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What a fun Sunday #aliceaprilmix

5/20/2024, 2:17:44 PM

After à la soirée d'ouverture avec @bricelefebvre91 à @laterrassefmr Saxophoniste: @sandy.sax Dj: @tadmusique Djette: Retrouver La Terasse FMR pendant 3 mois ! #after #party #soiree #terasseephemere #laterrassefmr #boitedenuit #musique #music #jeuxdelumiere #gmlighting #galighting #lighting #lighteux #vidjay #lyrehybrid #neon #murdeled #techniqueduspectacle #dj #djette #tadmusic #aliceaprilmix #goodmoments #housemusic #sandysax #electronicmusic #djsax

5/19/2024, 1:05:42 PM

Crab hunters #aliceaprilmix

5/9/2024, 7:14:19 PM

Шел восьмой час в воде… #aliceaprilmix

5/9/2024, 3:49:11 AM

Aloha, Hawaii #aliceaprilmix

5/8/2024, 4:43:27 AM

Ready to fly #aliceaprilmix

5/7/2024, 5:25:11 PM

What an amazing day! Bike ride to Sausalito was a gem! #aliceaprilmix

5/7/2024, 2:12:05 AM

Love is… вместе рассуждать насколько отвратительны морские львы в дикой природе #aliceaprilmix

5/5/2024, 5:16:55 AM

It’s always sunny in San Francisco #aliceaprilmix

5/5/2024, 5:15:49 AM

What did we do in San Francisco? #aliceaprilmix

5/5/2024, 1:34:15 AM

Hard to believe, but it’s golden 5! 🎉🎊🎂 #aliceaprilmix

4/30/2024, 8:11:57 PM

Несусь, волосы назад, а мимо Шагал проплывает #aliceaprilmix

4/24/2024, 1:16:41 AM

Parrot whisperer #aliceaprilmix

2/12/2024, 4:43:21 AM

Осваиваем космос Exploring space #aliceaprilmix

1/8/2024, 5:02:24 AM

We are waiting for you, Santa! #aliceaprilmix #hurricaneleela😼 #филроманыч😼

12/25/2023, 3:07:49 AM

My little sparkle shined on the stage tonight 😍🤩 #aliceaprilmix

12/17/2023, 5:08:36 AM

Living in my own bubble #aliceaprilmix

11/27/2023, 4:27:41 AM


11/27/2023, 4:26:12 AM

@fiend990 finally completed editing of summer photos, so a lot of memories are unleashed #aliceaprilmix

11/27/2023, 4:24:27 AM

It’s the best time of the year #aliceaprilmix

11/27/2023, 4:21:45 AM

Когда душевному вечеру предшествовал душевный день #aliceaprilmix

11/5/2023, 3:18:43 PM

Fascinating story about how kids asked us to buy pumpkins for them to carve, and then we carved it ourselves 😂 #aliceaprilmix

10/29/2023, 5:22:32 AM

That was very unexpected moment when you have to introduce your child to a blood donation concept 😅 #aliceaprilmix

10/9/2023, 1:19:55 AM

Quality father-daughter time! Father will always lift you when you are too short, and always will tilt you if you are too light #aliceaprilmix

9/16/2023, 11:48:37 PM

Sup? #aliceaprilmix

9/2/2023, 11:53:40 PM

Amazing 3736 mile long journey that can be described by this photo: with my third and last breath I am carrying Alice from the hike trail, while she is catching rain water and complaining about being too tired to walk Путешествие длиной 6012 км закончилось! Его кратко можно описать этим фото: из последних сил я бегу от дождя к машине и тащу на себе Алису, которая жалуется на усталость и ловит дождик языком #aliceaprilmix

8/28/2023, 3:31:10 AM

I hadn't heard about the Devil's Tower until I saw a picture on Reddit. Since then, it has been on my "to visit" list for at least a couple years, and finally we decided to have a drive nearby! #aliceaprilmix

8/26/2023, 7:15:32 AM


8/26/2023, 7:11:53 AM

Chipmunks at 3km height are very hungry with chips, and not so much with veggies and nuts #aliceaprilmix

8/26/2023, 7:08:16 AM

Несмотря на сложное путешествие, полное впечатлений и времени в машине, Алиса сегодня решила практиковать праноедение. Надеюсь ее не хватит надолго, и она от души поест вечером! #пустьотдругихяотличаюсьтемчтопсихзатоямолодикрасив #aliceaprilmix Alice is doing great during this trip! Today she decided to elevate to a new level and started practicing breatharianism. Hope she’ll quit her new hobby at dinner time.

