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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) said it will on Monday June 3rd, join the indefinite strike action declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) over the Federal Government’s refusal to raise the proposed minimum wage from N60,000. The above action will result to shutting down the nation’s seaports as workers closed shop. Kennedy Ikemefuna, spokesman of MWUN, said in a statement on Saturday that the indefinite nationwide strike exercise will affect port operations. Click the link in bio to read more. #maritime #portoperation #minimumwage #businessday

6/2/2024, 4:00:11 PM

Ghana has become Africa’s capital for foodies, thanks to its daily markets and pop-up restaurants. Accra, the capital of Ghana is leading the way in the Ghana Food Movement as a result of the new network of sustainable food. The city has become so popular that it earned a place on Conde Nast Traveller’s list of the best places to visit in 2024, with the site citing its “reimagination of pan-African heritage” as one of the reasons why. In May, the Link-up Kitchen opened in the Osu neighbourhood, housing the popular Dine and Dance series that will see young chefs highlight local ingredients in multicourse dinners before dancing to local DJ tracks. Click the link in bio to read more. #ghana #tourism #businessday

6/2/2024, 3:39:12 PM

President Bola Tinubu has pledged to prioritise investments in climate resilience towards contributing to global efforts aimed at mitigating climate impacts and promoting sustainable development. Tinubu, who gave the commitment during the 4th United Nations International Conference on Small Island Developing States (UN SIDS4), Antigua and Barbados. “Despite contributing less than one 1% percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, these nations suffer disproportionately from the impacts of climate change resulting to rising sea levels, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and the degradation of marine ecosystems,” Tinubu said. Click the link in bio to read more. #climateimpact #tinubu #sustainabledevelopment #businessday

6/2/2024, 2:00:56 PM

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on Thursday commissioned three Warships and two Helicopters by the Nigerian Navy at the Naval Dockyard Limited (NDL), Lagos. The President, who was represented by the Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima, also flagged off a Regional Maritime Exercise (REMEX) and declared the NN International Maritime Conference (IMC) 2024, open. The activities were to commemorate the Nigerian Navy’s 68th anniversary. Click the link in bio to read more. #tinubu #navy #maritime #businessday

6/2/2024, 1:32:44 PM

The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Mahmoud Yakubu, a professor, has expressed the Commission’s readiness to conduct a credible governorship election in Edo State in September. Yakubu gave the assurance following the recent heavy downpour that destroyed critical infrastructure at the INEC office, saying the affected facilities would be repaired or replaced. Residents of Edo and Ondo will go to the poll on September 21 and November 16, respectively, to elect state governors. Click the link in bio to read more. #inec #edostate #election #businessday

6/2/2024, 1:26:17 PM

#businessday SEE YOU ALL SOON TOMOROW! Teddy will be waiting for you guys🤍🤍

6/2/2024, 12:44:51 PM

As President Bola Ahmed Tinubu begins his second year after the celebration of one year in office, Nigerians have urged him to do whatever is humanly possible to take them out of the deep suffering they have been experiencing since May 29, 2023. Urge speedy action on Port Harcourt Refinery Among other demands, they have specifically asked the President to urgently fix the Port Harcourt Refinery to enable it begin production without further delay, and also tackle head-on the problem of insecurity for farmers to return to their farms. Looking back at the 365 days that marked President Tinubu’s first year in office, many Nigerians are wondering how they survived, as each day came with more challenges that left them begging for relief from the suffocating grip of the harsh economy. Click the link in bio to read more. #tinubu #sufferings #businessday

6/2/2024, 12:16:28 PM

Participants at the The Bullion Lecture 2024 have called on governments at all levels in the country to increase investment in human capital development in order to achieve fast-paced prosperity for the country. The over 250 participants from the academia, banking and finance, ICT, maritime, media, public sector, diplomatic circle, etc. who converged on Lagos on April 18, 2024, for the annual lecture organised by Centre for Financial Journalism, observed that Nigeria is not doing well with regard to human capital development because it is not making adequate investment in the education of its citizens, which is a major avenue for developing human capital. Click the link in bio to read more. #investments #government #humancapital #businessday

6/2/2024, 11:39:31 AM

Concerned Nigerians have raised the alarm over the worsening insecurity in the country, fueled by the feeling of discontent in the polity. They have also urged the Federal Government to take holistic and lasting measures to address the issue of feeling of alienation across the country, rather than the ad-hoc measures that tend to aggravate the situation. The concerns were raised following the recent attack and killing of five soldiers, less than three months after eight soldiers were killed in Okuama community, Delta State. Click the link in bio to read more. #soldiers #deltastate #insecurity #businessday

6/2/2024, 11:26:19 AM

June 2nd: Front pages of some Newspaper Headlines #newspaper #dailynewspaper #onlinenewspaper #LocalNews #DailyTrust #PunchNews #businessday #nationnews #guardiannewspaper

6/2/2024, 10:43:07 AM

Nigeria, a country once known for its rich cultural heritage and reverence for sacred places, has witnessed a decline in the sanctity of these revered places. The country’s social, economic, and political landscape has changed significantly over the years, leading to an erosion of the respect and protection accorded to sacred places. Historically, places of worship were revered and protected by communities, who believed in their spiritual and cultural significance. Click the link in bio to read more. #church #mosques #heritage #businessday

6/2/2024, 10:08:45 AM

Shelter is one of the basic needs of man, but homelessness in Nigeria is growing in leaps and bounds following cases of demolition in the cities with Lagos, the nation’s commercial capital, leading the pack. Homelessness in the country is such that, last year, data from the World Population Review revealed that Nigeria has the world’s largest number of homeless people with 24 million of its population not having homes to live. The data explains that over 24 million people are considered homeless with many more not having appropriate access to a proper dwelling that has access to some of the basic services such as water, electricity and good road network. Click the link in bio to read more. #homeless #demolition #lagos #businessday

