief: "I'm not good enough." But hold up! Question that story! Who are you not good enough for? Whose standards are you holding yourself to? These limiting beliefs are usually based on old assumptions, not facts. ‍ Remove the "not" and see the real you: "I AM good enough." ✨ #believeinyourself #mindsetiseverything #selflove #personalgrowth #empowerment #entrepreneurlife #bossbabe #yougotthis #positivevibes #motivation #breakthrough #limitingbeliefs #unconsciousbias #challengeyourself #growthmindset #rewriteyourstory #oldstories #newbeginnings #selfdiscovery #innercritic #lifecoach #businesscoach #coachingtips #transformation #investinyourself #mindsetcoach #entrepreneurcoach #buildyourconfidence #coachingworks #empoweredentrepreneur

5/28/2024, 10:37:13 AM

Struggling with loss? Join Dr. Tonya Cunningham for a LIVE Q&A session on June 6th at 7:15PM CST! Dr. Tonya, a Certified Life Coach & Grief Counselor, will be answering your questions about: The misconception about ignoring grief Is vulnerability a sign of weakness? Why it's not a good idea to go it alone This is your chance to get personalized advice and support. Submit your questions in advance in the comments below OR ask live during the session! Don't miss out! Mark your calendars and set a reminder. #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/28/2024, 2:37:33 AM

#How #Do #You #Deal #With #Hard #People? Peeling Back Layers: Revealing the Humanity Behind 'Tough' Exterior. Beyond perceived hardness, lies a rich tapestry of dreams, values, and aspirations. By recognizing this, we dissolve barriers, fostering understanding and connection. Let's transform frustration into collaboration, as we navigate the complexities of human interaction, together. Discover effective strategies on dealing with difficult people in our latest article. Unlock insights on conflict resolution and enhance workplace harmony. Read more at #Leadership #ExecutiveCoaching #SeniorLEadership **** Join me, Coach Wendy Wong, at Petadiri for personalized coaching sessions. Together, we'll amplify your strengths, conquer challenges, and propel your career to new heights. Let's embark on this journey of growth and success together. Reach out today and let's get started. I believe #coachingworks. Learn more about what I do at

5/28/2024, 2:02:02 AM

Ready to turn your dreams into reality? 🌠 Introducing the Miracle Scale – a transformative tool that helps you envision success and break down your goals into achievable steps. Discover how coaching can help you scale up your aspirations and create the life you've always wanted. 💫✨ Link in bio to read now and start climbing the ladder to your miracle! #MiracleScale #GoalCrusher #VisualizationPower #CoachingWorks #DreamAchieved

5/28/2024, 2:00:29 AM

Te imaginas poder optimizar tus contrataciones con Inteligencia Artificial🤓 Conoce cómo la IA puede ayudarte en los procesos para encontrar candidatos, hasta la automatización de la evaluación de CV y pruebas cognitivas, así como el uso de entrevistas asistidas por IA y modelos predictivos. Actualmente son más las empresas que buscan reclutadores con habilidades en IA. Súmate a nuestro curso y obtén las tuyas ahora.📋 ⏰Iniciamos el Miércoles 24 de Junio a las 20:00hs⏰ . Escribe RECLUTAMIENTO y te enviaremos toda la info por DM. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ . . . . . . #escencialconsultora #reclutamiento #entrevista #assesment #recursoshumanos #rrhh #rrhhargentina #coaching #coachinglife #coachingontologico #coachingworks #selecciondepersonal #auditoriainterna #auditoriarrhh #argentina #ai #ia

5/27/2024, 5:00:24 PM

Te imaginas poder optimizar tus contrataciones con Inteligencia Artificial🤓 Conoce cómo la IA puede ayudarte en los procesos para encontrar candidatos, hasta la automatización de la evaluación de CV y pruebas cognitivas, así como el uso de entrevistas asistidas por IA y modelos predictivos. Actualmente son más las empresas que buscan reclutadores con habilidades en IA. Súmate a nuestro curso y obtén las tuyas ahora.📋 ⏰Iniciamos el Miércoles 24 de Junio a las 19:00hs⏰ . Escribe RECLUTAMIENTO y te enviaremos toda la info por DM. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ . . . . . . #escencialconsultora #reclutamiento #entrevista #assesment #recursoshumanos #rrhh #rrhhargentina #coaching #coachinglife #coachingontologico #coachingworks #selecciondepersonal #auditoriainterna #auditoriarrhh #argentina #ai #ia

5/27/2024, 5:00:16 PM

Struggling with loss? Get expert advice directly from Dr. Tonya Cunningham! Join us for a LIVE Q&A session on June 6th at 7:15pm CST where you can: Ask questions about navigating grief and healing. Get personalized tips and strategies for your unique situation. Learn from Dr. Tonya's experience and expertise. Dr. Tonya is a Certified Life Coach & Grief Counselor who is passionate about helping individuals transform their lives after loss. Don't miss this opportunity! Submit your questions in advance. Click the link to learn more and register for my Reset After Loss Coaching! ➡️ #RESETyourlife #DrTonya #griefsupport #healingafterloss #lifeafterloss #groupcoaching #griefcoach #healingjourney #youarenotalone #selfcare #mentalhealth #strongerthanyesterday #resilient #transformation #thrive #coachingworks

5/27/2024, 4:56:28 PM

Meet Samantha, Coach and founder of Pursuit by Design. Pursuit by design offers coaching to emerging leaders, entrepreneurs, managers helping them navigate challenges and achieve success Samantha,against many odds, has become a globally trained coach dedicated to helping individuals discover their purpose. Having faced self-doubt and uncertainty firsthand, she understands the importance of clarity and purpose. She’s trained as a certified coach and the first Ziglar trained coach in East Africa for the Choose to Win program. She is committed and dedicated to supporting Mid-career managers who want to achieve personal success using practical, long-term, achievable, necessary habits and personal strategies using Ziglar’s framework. If you are a Mid-career manager or professional who is currently feeling you have lost momentum in working towards your goals, then empower yourself to lead with confidence and faith. Explore Pursuit by design coaching programs. To learn more visit the link in the bio or send a Dm #CoachingWorks #pursuitbydesign

3/27/2024, 7:04:11 AM