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Digital transformation is not just about technology—it's about people. Equip your team with the right skills to thrive in a digital world. Embrace change, foster collaboration, and drive innovation. Transform your business from within! Ready to lead the digital charge? Let's connect! 🚀 #DigitalTransformation #PeopleSkills #Innovation #FutureOfWork #Collaboration #TechSavvy #Leadership #DigitalLeadership #BusinessGrowth #ChangeManagement

6/2/2024, 12:00:32 PM

Neue Perspektiven in herausfordernden Zeiten! Oftmals sind wir in Situationen, die uns an unsere Grenzen bringen. Stress am Arbeitsplatz, Herausforderungen im Team oder Unsicherheiten in deiner Karriereplanung – solche Phasen können überwältigend sein. Doch genau hier bietet dir ein professionelles Coaching unschätzbare Vorteile. Ein zielgerichtetes Coaching schafft nicht nur Raum, um durchzuatmen und Situationen neu zu bewerten, sondern öffnet auch Türen zu neuen Sichtweisen. Es ermöglicht dir, Probleme nicht als unüberwindbare Hindernisse, sondern als Chancen zur Weiterentwicklung zu sehen. Mit der Unterstützung eines erfahrenen Coaches kannst du lernen, deine Gedanken neu zu ordnen und innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln, die zuvor außerhalb deines Blickfelds lagen. Die Vorteile eines Coachings in belastenden Situationen: * Neue Perspektiven entdecken: Ein Coach hilft dir, festgefahrene Denkmuster aufzubrechen und frische, kreative Lösungswege zu erkunden. * Resilienz stärken: Durch die Entwicklung mentaler Stärke kannst du besser mit Stress und Druck umgehen. * Kommunikation verbessern: Ein oft unterschätzter Aspekt von Stresssituationen ist die Kommunikation. Coaching verbessert die Art und Weise, wie du deine Gedanken und Gefühle ausdrückst. * Zielerreichung fördern: Ein Coach unterstützt dich bei der Definition und Erreichung von realistischen Zielen, die zu persönlichem und professionellem Wachstum führen. Wenn du also das nächste Mal vor einer Herausforderung stehst, bedenke: Ein Coaching könnte der Schlüssel sein, um nicht nur diese Hürde zu meistern, sondern dich auch als Führungskraft und Mensch weiterzuentwickeln. Lass uns gemeinsam deine Potenziale entfalten! #ChangeManagement #Führungskräftecoaching #Teamcoaching #Moderation #Onlinecoaching #MichaelDeutschmann

6/2/2024, 11:27:39 AM

Why self-management fails 😬 Ditching hierarchy for a new way of working can be fun but challenging. Many traditional corporate structures struggle to get the results they want. Here are a few reasons why: 😕 Senior management introduces self-management just to appear ‘hip’ and ‘progressive’ 🪄 Self-management is seen as a quick fix for deep-rooted problems 🫵 There are no leaders who can guide teams 📩 Tomorrow, we’ll share Marc-Peter Pijper’s new blog post, where he dives into more obstacles to self-management and shares tips to bring autonomy to teams. Subscribe through the link in our bio 🙌 📸 Business Illustrator #SelfManagement #Autonomy #Hierarchy #CorporateRebels #ChangeManagement #TransformationalLeadership #Transformation #Management #BestAdvice #Work #Trending #Purpose #Freedom #Trust #Adapt #Talent #StartUp #Founder #Entrepreneurship #Business #Leadership #Leader

6/2/2024, 11:00:11 AM

CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL AGE Discover the dynamic landscape of change management in the digital era. 🌐💻 Explore innovative strategies and technologies reshaping organizational transformations. Uncover key insights into leveraging digital tools for seamless transitions and sustainable growth. Embrace the agility needed to thrive in an ever-evolving business environment. Embrace digital advancements to drive successful change initiatives in your organization! 🚀 #acceleratemanagementschool #ChangeManagement #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #Leadership #Technology #Agility #BusinessStrategy #DigitalDisruption #OrganizationalChange #FutureOfWork

6/2/2024, 10:00:22 AM

Do you agree with this? ⚡️ - Share this with your friends. Follow @businessdollar for daily motivational posts and success tips!⁠ ⁠ 👉🏼@businessdollar⁠ 👉🏼@businessdollar⁠ 👉🏼@businessdollar⁠ ⁠ #worksmarter #businessplanning #workanywhere #careersuccess #adminsupport #administrativeassistant #businessmeeting #businesspartner #businessmanagement #careeradvice #changemanagement #salesteam #careergrowth #opportunities #companyculture #workculture #virtualassistants #careerdevelopment #employer #newjobnewlife #workgoals #consultinglife #businessskills #careermotivation #interviewcoaching #hrconsultant #businessservices

6/2/2024, 9:39:47 AM

Distance Leadership bedeutet, dass Führungskräfte ihre Mitarbeiter:innen aus der Ferne leiten. Das Team arbeitet virtuell zusammen, sitzt aber physisch an unterschiedlichen Orten. Spätestens seit der Corona-Pandemie hat das Führen auf Distanz in zahlreichen Unternehmen eine große Bedeutung gewonnen. Welche Aufgaben und Qualifikationen damit einhergehen, erfahrt ihr im Posting. Übrigens gibt es in unserem HFH-Studiengang Wirtschaftspsychologie (M.Sc.) mehrere Module, die sich mit Distance Leadership und der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt auseinandersetzen.💡 #hfhkarriere #distanceleadership #wirtschaftspsychologie #leadership #studieren #führungskraft #teambuilding #berufsbilder #changemanagement #bachelor #master #fernstudium