6/2/2024, 9:59:40 AM

Front Page Today: End our suffering, Nigerians tell Tinubu as another year begins Real Madrid lifts15th UEFA Champions League title Visit to read more #frontpage #businessday

6/2/2024, 9:34:59 AM

President Bola Tinubu’s first year in office has thrown many Nigerians into hunger with an ample lack of basic amenities while unemployment keeps rising, the latest survey by the African Polling Institute (API) shows. In its survey, API, an independent, non-profit, and non-partisan opinion research think-tank noted that an overwhelming majority of citizens (84%) express profound sadness with the current state of affairs in the country. “Their voices, filled with dissatisfaction, are a clear call for action,” the report said. The national survey which was administered between May 1st and 18th 2024 sought to elicit citizens’ opinions and assessments of President Tinubu’s first year in office and it revealed that a significant majority of citizens (81%) feel the country is headed in the wrong direction. Some of the challenges Nigerians are presently contending with, according to the report are hunger, inability to meet basic needs, and rising insecurity among others. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #tinubu #insecurity #inflation #economy #businessday

6/1/2024, 8:19:32 PM

Air travel has revolutionised the way we explore the world, connecting distant lands and cultures like never before. With over 40,000 airports worldwide, it’s easy to assume that every country has at least one airport to call its own. However, there are a few countries that defy this assumption, remaining off the grid and without an airport to facilitate air travel. Each country has its own story to tell. Some are in the heart of a region, surrounded by major cities with well-connected airports, making the need for their airport redundant. Others are small island nations with limited space and resources, making the construction and maintenance of an airport a significant challenge. Additionally, some countries may prioritise other modes of transportation, such as sea or land routes, or may face significant geographical or economic constraints that make building an airport unfeasible. Despite these limitations, these countries have a thriving tourism industry, attracting visitors from around the world who are drawn to their unique cultures and natural beauty. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #weekender #airports #transportation #businessday

6/1/2024, 7:11:33 PM

Aba Power Limited, Nigeria’s youngest electricity distribution, has given out over 22,000 smart prepaid meters since last November when it initiated its Mass Metering campaign. “Much as our stakeholders are satisfied with our speed since we rolled out the programme”, Aba Power managing director, Ugo Opiegbe, told select journalists in Aba today, “we will do much more in the next six months and achieve a far greater target after that”. It is estimated that meter installation for some 200,000 registered customers in the Aba Ring-fenced Area will cost at least N32 billion. Aba Power commenced commercial operations in September 2022 and provides electricity to nine of the 17 local government areas (LGAs) in Abia State. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #power #electricity #abiastate #businessday

6/1/2024, 7:02:24 PM

Another working day 📈💼 . . . . __________________________ #work #bmed #milano #milan #italy #businessday #workin #workintime #sun #spring #sunnyday #goodday #instaday #sky #milano🇮🇹 #milanitaly #bank #mediolanum #worktime #springtime #springday

6/1/2024, 6:12:23 PM

BILLIONAIRE BUSINESS CLASS "Ketika ingin berubah atau melakukan perbaikan hidup, sering kali orang bertanya, "Mulai dari mana?", dan jawaban yang terbaik ialah mulai dari MENGENAL DIRI SENDIRI". DR H.C Ary Ginanjar Agustian. Hari ini uniters Purwokerto belajar banyak hal, terutama tentang mengenal diri sendiri. Ini tentunya menjadi pondasi penting untuk kita bisa menjadi individu yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Terimakasih kaka @arya_neka ,ilmunya hari ini bener² bisa bikin uniters @unitycorporation_purwokerto bisa lebih melesat untuk mencapai goals nya di tahun ini. Sukses sendiri itu terlihat biasa, tapi sukses bareng² pastinya akan lebih luar biasa. #pebisnishebat #pertumbuhandiri #bertumbuh #bisnisgampang #BisnisFranchise #Billionaire #businessday #saturdaybusiness #BBCtraining #BBCpurwokerto #unitypwt #prudentialsyariah

6/1/2024, 3:45:19 PM

Here are 7 fascinating contributions from Africa that showcase the continent’s remarkable achievements in science, technology, art, and beyond. The Ishango Bone Long before Western mathematicians gained recognition, Africans were already at the forefront of arithmetic innovation. The Ishango Bone, discovered on the Uganda-Democratic Republic of Congo border, serves as the world’s oldest mathematical artifact. Carved from a baboon fibula, it contains notches believed to represent fundamental arithmetic concepts like doubling and prime numbers. These remarkable findings, alongside the Lebombo bone from Swaziland, challenge the Eurocentric view of mathematics, highlighting Africa’s profound early mathematical contributions. Jazz Jazz, embraced globally, finds its heartbeat in African musical traditions, often described as inherently African in origin. This genre embraces polyrhythms, where g multiple rhythms are blended into one harmonious melody. These intricate rhythmic structures trace their roots back to African music, underscoring the profound impact of African culture on shaping jazz into the dynamic and diverse genre it is today. Shea butter Shea butter, hailed as “nature’s miracle beauty balm,” has become a prevalent ingredient in skincare products globally. Extracted from the nuts of the indigenous African Vitellaria tree, commonly known as the “Shea tree,” this rich, moisturizing butter has found its way into soaps, lip balms, lotions, and shaving creams. Its origins trace back to 19 countries across West Africa and parts of East Africa, from Senegal to Sudan. Legend has it that even Cleopatra, renowned for her beauty, valued this butter during her reign, recognizing its skincare benefits. Today, shea butter stands as a testament to Africa’s natural abundance, enriching skincare routines worldwide with its nourishing properties. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #africa #world #sheabutter #weekender #businessday

