aihistory images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

إليكم نبذة ساحرة عن رحلة الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) وأبرز محطاته التي غيرت العالم 🤖✨: البدايات السحرية للكمبيوترات والذكاء الاصطناعي: منذ حوالي ثمانية عقود، شهد العالم اختراع أول أجهزة الكمبيوتر الرقمية. في عام 1950، قدم كلود شانون "ثيسيوس" 🐭، فأرًا آليًا يتحكم فيه عن بُعد يستطيع إيجاد طريقه للخروج من المتاهة وتذكر مساره. منذ ذلك الحين، قطعت تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي شوطًا هائلًا، خاصة في قدرات التعرف على اللغة والصور 🖥️📸. الانفجار التقني في الذكاء الاصطناعي خلال السنوات الأخيرة: على مدار العقدين الماضيين، شهدت أنظمة الذكاء الاصطناعي تطورًا مذهلًا 🚀. تحسنت قدرات التعرف على اللغة والصور بشكل ملحوظ، حتى أن نماذج الذكاء الاصطناعي أصبحت تتفوق على البشر في اختبارات موحدة في مجالات متنوعة، مثل التعرف على الكتابة اليدوية وفهم اللغة 🧠📊. الحاضر المدهش للذكاء الاصطناعي: بينما يتفوق الذكاء الاصطناعي في الاختبارات الموحدة، فإن الأداء في العالم الواقعي قد يختلف 🌍. بعض تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي أصبحت جزءًا لا يتجزأ من حياتنا اليومية، موجودة في أجهزتنا الذكية مثل الهواتف المحمولة 📱. الذكاء الاصطناعي يستمر في التطور، يؤثر على حياتنا ويشكل مستقبلنا بطرق لا تعد ولا تحصى 🌟. لاستكشاف المزيد من التفاصيل، يمكنك قراءة مقالات عن تاريخ الذكاء الاصطناعي من مصادر مثل "عالمنا في البيانات"، "SpringerLink"، و"Wiley Online Library" 📚. تتناول هذه المقالات الأصول والمعالم الرئيسية والتطورات المستمرة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي. #deeplearning #aiinnovation #aiartcommunity #techinnovation #robotics #aifuture #aievolution #technology #artificialintelligence #smarttechnology #generativeart #midjourney #innovation #automation #chatgpt #aidevelopment #digitaltransformation #datascience #ai #airevolution #airesearch #computervision #futuretech #neuralnetworks #techtrends #techsolutions #aihistory #machinelearning #aiart #digitalart

6/2/2024, 12:24:00 PM

What kind of demand did the make of Asgard gods? #aiart #aiartwork #aihistory #asgard #odin #epic #mythology

6/2/2024, 1:22:24 AM

The god who ended the Greek mythology #aiart #aihistory #shorts #epic #mythology #greekmythology #matrix #aihistoryart

6/2/2024, 1:04:23 AM

Ilustrasi peradaban pendirian Candi Borobudur pada masa Dinasti Sailendra. Candi Borobudur adalah salah satu pencapaian monumental dari Dinasti Sailendra yang berpusat di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia pada abad ke-8 dan ke-9 Masehi. Peradaban Sailendra terkenal dengan pencapaian seni dan arsitektur Hindu-Buddha yang megah, dan Borobudur adalah contoh paling menonjol. Tujuan Raja Sailendra membangun Candi Borobudur mungkin termasuk sebagai pusat keagamaan, tempat meditasi, dan sebagai monumen untuk memuliakan Buddha dan ajarannya. Selain itu, Borobudur juga mungkin digunakan sebagai sarana untuk memperkokoh kekuasaan politik dan otoritas raja Sailendra atas wilayahnya. Pembangunan Candi Borobudur dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik konstruksi batu bata dan ukiran batu. Metode pembangunannya melibatkan tumpukan batu bata dan penggunaan teknik pemadatan tanah di sekitar struktur untuk mendukung beban. Relief-relief yang menghiasi dinding candi tersebut juga mungkin dibuat menggunakan teknik pahat batu yang halus. Proses pembangunannya kemungkinan besar melibatkan ribuan pekerja yang bekerja secara manual, menggunakan alat sederhana seperti cangkul, palu, dan pengangkut batu. #sronesia #illuatration #arthistory #artmythology #art #artstory #aistory #aihuman #aihistory