6/2/2024, 9:00:50 AM

📢 Ever get confused between Contract Change and Change Control for your PMP exam? 🌟 Check out these key insights from "Contract Change vs. Change Control in Project Management" to clarify the differences and excel in your studies: 🔹 **Change Control:** - Review, evaluate, and coordinate changes - Systematic process considering all impacts - Holistic assessment to maintain project integrity - Ensures stability and achieves project goals - Informs all stakeholders 🔹 **Contract Change Control:** - Maintains contractual agreement integrity - Mitigates risks and reduces potential issues - Ensures mutual agreement from all parties - Formal review and approval process - Detailed documentation of changes 🔹 **Key Differences:** - Focus: Project changes vs. Contractual agreement changes - Authority: Decisions by project manager or board vs. Agreement from all parties - Documentation: Updates project documents and plans vs. Formal contract amendments Enhance your project management skills by understanding these crucial distinctions! And remember, you can speed up your PMP exam preparation by joining live PMP Exam preparation sessions with me! 🚀📈 #ProjectManagement #PMPExam #ChangeManagement #ContractManagement #PMBOK #Agile #RiskManagement ✨👩‍🎓📖

6/2/2024, 6:52:13 AM

GIUGNO 2024 - giorno 2 Prenditi del tempo per te stessa/o: Trova un momento per riflettere sulla situazione. Questo ti permetterà di guadagnare chiarezza e trovare una risposta adeguata. Se serve cambia prospettiva: Cerca di vedere la situazione da un punto di vista diverso. Chiediti se ci sono altri modi per interpretare la situazione o se ci sono soluzioni creative che potresti considerare. ( #ActionforHappiness) #coach #consapevolezza #gentilezza #pensieropositivo #crescitapersonale #energiapositiva #ottimismoconsapevole #LeadershipTraining #intelligenzaEmotiva #lifecoach #inspiration #manager #management #leader #leadership #changemanagement #intelligenzapositiva#motivazione #business #impresa #ribellarsi #hope #mind #mindfullness #personaldevelopment #motivation

6/2/2024, 6:00:55 AM

Mabuhay Pilipinas! Certified Digital Transformation Professional (CDTP) Certification Program is now open for Enrolment. Uncover the secrets of CASUGOL Method™ for Digital Transformation to enhance the sustainability of Digital Initiatives. A "MUST HAVE" Certification for all Professionals, BPO / BPM Industry Professionals, and Consultants. Stand out and be recognized as TRULY DIGITAL READY. Enrol now at *** Batch from 24 to 25 Jun 2024 Fully Booked in just two weeks. Enrol Now! *** #digitaltransformation #digitalstrategies #casugolmethod #casugol #changemanagement #leadership #philippines

6/2/2024, 4:04:59 AM

Real Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions and Hands-On. Acquire knowledge on how to truly lead digital initiatives by focusing on the intent / outcome using CASUGOL Method™ for Digital Transformation. Next batch: - * Date: 20 to 21 Jun 2024 (Thu, Fri) * Time: 9:30am to 5:30pm (Daily) * Mode of Delivery: Face-to-Face @ Makati, Philippines Enrol now at *** Batch from 24 to 25 Jun 2024 Fully Booked in just two weeks. Enrol Early to Avoid Any Disappointment *** hashtag #digitaltransformation hashtag #digitalstrategies hashtag #casugolmethod hashtag #casugol hashtag #changemanagement hashtag #leadership hashtag #philippines

6/2/2024, 3:38:06 AM

Embracing Change Management and Executive Coaching for Effective Communication In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to Adapt to diverse customer needs with modular features has become a cornerstone for achieving success. This approach not only reflects a company's agility but also its commitment to meeting the ever-changing demands of its clientele. # #leadership # #projectmanagement #Adaptability #BusinessStrategy #BusinessAdaptability #businesssuccess #ChangeManagement #customersatisfaction #EffectiveCommunication #ExecutiveCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #GenerativeAI #GenerativeAI #LeadershipSkills #ModularFeatures #ModularFeatures #ProjectManagement

6/1/2024, 11:00:24 PM

Du schätzt dich in mindestens Zwei Punkten durchwachsen ein? Dann bin ich die Lösung deines Problems auf dem Weg hin zu deiner Freiheit. Spreng die Ketten deines Mangels und schreibe mir eine Nachricht. Du kannst mit mir gratis zusammenkommen. #LeadershipCoach #UnternehmerCoaching #BusinessTransformation #ChangeManagement #Führungskräfteentwicklung #SelbstständigErfolg #Geschäftsführerberatung #Persönlichkeitsentwicklung #CoachingTipps #EntrepreneurMindset

6/1/2024, 9:15:12 PM

From the week - Change Managment work. It has processes and ways forward. #Change #ChangeManagement #Transitions