6/1/2024, 3:00:10 PM

Growing up was fun for millennials, and a big part of the fun was the incredible variety of snacks that filled our lunch boxes and pockets. Remember the excitement of ripping open a fresh pack of Robo or unwrapping a sweet treat after school? The snacks of our childhood were more than just a sweet tooth satisfaction – they were a source of joy, comfort, and nostalgia. Whether we were satisfying our after-school cravings or quelling hunger, snacks played a major role in our daily routines. But let us be real, who did not get into trouble for sneaking a snack during class or at the assembly? The rustling of wrappers, the crunch, and the sweet aroma of these treats often gave us away, earning us a stern glance from our teachers and sometimes a stroke or two. And who can forget the thrill of saving up our lunch money until “closing time” so we could enjoy the walk back home with friends, snacking on our favorite treats and reliving the day’s adventures? Click the link in bio to read the full story. #snacks #millenials #weekender #businessday

6/1/2024, 2:56:24 PM

Dana Air, one of Nigeria’s leading airlines has announced a significant step forward in its journey towards a vibrant resurgence in the aviation sector. Jacky Hathiramani, the CEO of Dana Air, disclosed this recently in Abuja during a crucial meeting with the Honorable Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development Festus Keyamo. According to the CEO, Dana Air has made significant progress in its commitment to revitalize its operations and the Board of the airline is currently in talks with a new investor who is also very eager to infuse fresh ideas, a different fleet of state-of the-art aircraft type and possibly new hires signaling a promising future for the airline and the industry as a whole. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #danaair #aviation #keyamo #businessday

6/1/2024, 2:31:58 PM

Seychelles 🇸🇨 Κάτι από το ταξίδι μου στης Σεϋχέλλες 👆🏻 Ένα όμορφο μέρος αλλά με άσχημους χαρακτήρες ανθρώπων. Κάτι που δεν είδατε 👇🏻 2 μέρες στης Σεϋχέλλες όπου πήγα για ένα χαρτί που έπρεπε να είναι εκεί το συντομότερο για μιαν εταιρία που αγόρασα μετοχές - 2 μέρες όλα καλά τελείωσα την δουλειά μου την τελευταία μέρα που ετοίμασα τα πράγματα μου να φύγω και πήγα στο αεροδρόμιο , πήγα για ελέγχω και για 2 ώρες προσπαθούσαν να βρουν ένα λόγο για να καθυστερήσω, απλά επειδή δεν τους άρεσα και φαινόμουν «περίεργος» και με ρωτούσαν γιατί ήρθες μόνο 2 μέρες και αλλά πολλά , μέχρι που έφυγε το αεροπλάνο και έμεινα εκεί, και στο τέλος με κρατούσαν για 1 μέρα χωρίς να μπορώ να επικοινωνήσω με κανένα και ο λόγος που βρήκαν στην τελική ήταν για ένα λαπτοπ που μου έδωσαν η άνθρωποι που συνάντησα εκεί για να το φέρω Κύπρο. Μετά από όλα αυτά τελικά δεν είχε κανένα θέμα και με άφησαν να φύγω και η εμπειρία μου ως τουρίστας ήταν αυτή! Δεν έχω σκοπό να κάνω κάποιο πρόβλημα απλά αν σκέφτεστε να πάτε και σας δουν κάπως περίεργα η δεν σαν συμπαθήσουν να είστε έτοιμη να αντιμετωπίσετε τον νόμο της Σεϋχέλλες. ✌🏻 . . #seychelles #life #lifestyle #emirates #holiday #businessday

6/1/2024, 1:40:46 PM

Vietnam’s affordability is a significant draw for travelers, offering a lifestyle filled with luxuries that would be unaffordable elsewhere. With the exchange rate around VND25,000 to US$1, visitors can stretch their dollars impressively far in Vietnam. Here are what you can buy for $1 in Vietnam Culinary delights A key pleasure is the food. Many expats in Vietnam rarely cook, enjoying instead the vibrant street food culture. Although iconic dishes like bun cha and pho might slightly exceed a dollar, there are still plenty of delicious options. For instance, xoi (sticky rice), bun moc, bun thang, and the ubiquitous banh mi are easily available for under VND25,000. However, the lower cost does come with less stringent food safety standards, which can sometimes lead to food poisoning, as seen in a recent incident in Dong Nai Province where over 500 people were hospitalized after eating banh mi from a local eatery. Coffee culture For coffee lovers, Vietnam is a paradise. A ca phe sua (milk coffee) can be enjoyed for around VND14,750 (US$0.59), This means one could enjoy a week’s worth of coffee in Vietnam for the price of a single coffee in the U.S. ($2.95). Click the link in bio to read the full story. #vietnam #tourism #weekender #businessday

6/1/2024, 1:28:45 PM

Going for window blinds installation!! We keep reaching @windowstorynigeria #installer #saturdaymotivation #install #explore #interior #videos #buildings #vibes #businessday #trained #designers #today #instagramfam #homeinterior #instagrambusiness #home #fctabuja #lagos #live #project #shopping #instadaily #installation #nationwidelivery #online #professional #abujavendor #businessday #instafam For more information, Please DM/Call/WhatsApp 09037867545, 08036524382 or Visit our Factory/Showroom at CP 8, Airport road, opposite Voice Of Nigeria(VON) Junction. Abuja Nigeria