6/1/2024, 6:31:53 PM

.....The Pioneers of Artificail intelligence....... . . . ..... the post tell us about the great work of Sir Carl Djerassi. How his work discovery gave world its first Ai and how its benifit humans in health related cases. . . . #aihistory , #aipioneers , #techhistory , #helathinnovation , #airevolution , #ai , #healthtech , #healthcare , #aifacts,

6/1/2024, 3:45:15 PM

Collective memories XV, 09 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

6/1/2024, 2:59:07 PM

Did you know? 🤖 Tell us in the comment..! #AIHistory #OpulenceTechS #TechInnovation #ArtificialIntelligence #FunFactFriday

6/1/2024, 9:30:09 AM

Süni İntellekt : Keçmişdən Gələcəyə #ai #aihistory #aitypes #chatgpt #chatgpt4o #genetarion #latest #network #photogeneration #tecnology #textgeneration #videogeneration

5/31/2024, 7:29:39 PM

Collective memories XV, 08 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/31/2024, 6:18:10 PM

Collective memories XV, 07 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/30/2024, 5:58:06 PM

Freddie is the coolest cat in Lemonville. He reads, plays chess, and ensnares women like mice and aggressive dogs in no time with his intelligence and charm. Happy #internationalhugyourcatday Theme for @hullabaloo221 #decadesofhitsqueen15 | @prettypixels_ai #maynationalpixels #lemonville_ai #aiaustria #aivictoriana #victoriana #victorianhome #victoriandecor #storytelling #aicommunity #aihistory #etherealflowers #cozydecor #wintermood #interior_and_living #homedecorblogger #catsoftheday #winteraesthetic #caturday #aestheticinterior #catstagrams #catday

5/30/2024, 5:18:52 PM

Who is the Godfather of AI? Know All About Geoffrey Hinton Here! See here - #GeoffreyHinton #GodfatherOfAI #ArtificialIntelligence #AIPioneer #TechInnovation #AIHistory #CognitivePsychology #MachineLearning #AIRevolution #Inspiration

5/29/2024, 7:14:51 PM

Collective memories XV, 06 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/29/2024, 5:12:09 PM

The fall of Acre on the 18th of May 1291, marked the end of Crusader rule in the Holy Land as Mamluk forces overwhelmed the city’s defenses. This significant event led to the complete evacuation of the remaining Crusaders and effectively ended the era of the Crusader states in the region. . . . . . #FallOfAcre #Crusades #Mamluks #MedievalHistory #CrusaderStates #HolyLand #HistoricBattles #MedievalWarfare #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/29/2024, 12:24:43 PM

Constantinople. There once was a dream that was #Rome #romanempire #ai #constantine #aihistory #aithewise #aiart #aiartcommunity #roman #byzantine #byzantium #chirho #orthodoxchurch

5/28/2024, 8:43:54 PM

Collective memories XV, 05 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/28/2024, 4:41:08 PM

📠 Yapay zekanın evrimini keşfedin! 1950'lerden bugüne, bu inanılmaz teknoloji nasıl gelişti? Kaydır! ➡️ #YapayZeka #AIHistory #VegaAkademi #AlanTuring

5/28/2024, 10:55:38 AM

Learn Implications and what lies ahead to AI: 3rd mini-workshop with Stefan Frank @st.frank64 “AI and Photography, Part 3: Implications and What Lies Ahead” Thursday, June 13, 2024, 2–3pm (ET) $39 In this one-session mini-workshop we’ll look at the broader implications of AI on the photographic community. We’ll delve into ethical considerations, discuss concerns around creative control, and explore how AI is reshaping the industry. LINK IN BIO: @strudelmedialive . . . #ai #miniworkshop #photoworkshop #photographyworkshop #aiphotography #aiphoto #creativeai #aiart #aialgorithm #aiimplications #aiexperiment #aivisualart #howtoai #learnai #aihistory #aialgorithm #learningai #midjourney #aiimplications #aiethics #photographycourses #aiphotoshop #photoshop #photocourse #learnphotography #photographyschool #photographycommunity #stefanfrank #strudelmedia #strudelmedialive

5/27/2024, 10:15:59 PM

Collective memories XV, 04 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/27/2024, 6:54:06 PM

On this day, 27 May 1941, British naval forces sank the Bismarck, one of the most powerful and formidable battleships in the world, equipped with heavy armor and powerful guns. This event marked a significant victory for the Allies and effectively neutralized a major threat to their naval operations in the Atlantic. . . . . . #Bismarck #WWII #NavalHistory #RoyalNavy #Battleship #MilitaryHistory #NavalWarfare #AlliedForces #Axis #Ship #NavalBattle #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/27/2024, 11:05:04 AM