6/1/2024, 8:08:51 PM

Embracing Digital and AI Transformation | Q&A | Marco Steidel | Dharam | vCarePgMP Success Story Video Link: Participants: - Marco Steidel - Dharam Singh, PgMP, PfMP, PMP, RMP, SP,ACP,PBA,DASM,DASSM The topics covered in this webinar session: - How many hours did you study for your Exam? - Marco Steidel’s Professional Experience Journey - How does the program management processional (PgMP)® Certification contribute to starting a business? - “All roads do not lead to Rome.” As a Project/Program Leader, how do you find the path that avoids the risk of failure in digital transformation? - How does the acceleration of Artificial Intelligence impact the economic viability of businesses in current scenarios? - What would you say are the biggest challenges during the digital transformation? Any specific examples? - How can we handle the shift in the digital discourse at the boardroom table as the world grapples with political tensions and supply chain imbalance? what kind of impact does it have on projects/programs? - How do you measure your if digital transformation was successful? - Why is rewiring for digital and Artificial Intelligence important? - Apart from the different focus projects vs programs, are there any major differences in the exam? I have already taken PMP and PMI-RMP. - In embracing digital transformation processes is mandatory having before developed a mature Data Governance? - How does digital and AI transformation impact the workforce? What are the difficulties in selecting the right people for such a transformation? #PgMP #PfMP #PMP #vcareprojectmanagement #DigitalTransformation #BusinessStrategy #ChangeManagement #TechAdoption #EconomicImpact #TechEconomy #AIAdoption #BusinessIntelligence #FutureOfWork #DigitalStrategy #GlobalChallenges #CorporateLeadership #DigitalLeadership #ExecutiveDiscussions #TechChallenges #DigitalDisruption #AIChallenges #ImplementationIssues #AdaptationStruggles #TechAdaptation #DigitalAdoption #TechAdvancements #AIinWorkplace #WorkforceTransformation #SkillsDevelopment #dharamsingh

6/1/2024, 8:00:23 PM

☀️🌻 Uma Jornada de Renovação e Descoberta!! Na jornada da vida, a eficiência é a nossa bússola, guiando-nos em direção aos nossos objetivos com leveza e determinação. Fazer o que precisamos fazer com efetividade não significa necessariamente escolher o caminho mais curto, mas sim o mais completo e gratificante. Ao enfrentar desafios, transformamos obstáculos em oportunidades de crescimento e amadurecimento. Lembre-se sempre: o importante não é apenas chegar ao destino, mas sim desfrutar da jornada com eficiência e propósito. E assim foi meu mês de maio, seguindo meu propósito.... Bj, bj Elis. #Humanização, #Proposito, #SentidoDeVida, #ChangeManagement, #Coach, #InteligenciaEmocional, #PsicologiaPositiva, #Felicidade, #CienciaDaFelicidade, #BemEstar, #Mindfulness, #DesenvolvimentoPessoal Segue lá no LinkedIn:

6/1/2024, 7:54:31 PM

𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗰𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗼𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻! DeVere Sheesley leads a training on workplace conflict resolution. Watch at the link in our bio. #ConflictResolution #ConflictResolutionSkills #ConflictResolutionTraining #Mediator #ProfessionalCoaching #DiversityAndInclusion #ChangeManagement #LeadershipGoals #LeadershipLessons #Professionalism #QuickTip #ConflictManagement #SayLessDoMore #FlareUp #GetAlong #Confidentiality #Facilitator #Mediate #Mediator #Mediators #Dispute #Disputes #DisputeResolution #DisputeResolutions

6/1/2024, 7:08:47 PM

Five ways the PMO drives digital transformation Project Management Offices (PMOs) are key players in an organization's digital makeover. They champion strategic alignment, provide project support, manage change, and foster adoption of new technologies, all crucial for a smooth digital transformation journey. The Five ways the PMO drives digital transformation are, 1. PMOs can inspire and encourage change 2. PMOs act as the strategic arm 3. PMOs provide support and insight 4. PMOs properly manage transformations 5. PMOs enable successful digital adoption 🚀 Elevate Your Project Management Career: - Register for my upcoming PMI Certification Success Story Webinars: - Book an obligation-free consultation session on Project management Career, training, and certifications: - Discover training offers and certification discounts: - Stay updated with our Q&A series and certification success stories by subscribing to the vCare Project Management YouTube channel at - Follow my podcasts and interviews with Project Management Experts on YouTube at #PMO #DigitalTransformation #ChangeManagement #PMStrategy #ProjectManagement #StrategicAlignment #ProjectSupport #BusinessTransformation #DigitalAdoption #Innovation #PMLeadership #TechnologyIntegration #askdharam #dharamsingh #dharamsinghpgmp #dharamsinghpfmp #dharamsinghpmp #vcareprojectmanagement

6/1/2024, 6:30:08 PM

Leadership and Change Management: Key to Business Success in the AI Era In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, "Change Management" is not just a strategy; it's a necessity. Business executives, mid-level managers, and entrepreneurs must understand the imperative of change management, particularly in the context of generative artificial intelligence (AI), #BusinessSuccess #BusinessLeadership #ChangeManagement #ChangeManagement #EffectiveCommunication #EffectiveCommunication #ExecutiveCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #generativeartificialintelligence #GenerativeAI #LeadershipSkills #ManagementConsulting #ManagementConsulting #ProjectManagement