6/1/2024, 1:15:42 PM

When it comes to the oil sector in Nigeria, one name stands out: A. A Rano. The rise of Alhaji Auwalu Abdullahi Rano from humble beginnings to leading a multibillion-dollar enterprise as the founder and CEO of AA Rano Nigeria Limited shows the power of hard work and perseverance. Born on 7 February 1974 in Lausu town, Kano State, the entrepreneur started his business journey by selling ice blocks, groundnut oil, and other local items. In 1994, he ventured into selling and distributing petroleum products on a small scale. As a young entrepreneur with big dreams, he wanted to become a leader in the downstream sector of Nigeria’s petroleum industry, aiming for steady growth in this challenging field. Rano’s dedication and business skills quickly paid off. By 1996, just two years after starting his petroleum business, he built his first retail outlet in Kano. This early success showed he was on the path to great achievements. In 2002, he officially registered his company, A. A Rano Nigeria Limited, marking his serious commitment to the industry. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #weekender #oilandgas #ranooilandgas #businessday

6/1/2024, 12:26:33 PM

In the annals of marathon history, few tales resonate as profoundly as that of Shizo Kanakuri, a man whose name became synonymous with resilience and determination. His story traverses continents, decades, and embodies the essence of endurance, both on and off the track. Born in Japan in 1891, Kanakuri was a promising athlete, known for his remarkable speed and endurance. His prowess earned him a spot to represent Japan in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics, a momentous opportunity for a nation where sports were not yet a national obsession. However, what transpired on the day of the marathon would become the stuff of legend. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #weekender #shizokanakuri #marathon #olympics #businessday

6/1/2024, 11:44:01 AM

It is a universal truism that by widening your opportunities across continents, one will be able to become a better student and person in the world. Many countries of the world have opened the door of learning to students from other countries to foster unity and development goals through knowledge impartation. Here are the five countries with the highest number of international students. United States of America The United States of America is the top country hosting the most foreign students in the world. It is one of the most sought-after higher education destinations for international students. The country had an inbound mobility ratio of 4.59 percent and hosted around 833,204 international students in 2021. Four US universities including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University rank among the top 10 universities as per the QS World University ranking. United Kingdom The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ranks as the second-best country hosting the most foreign students in the world. In 2021/22, 679,970 overseas students were studying at UK universities, 120,140 of whom were from the EU and 559,825 from elsewhere. It had an inbound student mobility ratio of 20.06 percent in 2021 and hosted 600,589 international students during the same year. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #internationalstudents #weekender #education #businessday

6/1/2024, 10:55:50 AM

Football stands as the pinnacle of sports, boasting not only unparalleled prestige but also commanding some of the highest-valued trophies in the world. Across various leagues, both national and international, these coveted awards symbolize excellence, skill, and the ultimate triumph on the field. These six trophies collectively represent the epitome of footballing success, each embodying the spirit of competition, dedication, and triumph on the global stage. Here, we delve into the esteemed realm of football’s most expensive trophies: FIFA World Cup Trophy The estimated value of the FIFA World Cup trophy is approximately $20 million, considering its composition, historical importance, and symbolic significance. Crafted from 18-carat gold, the trophy stands 36.8 centimetres (14.5 inches) tall and weighs 6.175 kilograms (13.61 pounds). However, its value transcends the material worth of gold; it is revered for its iconic status and the unparalleled prestige attributed to those who claim victory and lift it high. Copa Libertadores Trophy The Copa Libertadores trophy, valued at $8.5 million, symbolizes victory in South American football’s premier club competition. Fashioned from sterling silver with a marble base, its importance goes beyond its monetary worth, standing as a symbol of victory and glory for those who earn the honour of lifting it. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #sports #football #footballtrophies #fifa #businessday

6/1/2024, 10:50:51 AM

Abba Kyari, a suspended Deputy Commissioner of Police, has been released from the Kuje Correctional Centre in the Federal Capital Territory after spending 27 months in detention. His release follows a series of legal battles and a recent court decision granting him bail. Kyari was initially detained on February 14, 2022, by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for alleged involvement with an international drug cartel. He was arraigned on March 7, 2022 along with four members of the Police Intelligence Response Team (IRT)—Sunday Ubia, Bawa James, Simon Agirigba, and John Nuhu. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #ndlea #abbakyari #nigerianpoliceforce #businessday

6/1/2024, 10:46:24 AM

The naira, Nigeria‘s currency, ended the month weaker, despite a surge in dollar supply amounting to $4.60 billion in the official foreign exchange (FX) market. The FX market closed for the month on Friday with the naira losing 5.60 percent as the dollar was quoted at N1,485.99, weaker than N1,402.67 quoted at the beginning of the month, according to data from the FMDQ Securities Exchange Limited. On a day-on-day trading basis, the local currency closed flat at 0.08 percent as the dollar exchanged at N1,485.99 on Friday as against N1,484.75 quoted on Thursday at NAFEM. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #naira #foreignexchange #dollar #fmdq #nafem #businessday

6/1/2024, 10:42:35 AM

In this week's edition of The Weekender, we bring you the six prestigious football trophies valued at over $35 million combined. Global: Here are seven fascinating contributions from Africa to the world. Education: Here are the countries with the highest number of international students. Travels: Top 5 African countries to visit and their street food Woman: SheCan Nigeria: Breaking Barriers to Success for Women in Business, Family, and Career Movie Review: Linda Ochugbua reviews three movies: PK (2014), ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK (2020), and THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY (2012). Share your thoughts on her reviews. Download the complete edition of The Weekender here. #Weekender #BusinessDay #Tourism #MovieReview #Lifestyle