This happened about AI history. What do you think? #AIHistory #AlanTuring #ikiguide #AIMonday

5/27/2024, 7:03:48 AM

This happened about AI history. What do you think? #AIHistory #AlanTuring #ikiguide #AIMonday

5/27/2024, 7:03:42 AM

On this day, 26 May 1940, the Dunkirk evacuation, also known as Operation Dynamo started, rescuing over 338,000 Allied soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk, France, as German forces closed in. This monumental effort involved a fleet of over 800 vessels, including military ships and civilian boats, showcasing a critical moment of resilience and cooperation in the during World War II. . . . . . #DunkirkEvacuation #OperationDynamo #WWIIHistory #Dunkirk #AlliedForces #MilitaryHistory #BritishSoldiers #Fleet #Evacuation #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/26/2024, 10:01:02 PM

Collective memories XV, 03 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/26/2024, 3:00:31 PM

Collective memories XV, 02 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/25/2024, 6:29:05 PM

Collective memories XV, 01 The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent. Buy this and other images as prints (PM me!): #MidjourneyArt #AIGeneratedArt #AI_Artwork #MidjourneyArtist #DigitalArt #ContemporaryArt #DigitalArtist #AIHistory #Neurohistory #HistoricalFictionArt #Collectivememories #MoodyEdits #SurrealArt #EmotiveArt #AIPortrait #AIFineArt #dogs #VisualArts #InstaArt #ArtOfVisuals #ArtDaily #ArtisticNetwork #neurophotography #vintagestyle #retrophotography #promptography #portraits #collective_memories

5/24/2024, 6:31:06 PM

On this day, 24th May 2024, the Brooklyn Bridge, an engineering marvel of its time, officially opened, connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn over the East River. Designed by John A. Roebling and completed by his son Washington Roebling, the bridge quickly became an iconic symbol of innovation and urban development in New York City. . . . . . #BrooklynBridge #NYCHistory #HistoricLandmarks #EngineeringMarvel #IconicBridge #NewYorkCity #Bridges #UrbanDevelopment #Bridge #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/24/2024, 3:49:09 PM

Artificial Intelligence has been a game changer in my daily job, and now it's changing travel, too 🤩 Being a bit of a history nerd, I quite enjoy visiting ancient sites and monuments. We really enjoyed the walking tour of Sofia: our guide, who was also an actress, did a phenomenal job of bringing her city to life. But it was the discovery of a phone app that allowed you to see in real time how the ancient city might have looked that blew me away. Scroll through to see ancient Serdika. . . . #artificialintelligence #ai #aihistory #aitravel #bulgaria #bulgariatourism #citybreak #europe_vacations #explore #europetravel #goexplore #globetrotter #girlslovetravel #history #happytraveller #instapassport #JustTravel #letstravel #MyTravelStory #outdoors #photooftheday #serdikacenter #sofia #travel #TravelTheWorld #visitbulgaria #historylovers

5/24/2024, 7:55:35 AM

Veckans fotografi är från Olof Palmes plats, samma foto som i förra inlägget men denna gång förstärkt med AI för färg. Original i svartvitt till höger. . . Bildkälla: Gustav Andersson. Id-nr: JM.1984-3-4603 Creative Commons Attribution License: . #jönköping #jkpg #småland #lokalhistoria #jönköpingshistoria #historia #history #jonkopings_historia #smålandshistoria #smaland #swedishhistory #historiskabilder #jönköpingslän #jonkoping #sverigeshistoria #jkpghistoria #jönköpingskommun #aiart #ai #img2go #AIhistory

5/23/2024, 6:58:08 PM

In 1950, British mathematician and logician Alan Turing proposed a test to determine a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. This test, known as the Turing Test, became a foundational concept in the field of artificial intelligence. ✨ Fast forward to 2014, when a chatbot named "Eugene Goostman" made history by becoming the first AI to pass the Turing Test. Developed to simulate a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy, Eugene convinced 33% of the human judges that they were conversing with a real person during a series of five-minute text conversations. 🖥️🔍 This achievement was a significant milestone, highlighting how far AI technology had advanced and sparking discussions about the future potential and ethical implications of artificial intelligence. 🚀🧩 As we continue to push the boundaries of AI, the Turing Test remains a symbolic challenge and a reminder of Alan Turing's visionary contributions to the field. #saras_ai #artificialintelligence #ai #AIHistory #iitrpr