6/1/2024, 5:00:34 PM

Congratulations to Prof. S. Kavitha, Faculty of Finance, for presenting her insightful paper on 'Exploring Effective Strategies for Implementing Organizational Change Management to Enhance Adaptability' at the National Conference on Advanced Research Trends in Business & Management - 2024! 📝🌟 Hosted by the PG & Research Department of Commerce at PGP College of Art & Science, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India. . . . #ResearchInnovation #ChangeManagement #IZeeBusinessSchool #IZeeBSchool #izeebusinesschool

6/1/2024, 4:42:10 PM

👏 Congratulations to Prof. Nancy, Dean of IZee Business School, for presenting her insightful paper on 'Exploring Effective Strategies for Implementing Organizational Change Management to Enhance Adaptability' at the National Conference on Advanced Research Trends in Business & Management - 2024. 📊 Hosted by the PG & Research Department of Commerce at PGP College of Art & Science, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India. #Leadership #ChangeManagement #IZeeBusinessSchool #IZeeBSchool #izeebusinesschool

6/1/2024, 4:30:16 PM

💼 Example Fortune 100 Layoff Emails & Memos 📧 Navigating layoffs is tough. Our collection of 20 sample emails from top companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft can help. Visit our website: #LayoffCommunication #CorporateLeadership #ExecutiveCommunication #OrganizationalChange #EmployeeRelations #CrisisManagement #LeadershipStrategy #CorporateInsights #ChangeManagement #CommunicationSkills

6/1/2024, 4:30:13 PM

Модель змін Курта Левіна — це дієвий Change management інструмент, який може допомогти впровадити зміни в будь-якій ситуації. Завдяки своїй простоті, гнучкості та ефективності він може бути корисним для організацій, команд та окремих осіб. Перевірено особисто на практиці: його застосування значно полегшує процес трансформацій. Рекомендую👍 @Yurganize на YouTube @yurganize в Instagram #підприємництво #бізнес #айті #проєкти #підприємці #changemanagement #зміни

6/1/2024, 4:26:13 PM

जिनको लगता है मैं बदल गया🤔,तो सही लगता है😎😎😎🫡🥰 #changemanagement #lifequotes

6/1/2024, 4:08:42 PM

Stop letting your dreams wait! We'll help you set SMART goals, the kind that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Track your progress and stay motivated as you inch closer to success. Ready to achieve what you've always wanted? Let's get started! 👉 Follow Us: @theisggroup 🌐 Visit Us: #theisggroup #organizationaldevelopment #teachereffectiveness #teacherdevelopment #professionallearning #changemanagement #goals #vision #éducation #schoolimprovement

6/1/2024, 4:00:42 PM

Adapting to change with speed and flexibility is crucial in today's dynamic business landscape. Agile leadership principles emphasize the importance of quick decision-making, continuous learning, and adaptive strategies to navigate uncertainty and drive innovation. To lead your team effectively in a rapidly changing environment, foster a culture of agility and experimentation by encouraging open communication, collaboration, and a growth mindset. Empower your team to take ownership of their work, make autonomous decisions, and adapt quickly to changing priorities or market conditions. Provide the necessary resources, support, and training to help employees develop the skills and capabilities needed to thrive in a fast-paced environment. Embrace feedback and iteration, iterate on solutions based on data and insights, and celebrate successes and learnings along the way. By embracing agile leadership principles, businesses can respond more effectively to change, seize new opportunities, and stay competitive in evolving markets. #AgileLeadership #Adaptability #Innovation #ContinuousLearning #GrowthMindset #ChangeManagement

6/1/2024, 4:00:33 PM

A new month is a chance to start afresh and to grab hold of new opportunities. Take a break and give your soul what it needs. Jun 1, 2024

6/1/2024, 3:23:55 PM

Nonostante oggi il cambiamento si sia affermato come unica costante, per molte organizzazioni, gestire il cambiamento e superare la resistenza ad esso può essere una delle sfide più grandi. Il change management non è solo una questione di implementazione di nuove tecnologie o processi, ma riguarda soprattutto la gestione delle persone e delle loro reazioni. Ecco - secondo noi - alcuni punti chiave per affrontare con successo la resistenza al cambiamento: ➡️ Comunicazione trasparente: spiegare chiaramente il motivo del cambiamento e i benefici attesi. Una comunicazione aperta riduce l'incertezza e aumenta la fiducia; ➡️ Coinvolgimento attivo: ascoltare le preoccupazioni delle persone e incorporare il loro feedback nel processo di cambiamento; ➡️ Formazione e supporto: fornire le risorse necessarie per affrontare il cambiamento, come una formazione adeguata e un supporto continuo; ➡️ Leadership esemplare: i leader devono essere i primi a sostenere e incarnare il cambiamento. Il loro esempio è fondamentale per motivare il resto del team. ➡️ Monitoraggio e feedback: valutare continuamente l'impatto del cambiamento e adattare le strategie in base al feedback ricevuto. Il cambiamento può essere complesso da affrontare, ma con una strategia ben pianificata e una gestione attenta, le organizzazioni possono non solo superare la resistenza, ma anche prosperare in un ambiente dinamico. 👉 Sei d'accordo o aggiungeresti altri consigli per gestire il cambiamento? #FormRetail #ChangeManagement #Leadership #formazionecontinua #resistenzaalcambiamento #TeamBuilding #ambientedinamico