6/1/2024, 9:45:53 AM

June 1st: Front pages of some Newspaper Headlines #newspaper #dailynewspaper #onlinenewspaper #LocalNews #DailyTrust #PunchNews #businessday #nationnews #guardiannewspaper

6/1/2024, 9:35:39 AM

For this year's Conscious Business Day, we are honored to have Bapak Jaffee Arizon Suardin, President Director of PT Pertamina Internasional Eksplorasi dan Produksi as our guest speaker for the High School program. Through this session, we hope our students' entrepreneurial spirit will be uplifted and continue to grow for a sustainable future. We hope to shape our learners to be more mindful about their social & economic actions and behavior as future global citizens. #HighSchool #BusinessDay #HighScopeIndonesia #RedesigningTheWorld

6/1/2024, 7:10:00 AM

STILL AVAILABLE 👇 Tastefully designed 4bedroom apartment with BQ .*( Short video available. More pics available on request)* LOCATION ; Ilupeju, Lagos PRICE : #150m. Slightly negotiable FEATURES : 👉Spacious living room 👉BQ 👉 Secured neighborhood For more infos , contact Rhema Properties - 08065703978 , 08105949158. Email - [email protected].. Our web - #mainlandproperties #rhemaproperties #luxurylife #realestate #propertyhub #lagoslifestyle #luxuryhomes #abuja #nigeriarealestate #jidetaiwo #lekki #hustlersquare #linkedin #ilupeju #anthony #residentialrealestate #emergingmarket #estatemanagement #businessday #tiwasavage #victoriaisland #buenevistaestate #realestateinvestors #siliconvalley #nigerianindiaspora #realtordotcom #realtors

6/1/2024, 5:47:03 AM

Elevando el nivel del Business Day con el mejor sushi de @akaricuu. ¡Negocios y sabor en su máxima expresión! 🍣⚡️ #sponsor #businessday

6/1/2024, 1:09:41 AM

The Nigeria Labour Congress NLC and the Trade Union Congress TUC, have declared an indefinite strike commencing from Monday, 3rd, June 2024 Festus Osifo, President of the TUC, while speaking for the Organised Labour in Abuja on Friday, said the action followed the breakdown of negotiation for a new National Minimum Wage Recall that the negotiation which resumed on Friday, again ended in deadlock as labour officials walked out of the meeting. @businessdayng #nlc #strike #minimumwage #businessday

5/31/2024, 10:46:47 PM

¡Gracias a la @michoacana_cuu por regalarnos sonrisas y hacer este evento posible!🍧⚡️💙 #businessday #sponsored #somoscoen

5/31/2024, 9:09:04 PM

Pictures from the BusinessDay Economic Club (C- Suite Executive Roundtable Dinner). Theme: "Innovation for Impact: Harnessing Technology to Drive Business Transformation" #technology #businessday

5/31/2024, 7:37:58 PM

The Nigeria Labour Congress NLC and the Trade Union Congress TUC, have declared an indefinite strike commencing from Monday, 3rd, June 2024 Festus Osifo, President of the TUC, while speaking for the Organised Labour in Abuja on Friday, said the action followed the breakdown of negotiation for a new National Minimum Wage Recall that the negotiation which resumed on Friday, again ended in deadlock as labour officials walked out of the meeting. Click the link in bio to read more. #nlc #strike #minimumwage #businessday

5/31/2024, 7:04:49 PM

Festus Keyamo, the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, on Friday, announced the temporary suspension of the controversial $300 helicopter landing fee outsourced to Messers NAEBI Dynamic Concept Limited. The decision, which took effect on May 30, is coming after the Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON), rejected the fee, insisting it was commercially injurious to chopper operators and the Nigerian economy in general. Keyamo announced the suspension in a statement signed by Odutayo Oluseyi, the Ministry’s Spokesman. Click the link in bio to read more. #festuskeyamo #aviation #businessday

5/31/2024, 7:00:23 PM

With tears in his eyes, Emenike Ugboaja, a five-year-old boy was forced to abandon his education and join Thomas Okorie, his uncle in his blocklaying profession in the Gwagwalada area of Abuja, because his parent could not afford his school fees. As early as 7:00 am every work day, Emenike will be forced to hop into the pick-up van his uncle used to convey his labourers to sites. At the site, the youngster joins other adults in carrying blocks nearer to the mason-men and/or mixing cement and sand for mortar. Click the link in bio to read more. #childlabour #nigerianchildren #businessday

5/31/2024, 6:55:06 PM

The Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) has urged all customers with outstanding bills to settle their accounts before Monday, June 3, 2024, or face disconnection of electricity supply. The company stated this in a statement signed by Adefisayo Akinsanya, the head of marketing and Corporate Communications. It emphasized that timely payment of electricity bills remains crucial for the continued operation and enhancement of AEDC’s infrastructure, which is essential for delivering uninterrupted service to the community. Click the link in bio to read more. #aedc #power #electricity #abuja #businessday

5/31/2024, 5:43:02 PM

A Federal High Court in Abuja granted Chioma Okoli a N5 million bail with two sureties in the same amount on Friday, following allegations related to her online comments about Erisco Foods Limited’s tomato paste product. Okoli faces charges stemming from her online remarks about Erisco Foods Limited’s tomato paste, which police allege violated the Cybercrime Act of 2015. She was brought before the court by the Inspector-General of Police and indicted on two counts of cybercrime. Okoli entered a plea of not guilty to both charges. Details later… #chiomaokoli #eriscofoods #tomatopaste #businessday