8/26/2023, 3:09:14 AM

Finally Alice had some hands on experience with animals in the park! #aliceaprilmix

8/25/2023, 3:06:42 AM

Little hiker, little photographer #aliceaprilmix

8/24/2023, 3:22:33 PM

Another morning, another agreement to have a hike free day so Alice doesn’t kill us. And here we are: three hikes before lunch #aliceaprilmix #знакомьтесьпланетаземля

8/24/2023, 3:19:37 PM

Сегодняшний раунд аплодисментов достается отцу-молодцу. Как Маленькая Лошадка он вез свою ношу сквозь леса и горы на плечах Round of applause to @fiend990. #aliceaprilmix

8/23/2023, 4:47:34 AM

I have no words to describe, and it's just a mere quarter of a ride around the park #aliceaprilmix

8/22/2023, 7:25:21 AM

Эта маленькая девочка заслуживает самых громких аплодисментов! Она не только провела 23 часа в автомобиле за последние 3 дня, она еще и выдержала все хайки, которые родители на сегодня решились осуществить! Впереди еще неделя, верим, что выживем все This little girl deserves the loudest round of applause! She spent 23 hours in a car in the last three days. She also bravely survived through all hikes her parents planned for today! #aliceaprilmix

8/22/2023, 2:35:17 AM

Badlands was actually quite good #aliceaprilmix

8/21/2023, 6:15:28 AM

Не умещается все в голове - слишком красиво #знакомьтесьпланетаземля #aliceaprilmix

8/21/2023, 6:13:31 AM

Not a carousel, but the views are astonishing #aliceaprilmix

8/21/2023, 6:12:02 AM

День начался так невероятно красиво 😍 Such a beautiful way to begin your day 😍 #aliceaprilmix #знакомьтесьпланетаземля

8/21/2023, 6:09:08 AM

Spending our first night in Wyoming in a very authentic place! Only sad thing is that local Saloon is closed on Sunday #aliceaprilmix

8/21/2023, 3:33:44 AM

Сегодня удалось ненадолго заехать на другую планету Had a little break on another planet #aliceaprilmix #знакомьтесьпланетаземля

8/20/2023, 7:54:11 PM

#aliceaprilmix is having a Saturday of her life

8/13/2023, 1:02:46 AM

Тот нежный возраст, когда rock-n-roll - это лето и плавки #aliceaprilmix

8/9/2023, 12:48:02 AM

You won’t believe it, but the most expensive salad in Chicago is in Brookfield Zoo! #aliceaprilmix

7/9/2023, 12:41:27 AM

Лучше, чем лето, может быть только лето с друзьями Only summer with friends can be better than summer #aliceaprilmix

7/4/2023, 10:38:03 PM

Washington Island is another hidden gem. We had a perfect opportunity to exhaust ourselves out with 2-day bike marathon. #aliceaprilmix

6/19/2023, 4:11:14 AM

Absolutely fantastic Farm experience in Door County. Surprisingly, the superstars of the farm are kittens #aliceaprilmix

6/19/2023, 3:37:37 AM

I mean it! #aliceaprilmix

6/5/2023, 12:12:37 AM

Summer mode on #aliceaprilmix

6/4/2023, 10:54:03 PM

Paris is mostly a landscape photo city, except for one tower... And #aliceaprilmix

5/28/2023, 9:19:18 AM

Why can it only be 10 pics in an Instagram post? I want them all #aliceaprilmix

5/27/2023, 10:39:08 PM

Наташа, проснись! Мы в Париже! Mama, I am in Paris 😱 #aliceaprilmix

5/26/2023, 7:49:00 PM

What did we do in Étratat? #aliceaprilmix

5/24/2023, 10:09:35 PM

Просто дух захватывает! Breathtaking! #aliceaprilmix #знакомьтесьпланетаземля

5/24/2023, 5:25:16 PM

Отдадим человеку должное. Она в городах уже девятый день. Да, родители периодически сменяют друг друга, так как терпение не резиновое, но в целом человек держится молодцом! #aliceaprilmix Proud of my little girl!

5/23/2023, 9:11:57 PM

Потрясающе #aliceaprilmix

5/23/2023, 8:10:43 PM

Bruges is beautiful, astonishing, fantastic! Definitely must visit! #aliceaprilmix

5/23/2023, 6:32:28 PM

NEMO science museum in Amsterdam is fantastic! Why didn't I visit it when I was 10? 😁 #aliceaprilmix

5/21/2023, 3:38:49 PM

#eyelovelondon #aliceaprilmix

5/16/2023, 7:14:17 PM

What did we do in London? #aliceaprilmix

5/16/2023, 7:06:09 PM

Cheers #aliceaprilmix

5/16/2023, 3:19:27 PM

Heart melting! Thank you, @mosaicearlychildhood #aliceaprilmix

5/13/2023, 12:23:28 AM

Summer, we are ready! #aliceaprilmix

5/7/2023, 2:09:46 AM

С трудом верится, но уже 4 года! Hard to believe, but my babygirl is not a baby anymore! #aliceaprilmix

4/30/2023, 8:25:31 PM

I guess I need a convertible now #aliceaprilmix

4/15/2023, 3:55:03 PM

Perfect mother-daughter day #aliceaprilmix

3/25/2023, 10:19:44 PM

Send your positive vibes to Alice! She spent last 5 days home recovering from another nasty daycare virus. And she’s been the most nice, kind and understanding girl! #aliceaprilmix

3/15/2023, 1:54:22 AM

Good night vibe #aliceaprilmix #филроманыч😼

3/10/2023, 4:20:26 AM

It’s a family time. I am so happy! #aliceaprilmix #hurricaneleela😼

1/12/2023, 5:10:58 AM

1 января - это прекрасный день доя получения новых знаний, считает Алиса. New year is a perfect time for a new knowledge! Thanks, @msichicago, we had a great time here, as always! #aliceaprilmix

1/1/2023, 10:53:15 PM