6/1/2024, 3:00:40 PM

Locked in a toxic work environment? Stuck in a loop of disappointment? Find your way out of that downward spiral. Louis Carter, organizational psychologist, says it’s never too late to make a change. Shake things up. Explore new opportunities. Take brave steps. Want to shake off that toxic boss? Find mentors. Build strong bonds. Or move on to better opportunities. Facing disengagement at your company? Time to re-engage the team. Get them to believe in your initiatives again. Join us on The Few with Boo to hear Louis’s advice. It’s time to reset and find fulfillment—no matter your age. Ready to make a change? Listen to the full episode now! 🎧 LINK IN BIO @louislcarter @odemanagement #TheFewWithBoo #LouisCarter #LeadershipEffectiveness #TeamPerformance #LeadershipDevelopment #ChangeManagement #PersonalFulfillment #EmployeeEngagement #RemoteWorkChallenges #DigitalLeadership

6/1/2024, 2:30:40 PM

☀️🌻 Prepare-se para uma reunião de trabalho de forma eficiente e consciente com a técnica de mindfulness. Deslize para aprender como cultivar uma mentalidade focada e tranquila antes de cada encontro. #Humanização, #Proposito, #SentidoDeVida, #ChangeManagement, #Coach, #InteligenciaEmocional, #PsicologiaPositiva, #Felicidade, #CienciaDaFelicidade, #BemEstar, #Mindfulness, #CrescimentoProfissional Segue lá no LinkedIn:

6/1/2024, 2:28:24 PM

Yesterday, we wrapped up our comprehensive 5-day training program on strategy, innovation, and change management, leaving our clients with invaluable insights and tools to drive success in their organization. ✨💼 #training #strategy #innovation #changemanagement #pivotageconsulting

6/1/2024, 2:24:26 PM

▫️Prayer does not change God, but changes him who prays. ...🤲🥀 ▫️Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise.🕊 Follow @islamic__.writes.__1 For More . . . . . . . . . . #islamicknowledge #islamicwallpapers #islamichistory #islamictechings #islamicguides #islamicpost #Prayer #godisgood #namaz #positivity #changemanagement #freepalestine 🇦🇪 🩶🦋

6/1/2024, 1:48:50 PM

Pourquoi aller d'ailleurs ? Les choses se changent devant toi/ Why would you go anyway ? Things are changing while you are lookung at it. #consolation #change #changemanagement #labeautésetrouvedanslesyeuxdeceluiquiregarde #lifeiswhathappenstoyouwhileyourebusymakingotherplans #lavieestbelle

6/1/2024, 12:58:00 PM

☀️🌻 Quando priorizarmos a eficiência, damos asas à criatividade e criamos um ambiente propício para a inovação. Que cada passo eficiente nos leve mais perto de novas descobertas e realizações inspiradoras! #Humanização, #Proposito, #SentidoDeVida, #ChangeManagement, #Coach, #InteligenciaEmocional, #PsicologiaPositiva, #Felicidade, #CienciaDaFelicidade, #BemEstar, #Mindfulness, #Eficiência Segue lá no LinkedIn:

6/1/2024, 12:51:12 PM

📌 Quando riesci ad avviare un progetto d’impresa, che ti realizza a livello imprenditoriale, avveri un sogno che hai coltivato per anni. Se poi hai anche il coinvolgimento della famiglia, quel sogno può diventare intergenerazionale. Ma, al tempo stesso, può trasformarsi in una trappola: la trappola del fondatore, che impedisce di assicurare la continuità dell’impresa perché tutto dipende da te. 🎙️ Per garantire un futuro solido alla tua “creatura”, è importante lasciare spazio affinché altri acquisiscano le competenze e le autonomie per gestirla. Proprio questo sarà il tema della puntata 108 del nostro FBU Club con Emanuele Lumini. 📖 Commercialista ed esperto di imprese familiari, da tempo dedica le sue energie per facilitare le imprese familiari e le famiglie imprenditoriali nel delicato percorso d’uscita dalla trappola del fondatore; e ha trovato una chiave particolarmente interessante per raccontarlo: la formula della business novel. Vi aspettiamo lunedì 3 giugno alle 21.00 in live streaming su LinkedIn, Facebook e YouTube: intervistato da Luca Marcolin, ci racconterà del suo libro, pubblicato con Guerini, “La regola di Gio”. #fbu #familybusiness #family #business #familybusinessunit #familyandbusiness #impresa #imprese #famiglia #impresadifamiglia #impresedifamiglia #leadership #changemanagement #enterpreneurship #modello #modelloFBU #club #fbuclub #intervista #online #intervistaonline #youtube #podcast #spreaker #facebook #linkedin #live #streaming #livestreaming #ospite