5/31/2024, 5:14:54 PM

Out of options to defend their currencies, African policymakers from Harare in the south to Juba in the east and Lagos in the west are cracking down on street dealers. Monetary authorities in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and South Sudan are throwing everything at the money changers, who they accuse of undermining their currencies by speculating. They’ve banned and arrested them, imposed hefty fines and revised existing operational guidelines for bureaux de changes. All four countries have thriving parallel markets whose exchange rates are far more utilized than the official rates set by the central banks. Click the link in bio to read more. #harare #fx #currency #businessday

5/31/2024, 5:09:10 PM

Negotiations for a new national minimum wage that resumes today ended in deadlock as labour officials walked out of the meeting. NLC officials left the Nicon Luxury Hotel, Abuja, the 37-man tripartite committee meeting venue at about 2.45 pm. Festus Osifo, the Trade Union Congress TUC, President told BusinessDay that they were leaving the venue because the government team did not have anything new to offer. BusinessDay gathered that organised labour will, later this afternoon, address a world press conference on the way forward. Nigeria Labour Congress NLC and the Trade Union Congress TUC, had last week, rejected the N60000 fresh offer put forward by the federal government, heightening tension over a possible industrial action, as the May 31, deadline given by the organised labour expires today, Friday. Details later… #minimumwage #nlc #businessday

5/31/2024, 4:49:12 PM

The military has vowed to clamp down on members of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) following the killing of soldiers in the Southeast, where they were enforcing a sit-at-home order. It was learnt that IPOB terrorists not only killed five soldiers but also set ablaze vehicles and tricycles during the attack. The act has drawn widespread condemnation from Southeast governors and other stakeholders. Click the link in bio to read more. #military #ipob #abiastate #sitathome #businessday

5/31/2024, 4:35:01 PM

Joseph Onojame, Delta State Commissioner for Health, on Thursday, said that in 2023, the state was estimated to have 13,641 cases of tuberculosis (TB) based on an incidence of 219 people per 100,000 population. Out of the estimated number, only 6,031 cases were diagnosed with 3,476 being children, he revealed. According to him, tuberculosis remained a major health challenge globally as 361,000 cases were reported in Nigeria in the year under review of which nine percent of that figure were children. Click the link in bio to read more. #tuberculosis #deltastate #businessday

5/31/2024, 4:09:07 PM

Ebere Njoku is passionate about propelling strategic growth and empowering individuals and organisations to achieve transformative success. She is a highly accomplished and results-driven executive director with an exceptional track record in strategic leadership, healthcare, commerce, business development, and organisational growth. With over 25 years of industry experience as a doctor of optometry, she has consistently delivered impressive revenue growth and cultivated high-value partnerships that have left a profound impact on a global scale. Click the link in bio to read more. #eberenjoku #britishchamber #womeninbusinessday #businessday

5/31/2024, 3:48:13 PM

Aku Odinkemelu is a non-executive director, board member, finance and budget committee chair, audit and risk committee member and general manager with over fifteen years of board-level experience with particular expertise in the banking, financial services, insurance, public, oil and gas, retail and education sectors. At board level, what she does is drive corporate governance, compliance, and growth. She does this by leveraging her knowledge in finance, audit, balance sheet, P&L management, legal principles, negotiation, strategy, people management, business development, change management and organisational renewal and operating in diverse, local and international business environments. Aku successfully led and managed organisational change and renewal in three key banks, including integration needs arising from mergers and acquisition. Click the link in bio to read more. #akuodinkemelu #womeninbusiness #businessday

5/31/2024, 3:34:44 PM

Maria Rotilu is the Founder & General Partner, OpenseedVC. She is an operator turned investor and founder, and specialises in backing operators-turned-founders building tech startups as early as day zero. Before transitioning to investing, a better part of the first decade of her career was spent scaling multinational technology startups like Uber and in leadership roles such as Country Manager and General Manager. Prior to Openseed VC, Maria was a Fund Manager at Octopus Ventures First Cheque Fund and before that, she was the Managing Director of the Oxford Seed Fund. Click the link in bio to read more. #mariarotilu #businessday

5/31/2024, 3:29:59 PM

Africa’s largest oil refinery, Dangote Refinery, has achieved a significant milestone with the successful shipment of its first jet fuel cargo to Europe. This marks another first for the new complex, which has been rapidly scaling up production since its launch in April 2023. The inaugural shipment, loaded onto the “Doric Breeze” vessel, departed from the Lekki Free Zone in Lagos on May 27th and is currently en route to Rotterdam, Netherlands, according to S&P Global Commodities at Sea data. Click the link in bio to read more. #oilandgas #dangoterefinery #fuelexport #businessday

5/31/2024, 2:54:08 PM

Ediția a III a de la @sheinspire_hub a fost despre conectare, acceptare și emoție! Femei pline de compasiune și-au lăsat o părticică din ele la acest eveniment pentru a ne motiva și de a ne ancora în visurile pe care vrem să le îndeplin, dar totuși nu avem curajul de a le vizualiza pe viitor! Ele ne-au demonstrat că doar în noi stă puterea de a finaliza ceva ce am început sau poate urmează să începem. Fiecare așteptăm să vină acel * De ce?* în viața noastră pentru a conștientiza ce vrem să facem de fapt! Felicitări, @florinaisac @lavinia.boriceanu pentru pregătiri și pasiunea pe care o aveți!🥰 Mii de mulțumiri și femeilor care și-au spus povestea și au empatizat cu noi!❤️ #sheinspire #happymood #businessday

5/31/2024, 2:43:10 PM

#event #businessday #conect

5/31/2024, 2:41:13 PM

Kimberley Clark, an American multinational personal care corporation has exited Nigeria after almost 15 years of operations. This was revealed in a statement today by the company. “Kimberly-Clark today announces it has made the difficult decision to exit its business in Nigeria after almost 15 years, due to recently refocused company strategic priorities globally as well as economic developments in the country, ” the statement said. Click the link in bio to read more. #huggies #kimberlyclark #nigera #businessday