6/1/2024, 12:30:17 PM

In the turbulent seas of change, ensuring the well-being of the nervous system becomes paramount. Here's why taking intentional steps to soothe the nervous system is the linchpin for maintaining trust and openness during transformative times. #ChangeManagement #WellBeingAtWork #EmployeeEngagement #NervousSystemCare #LeadershipResilience #MindfulLeadership #AdaptabilityInAction #CalmAmidstChange Did you find this post useful? Do Like and Share _____________________________________________ Ready to level up your learning journey? Follow me for valuable insights, practical tips, and engaging content on education, instructional design, process transformation, research, and content development. Let's learn and thrive together! #EducationExpert #LearningCommunity #KnowledgeIsPower

6/1/2024, 12:23:52 PM

When I go away, I like to be able to give something back to the place/a I’ve visited 😊 I was therefore delighted to be invited to help develop the next generation of Kyrgyzstan’s civic and business leaders at @oshtu earlier in May! 🇰🇬 During a round-table session kindly organised by the university’s Dean and @pamir_horizon , various topics were covered, including: > Cross-cultural collaboration > NLP and leadership psychology > Leading and managing change > Project and Programme Management > Use of emergent technology > Influencing techniques I have also been invited to Fergana’s technological campus in Uzbekistan to lead a similar session, as well as look at their AI use cases across the public and private sector 🇺🇿 Thank you to all for a very engaging and enlightening day! #travel #givingback #students #oshtechnologicaluniversity #cultureexchange #exchangeviews #crossculture #collaboration #learning #technology #leadership #projectmanagement #changeleadership #coaching #nlp #emotionalintelligence #influencing #influencingtechniques #changemanagement #nextgeneration #youthofkyrgyzstan #peopledevelopment #livingmybestlife #keepthedreamalive

6/1/2024, 11:54:20 AM

Summer is here! ☀️ Who's ready for a workation? Or do you prefer to unplug completely and enjoy a proper vacation? Share your favorite workation destinations in the comments 👇 Want to make work more fun? Subscribe to our free newsletter for practical tips. Hit the link in our bio 😉 #Workation #Vacation #CorporateRebels #FutureOfWork #Office #WorkFun #Fun #Motivation #Workplace #PersonalDevelopment #OfficeHumor #WorkMeme #OfficeMeme #ChangeManagement #TransformationalLeadership #Transformation #Management #Work #Trending #Freedom #Talent #StartUp #Founder #Entrepreneurship #Business #Leadership #Leader

6/1/2024, 11:00:10 AM

Wat heeft het coachen van studenten van @erasmusuniversity mij opgeleverd? In ieder geval 21 hele mooie gesprekken! De onderwerpen varieerden van studie-gerelateerde zaken tot het vinden van een passende baan. Daarnaast gingen we ook de diepte in en bespraken we persoonlijke kwesties. De algemene deler in al deze gesprekken was dat het vaak ging over het maken van keuzes. Grote en kleine keuzes. De keuze om stil te staan of om in actie te komen. De keuze om verder onderzoek te doen of de keuze om gewoon even te voelen. Want vaak weten we allang wat we willen. Of welke kant we op willen. Maar weten we alleen niet hoe we er moeten komen. Oftewel, wat we daar dan voor moeten doen of laten. Dat is waar ik het allerliefste over praat. Over gevoelens én over praktische zaken. Want als coach stel ik niet alleen maar vragen om iemand aan het denken te zetten. Ik verwacht ook actie. Uiteraard niet meteen en het is volledig afhankelijk van de persoon en de situatie waar deze zich in bevindt. Maar het stap voor stap uitwerken van een richting is waar ik ontzettend blij van word. In deze online gesprekken was dit echter niet direct de insteek. Want het bleef vaak bij één gesprek. Maar het heeft mij naast deze interessante gesprekken, ook een aantal prachtige reviews opgeleverd die ik hieronder graag wil delen! Manou is a great listener and makes you feel seen while also sharing her personal experiences. I really enjoyed having this meeting with her. - Mihaela Kafedzhiyska Manou is a very inspiring and honest person who motivates you to be truthful to yourself, just as she is to herself. Her genuine guidance and motivational approach creates an atmosphere where authenticity and personal growth thrive. It was truly enriching to connect with her and I appreciate the valuable insights she shared during our conversation. I look forward to more inspiring discussions and mentorship in the future! - Annabelle Twigt Lees hieronder verder 👇

6/1/2024, 10:17:57 AM

THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON CHANGE MANAGEMENT Explore the profound influence of organizational culture on effective change management strategies. 🔄💼 Dive into how cultural norms, values, and behaviors shape the acceptance and implementation of change initiatives. Learn to leverage cultural strengths and navigate potential barriers to ensure successful transformations. 🌐 Embrace cultural insights to drive positive change within your organization! 🚀 #acceleratemanagementschool #ChangeManagement #OrganizationalCulture #BusinessTransformation #Leadership #ChangeLeadership #CorporateCulture #Adaptation #Strategy #Innovation #WorkplaceDynamics

6/1/2024, 10:00:28 AM

BACA!! Bahaya Bekerja Tanpa SOP 1. Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja: Keselamatan terancam. 2. Kualitas Kerja Menurun: Standar tidak terjaga. 3. Efisiensi Kerja Terhambat: Waktu dan sumber daya terbuang. Jangan abaikan SOP! Selalu ikuti panduan kerja yang ada untuk menjaga keselamatan dan kualitas kerja. #KeamananKerja #KualitasKerja #EfisiensiKerja #SOP #mentoringbisnis #ASAconsulting #konsultasibisnis #changemanagement #motivasibisnis #konsultan #konsultanmanajemen #konsultasi #konsultanbisnis #konsultasibisnins #bisnis #manajemen #bisnisindonesia #asaconsulting #aos -——————————————— Jangan ketinggalan info dan topik menarik tentang manajemen bisnis. Follow

6/1/2024, 10:00:00 AM

«Einstein ha scoperto la sua formula a 24 anni. Non quando ne aveva 60. Leopardi ha scritto «L’Infinito» che ne aveva 21. Ti immagini oggi uno che ha 21 anni e scrive «L’Infinito»? Allora c’è una decadenza reale, no? E perché? Perché noi i giovani non li "usiamo!" Gli facciamo fare fotocopie, i lavori a co co co, i lavori a progetto, i lavori in affitto. Ma hanno il massimo della potenza creativa a quell'età.» (Umberto Galimberti) #crescitapersonale #crescitaprofessionale #crescitapersonalefemminile #formazione #cambiamento #change #changemanagement #tempo #timeforme #letture #love

6/1/2024, 9:34:09 AM

Leaders, get ready to supercharge your lean transformation journey! 💥🚀 ⠀ Join our virtual Executive Training on 04-05 June for an immersive two-session workshop (2x4 hours) led by renowned expert Ketan Varia. ⠀ You'll gain invaluable insights on: ✨ Unleashing the power of lean thinking 💡 Aligning teams for sustainable change 🌟 Building a culture of continuous improvement ⠀ Don't miss this opportunity to level up your leadership skills and drive meaningful change within your organisation. ⠀ Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today! Visit link in bio. #LeanLeadership #ChangeManagement #VirtualLearning

6/1/2024, 9:30:11 AM

#MitgliederPortrait    Kennt ihr schon 3appy?    3appy ist ein Entwicklungs- und Beratungsunternehmen, das sich auf die Realisierung größerer agiler sowie klassischer Projekte spezialisiert. Sie verfügen zudem über Expertise im Change Management, die ihre Kompetenzen in der Digitalisierung von Unternehmensprozessen verstärkt.    📍 Standort: Flensburg
📆 Gründung: 2015    Was ihre Ziele für 2024 sind, lest ihr hier. 👀   —  #AgileDevelopment #DigitalTransformation #ChangeManagement

6/1/2024, 9:12:11 AM

Empower your sales journey! Stop guessing, start knowing! Uncover the 8 reasons why customers might be saying no, and transform your approach to success. From building trust to handling fears of change, learn how to overcome obstacles and boost sales! #SalesInsights #OvercomeBarriers #SalesSuccess #Empowerment #Transformation #SuccessTips #Wisdoms #SalesWisdom #BusinessTips #SalesStrategy #SalesTraining #CustomerRelations #ChangeManagement #ConversionBoost

6/1/2024, 8:13:41 AM

Leadership and Change Management: Key to Business Success in the AI Era In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, "Change Management" is not just a strategy; it's a necessity. Business executives, mid-level managers, and entrepreneurs must understand the imperative of change management, particularly in the context of generative artificial intelligence (AI), #BusinessSuccess #BusinessLeadership #ChangeManagement #ChangeManagement #EffectiveCommunication #EffectiveCommunication #ExecutiveCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #generativeartificialintelligence #GenerativeAI #LeadershipSkills #ManagementConsulting #ManagementConsulting #ProjectManagement

6/1/2024, 8:00:47 AM

Material Optimization Tools: A Strategic Approach to Sustainable Packaging In the dynamic landscape of business management and strategy, sustainability has become a cornerstone for success. For business executives, entrepreneurs, and mid-level managers, the imperative to adopt sustainable packaging practices is not just an environmental concern but a strategic necessity. #BusinessStrategy #BusinessStrategy #ChangeManagement #EnvironmentalResponsibility #EnvironmentalResponsibility #InnovativeLeadership #LeadershipSkills #MaterialOptimizationTools #MaterialOptimization #ProjectManagement #SustainablePackaging #SustainablePackaging

6/1/2024, 8:00:35 AM

🌟 Exciting opportunity in Mumbai for a Change Management professional! 🚀 If you have 5+ years of experience and expertise in creating and conducting coaching and training sessions, including e-learning for various audiences, project management, client issue resolution, colleague engagement programs, communication strategy development, and training/communications creation, we want you on our team! 📌 Apply Now: 📧 [email protected] 📞 Contact us at 1800-102-7233 #ChangeManagement #MumbaiJobs #TrainingAndDevelopment #ProjectManagement #ClientSatisfaction #CommunicationStrategy #JoinUs #ITJobs #TechTalent

6/1/2024, 7:37:52 AM

Lights, camera, change! Our dynamic change management strategies are transforming animation studios. Embrace innovation, script success, and direct your team to blockbuster achievements! #ChangeManagement #AnimationStudio