5/31/2024, 2:17:57 PM

- Women’s Hub is here again and I am excited about this edition because our cover personality has shattered the proverbial “glass ceiling” on the global scene. She is Maria Rotilu who recently became Europe’s first Black solo general partner with first close of $10m angel fund through OpenseedVC. Maria is the Founder & General Partner, OpenseedVC. She is an operator turned investor and founder, and specialises in backing operators-turned-founders building tech startups as early as day zero.  Worthy of mention is that they are offering up to $150,000 starter cheques. Find out more on this as you read our interview with her.  Here are other articles in this edition: *How a Balanced Leader Navigates Responsibilities, Health, and Happiness *The Power of Small Resources in Achieving Great Abundance *Comprehensive Strategies for Maintaining Healthy Eyesight in Digital Age *Understanding Lagos State Urban Planning Regulations: Key Considerations for Securing Planning Permits *How patriarchy can be affecting your marriage *Blockchain: The Technology Behind the BRICS Proposal For meals, this week, it’s all about pies and it is tomato and aloo (Potato) Pie. Make both and tell us which is your favourite. Our fashion section for this week is turning things way up. We present to you, Mmakamba! Owned by a  consultant, an innovative fashion designer, and philanthropist, Patricia Nsan. Currently based in Lagos, Nigeria, Patricia's fashion business spans from major fashion capitals across Africa to the global stage. Her designs are stunning and they have a harmonious blend of artistry and elegance. I will move out of your way and let their designs do the talking. See you in June and have a fantastic weekend READ INTERVIEW ONLINE: DOWNLOAD MAGAZINE #Businessday #Womenshub #angelinvestor #leadinglady

5/31/2024, 1:07:59 PM

The federal government has listed some of the feats President Bola Tinubu have achieved in the past one year, underscoring his commitment towards an economic rebirth in the country while tackling insecurity. In a publication released by the ministry of information and national orientation on its website and in major newspapers, the federal government highlighted clearing of the $7 billion FX backlog, taking decisive action against insecurity and ensuring food security as part of the ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’ scorecard of the president. “The administration has made significant strides from enhancing infrastructure and transportation to investing in education, health, and social welfare,” the publication said. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #tinubu #fxbacklog #economy #insecurity #businessday

5/31/2024, 1:07:06 PM

Embracing the sunlight on a productive business day, feeling inspired and unstoppable. ☀️✨ As an entrepreneur, every ray of light fuels my drive to innovate and succeed. When opportunity shines, seize it and let it guide your journey. #EntrepreneurLife #StayMotivated #SunshineInspiration #BusinessDay

5/31/2024, 1:00:04 PM

Feeling the sunlight hit just right on a productive business day. ☀️✨ Embracing the bright moments and letting them fuel my motivation. When life shines its light on you, let it inspire greatness and drive success. #StayMotivated #SunshineInspiration #BusinessDay #BrightDaysAhead

5/31/2024, 12:57:12 PM

Had a productive business day with just a few clients, making meaningful connections and progress. 💼✨ Sometimes, it’s the quality, not the quantity, that counts. Grateful for these focused and impactful interactions. #BusinessDay #ClientConnections #QualityOverQuantity

5/31/2024, 12:38:42 PM

Going for window blinds installation!! We keep reaching @windowstorynigeria #installer #wednesdaymotivation #install #explore #interior #videos #buildings #vibes #businessday #trained #designers #today #instagramfam #homeinterior #instagrambusiness #home #fctabuja #lagos #live #project #shopping #instadaily #installation #nationwidelivery #online #professional #abujavendor #businessday #instafam For more information, Please DM/Call/WhatsApp 09037867545, 08036524382 or Visit our Factory/Showroom at CP 8, Airport road, opposite Voice Of Nigeria(VON) Junction. Abuja Nigeria

5/31/2024, 12:28:48 PM

On the back page of BusinessDay today - Aku Odinkemelu Member, Monetary Policy Committee, CBN Aku is a non-executive director, board member, finance and budget committee chair, audit and risk committee member and general manager with over fifteen years of board-level experience with particular expertise in the banking, financial services, insurance, public, oil and gas, retail and education sectors. At board level, what she does is drive corporate governance, compliance, and growth. She does this by leveraging her knowledge in finance, audit, balance sheet, P&L management, legal principles, negotiation, strategy, people management, business development, change management and organisational renewal and operating in diverse, local and international business environments. Aku successfully led and managed organisational change and renewal in three key banks, including integration needs arising from mergers and acquisition. Currently, she is serving as an independent non-executive board member at Nord Oil APS & Energy Services. - Ebere Njoku Director General, Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) Ebere Njoku is passionate about propelling strategic growth and empowering individuals and organisations to achieve transformative success. She is a highly accomplished and results-driven executive director with an exceptional track record in strategic leadership, healthcare, commerce, business development, and organisational growth. With over 25 years of industry experience as a doctor of optometry, she has consistently delivered impressive revenue growth and cultivated high-value partnerships that have left a profound impact on a global scale. As a forward-thinking leader, she excels in spearheading multiple initiatives and programmes, consistently driving engagement and delivering exceptional outcomes. Her expertise lies in strategic planning, business development, and market research, enabling her to identify lucrative opportunities and implement effective strategies to seize them. By: @kemiajumobi #Businessday #Womeninbusiness #Banking #Optometry