6/1/2024, 7:30:13 AM

🚀 Proud to share this amazing testimonial from KWK Resistors India Pvt Ltd! 🚀 As one of the country's largest and fastest-growing resistor manufacturers, KWK Resistors faced the challenge of nurturing their workforce and attracting fresh talent. With the invaluable support of Futures & Careers (FAC) and Mr. Giri Krishnan, we developed a customized HR model and comprehensive HR manual tailored to our needs. The clarity and direction provided through detailed job descriptions and KPIs have been instrumental in aligning our team with our company goals. A huge thank you to Mr. Giri and the FAC team for their dedication, expertise, and personalized approach. Partnering with FAC has been a pleasure and a crucial factor in our continued growth and success. We highly recommend their services to any organization looking for top-tier HR solutions! #ClientTestimonial #HRSuccess #HRManagement #EmployeeGrowth #BusinessExcellence #Recruitment #HRSupport #ChangeManagement #FuturesAndCareers #KWKResistors #Gratitude #BusinessGrowth #HRExpertise #ProfessionalServices #LongTermPartnership #WorkplaceWellness #upskillearn

6/1/2024, 6:30:15 AM

GIUGNO 2024 - giorno 1 Nuovo mese nuovo inizio. Esplorare nuove possibilità, affrontare nuove sfide e abbracciare il cambiamento: Questa mentalità ti permette di superare i limiti imposti dalla mediocrità e di raggiungere risultati imprevedibili. Invece di accontentarti di meno dell’indispensabile, ti spinge a dare il massimo di te stesso/a e a cercare soluzioni innovative. Un percorso nuovo con una mentalità aperta e audace è una possibilità che potresti decidere di intraprendere per raggiungere nuovi risultati. Ti permette di affrontare le sfide con coraggio, di scoprire nuove soluzioni e prospettive, e di esprimere il tuo pieno potenziale. ( #ActionforHappiness) #coach #consapevolezza #gentilezza #pensieropositivo #crescitapersonale #energiapositiva #ottimismoconsapevole #LeadershipTraining #intelligenzaEmotiva #lifecoach #inspiration #manager #management #leader #leadership #changemanagement #intelligenzapositiva#motivazione #business #impresa #ribellarsi #hope #mind #mindfullness #personaldevelopment #motivation

6/1/2024, 6:20:34 AM

🛡️ Embrace your past hardships as sources of strength and resilience to shield you from adversity, rather than allowing them to bind and restrict your progress. Follow @successbrains for motivational posts every day 🎯💯 Follow 👉 @successbrains Follow 👉 @successbrains Follow 👉 @successbrains #successfulcareer #careersuccesscoach #successcareer #careersuccesscamp #careersuccessconference2018 #workgoals #corporatewomen #professionalwoman #businessprofessional #jeffbezosquotes #learntoearn #quityourjob #professionalspeaker #consultinglife #virtualsupport #businessskills #businessrelationships #careersuccess #businessgoals #business101 #businessstrategist #businessdevelopment #businessconsulting #businessmentor #businesscoaches #businesstransformation #businesscoaching #careeradvice #changemanagement

6/1/2024, 5:59:48 AM

Calling all dynamic women aged 25-55 ready to ignite their potential! Join our exclusive transformational coaching INSPIRE Personal Journey Masterclass- pilot program and unlock the next level of your life journey. Embrace the change you deserve! #changeyourlife #changemanagement #changeyourmindset #changemaker #changetheworld #lifecoaching #lifegoals #lifeofadventure

6/1/2024, 4:50:37 AM

We love learning about business and leadership here at PWC. Here's some helpful content we've learned for anyone in leadership or interested in stepping into leadership. 🆙 🔖 Bookmark and share if this was helpful! 📽️ Content from Leila Hormozi "Every Business Owner Should Watch" | Youtube #Leadership #ChangeManagement #OrganizationalChange #LeadingChange #TransformationalLeadership #BusinessLeadership #ChangeLeadership #Adaptability #Innovation #StrategicPlanning #VisionaryLeadership #CorporateCulture #LeadershipDevelopment #ChangeAgent #resilientleadership

6/1/2024, 3:43:20 AM

This #PrideMonth, Kinetik believes in having an inclusive workplace that embraces diversity and being inclusive of people from all backgrounds. #PrideAlly #Inclusion #ChangeManagement

6/1/2024, 1:00:15 AM

🎥 New Replay Available! Watch Carmen Bocanegra's session from UX Camp Spring 2024 on Beyond Extraction: Reframing UX Research into Long-term Relationships and Strategic Change Management. 🔍 UX research is more than data collection; it's about building relationships and guiding strategic change. Carmen explores how to turn UX research into a tool for long-term partnerships, aligning user needs with organizational objectives. This session covers: 🔹 Strategies for involving non-research stakeholders 🔹 Techniques for establishing trust and open communication 🔹 The role of UX research in facilitating organizational change Gain tools to build lasting relationships through UX research and support meaningful change. 👉 Watch now: #UX #Design #UXDesign #UserExperience #HumanCentered #ChicagoCamps #UXResearch #ChangeManagement #Collaboration #CivicTech #StrategicChange

6/1/2024, 12:13:40 AM

. 𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞? 💥 " #Innovation comes from people who take joy in their work.” ~ W. Edwards Deming ~ The Fathers of Total Quality Management . #GoodMorning | 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐲 🌹 #Creativity | #ChangeManagement

6/1/2024, 12:00:19 AM