5/31/2024, 11:59:57 AM

Negotiations for a new national Minimum Wage resumes today, at the 7th meeting of the 37 members tripartite committee, in Abuja Nigeria Labour Congress NLC and the Trade Union Congress TUC, had last week, rejected the N60000 fresh offer put forward by the federal government, heightening tension over a possible industrial action, as the May 31st deadline given by the organised labour expires today, Friday. The development led to another walkout by the organised labour from the meeting of the committee meeting. Tuesday’s walkout, the second in two weeks, signals danger for the new minimum wage negotiations as Labour had earlier given the federal government, up to the end of May, 2024 to come up with an acceptable wage. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #minimumwage #labour #nlc #tuc #businessday

5/31/2024, 11:33:21 AM

CORPORATE AWAY DAYS ⛳ Are you looking for a fun and exciting venue to host your next team away day or team meeting? We can cater for groups of up to 50 with fantastic food & drink packages available and can tailor each event to your individual requirements. To find out more or contact us, visit out website! #CorporateDays #CorporateAwayDay #CorporateEvents #TelfordBusiness #WolverhamptonBusiness #BusinessDay

5/31/2024, 11:00:32 AM

- On the back page of BusinessDay today - Aku Odinkemelu Member, Monetary Policy Committee, CBN Aku is a non-executive director, board member, finance and budget committee chair, audit and risk committee member and general manager with over fifteen years of board-level experience with particular expertise in the banking, financial services, insurance, public, oil and gas, retail and education sectors. At board level, what she does is drive corporate governance, compliance, and growth. She does this by leveraging her knowledge in finance, audit, balance sheet, P&L management, legal principles, negotiation, strategy, people management, business development, change management and organisational renewal and operating in diverse, local and international business environments. Aku successfully led and managed organisational change and renewal in three key banks, including integration needs arising from mergers and acquisition. Currently, she is serving as an independent non-executive board member at Nord Oil APS & Energy Services. - Ebere Njoku Director General, Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) Ebere Njoku is passionate about propelling strategic growth and empowering individuals and organisations to achieve transformative success. She is a highly accomplished and results-driven executive director with an exceptional track record in strategic leadership, healthcare, commerce, business development, and organisational growth. With over 25 years of industry experience as a doctor of optometry, she has consistently delivered impressive revenue growth and cultivated high-value partnerships that have left a profound impact on a global scale. As a forward-thinking leader, she excels in spearheading multiple initiatives and programmes, consistently driving engagement and delivering exceptional outcomes. Her expertise lies in strategic planning, business development, and market research, enabling her to identify lucrative opportunities and implement effective strategies to seize them. #Businessday #Womeninbusiness #Banking #Optometry

5/31/2024, 10:09:40 AM

The naira on Thursday weakened further at the official foreign exchange (FX) market, following a drop in dollar sales by market players. After trading on Thursday, the naira lost 10.45 percent of its value as the dollar was quoted at N1,484.75, weaker than N1,329.65 quoted on Wednesday at the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (NAFEM), according to data from the FMDQ Securities Exchange Limited. Dollar supply by willing sellers and willing buyers declined by 30.05 percent to $235.41 million on Thursday from $336.54 million recorded on Wednesday. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #naira #dollar #exchangerate #fmdq #businessday

5/31/2024, 10:04:00 AM

May 31st: Front pages of some Newspaper Headlines #newspaper #dailynewspaper #onlinenewspaper #LocalNews #DailyTrust #PunchNews #businessday #nationnews #guardiannewspaper

5/31/2024, 9:52:34 AM

Nigerian Afrobeats star Ayra Starr today released her second album titled “The Year I Turned 21,” in which she broke away from the sound she had become known for. The tracklist features 14 songs and a mix of local and international artists. Industry players say the new album signals a deliberate evolution of Starr’s sound from her debut album and a move to expand her international fanbase. Starr, who turns 21 in June, has a unique naming convention for her albums, titling them after her age at the time of release. Her debut album, 19 & Dangerous, came out in 2021 when she was 19. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #ayrastarr #afrobeat #music #businessday

5/31/2024, 9:36:14 AM

President Bola Tinubu on Thursday, said Ministers who failed to perform in his cabinet will be sacked. The President stated this on Thursday, when he met with the leadership of Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, adding that governments must prioritize the needs of local communities by ensuring accountability and effectiveness in the administration of local governments. “As long as we are together, and we have to be together, there is strength in our diversity. Our strength and opportunity are built into our population. I thank the cabinet members for their efforts, but I will relieve any of them of their duties anytime I feel that they are failing Nigerians,” the President affirmed. Click the link in bio to read the full story. #tinubu #ministers #nigeria #businessday

5/31/2024, 8:58:23 AM

Pressure from President Bola Tinubu, following two high-level visits from ExxonMobil’s top shots, has cleared the hurdle in the path of the international oil company’s asset sale to indigenous heavyweight, Seplat Energy Plc. That’s after the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited signed a settlement agreement for the divestment of the international oil major’s $1.28 billion stake in Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited (MPNU) to Seplat Energy Plc, in what is a precursor to regulatory approval. The agreement, which had stalled for two years finally saw green light after visits by top executives from the oil major to Tinubu, himself a former ExxonMobil staff. Disagreements and a court ruling that temporarily prevented ExxonMobil from selling its assets to Seplat Energy held back the deal from going over the line. Click the link in bio to read more. #energy #exxonmobil #splat #tinubu #businessday

5/31/2024, 8:22:12 AM

Front Page Today: Tinubu ends Seplat-ExxonMobil impasse after high-level visits Power minister to deliver keynote speech at BusinessDay’s energy conference Visit to read more. #frontpage #businessday

5/31/2024, 8:12:26 AM