5/23/2024, 12:49:43 PM

On this day, the 23rd of May 1934, the notorious American outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, better known as Bonnie and Clyde, met their violent demise in a police ambush near Sailes, Louisiana, closing the chapter on one of the most sensational crime sprees in American history. When a journalist asked Bonnie and Clyde what they did for a living, Bonnie famously responded “we rob banks.” . . . . . #BonnieAndClyde #Outlaws #OutlawHistory #TrueCrime #AmericanOutlaws #Infamous #InfamousCriminals #CrimeSprees #NotoriousCriminals #HistoricalTrueCrme #Outlaw #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/23/2024, 11:57:57 AM

"From Turing's groundbreaking ideas to today's neural networks, the history of AI is a journey of innovation and discovery. Let's celebrate the milestones that brought us to where we are today! 🤖🚀 #AIHistory #Innovation #NeuralNetworks"

5/22/2024, 4:51:17 PM

Exploring the evolution of AI, one line of code at a time. 🖥️✨ 1950: The time when it all Started 1955: john Mcarthy coined term Artificial intelligence 1974: Computer became faster & Affordable 1980:The year of Artificial Intelligence 2000: Landmark Of Ai establishment #Shefsolutionsllc #Ai #ArtificialIntelligence #AIHistory #CodingJourney #DataScience #Ai #Shefsolutions #Shefsolutionsllc

5/22/2024, 1:42:02 PM

"From ancient myths to modern marvels, the journey of AI is a story of innovation and evolution. Discover the key milestones that have shaped artificial intelligence! 🤖✨ #AIHistory #ArtificialIntelligence #TechEvolution" #Technology #AI #MachineLearning #Innovation #TechHistory #FutureOfAI #ArtificialIntelligence #TechTrends #DeepLearning #Robotics

5/22/2024, 1:00:17 PM

On this day, 22nd May 1843, the first major wagon train set out from Independence, Missouri, bound for Oregon, carrying between 700 and 1,000 pioneers. This expedition marked the beginning of the Oregon Trail, a key route for westward expansion in the United States. The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route, which typically took about 6 months to complete. Some migrants left humorous signs along the trail, such as exaggerated distances “only 1,000 miles to Oregon,” adding levity to the arduous journey. . . . . . #OregonTrail #Oregon #AmericanHistory #Pioneers #Frontier #Wagon #WagonTrain #Adventure #HistoricalAdventure #Independence #Missouri #HistoricAchievement #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/22/2024, 12:39:12 PM

Unveiling the truth behind the myths: AI's roots date back to the 1950s and 1960s, but its true potential blossomed with the surge of computing power, vast datasets, and refined algorithms in recent years. 🤖💡 Connect with us: Email: [email protected] Community: Instagram: Twitter: #codeband #softwaredevelopment #websitedevelopment #webdevelopment #webdevelopmentagency #webdevelopers #reactdevelopment #vuedevelopment #sveltedevelopmen #AIHistory #AIFacts #ArtificialIntelligence #TechMyths #AIEvolution #MachineLearning #DataScience #ComputingPower #TechInnovation #AIResearch

5/22/2024, 12:12:25 PM

John McCarthy, often hailed as the pioneer of artificial intelligence (AI), profoundly influenced the field with his innovative and foundational contributions. His work laid the groundwork for many of the concepts and technologies that underpin modern AI. Born on September 4, 1927, in Boston, Massachusetts, McCarthy’s remarkable journey began with a robust foundation in mathematics, earning his undergraduate degree from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1948 and his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1951. ______________________________________________ #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #JohnMcCarthy #TechPioneer #ComputerScience #Innovation #LISP #MachineLearning #MIT #Stanford #TechHistory #Programming #TechInnovation #AIHistory #TechLegend #Computing #AIResearch #TimeSharing #AdviceTaker #Circumscription #NonMonotonicReasoning #TuringAward #NationalMedalOfScience #AIpioneer #TechIcon #STEM #Engineering #Mathematics #technology #da_script ✨

5/22/2024, 4:33:39 AM

"Yapay zekanın tarihi, bilim ve teknolojinin birleştiği büyüleyici bir yolculuktur. 1950'lerden günümüze, insanlığın sınırlarını zorlayan bu devrim niteliğindeki gelişmelere birlikte göz atalım. 🚀 #yapayzeka #aI #teknoloji" ... #artificialintelligence #historyofai #technology #turingtest #deeplearning #machinelearning #alphago #gpt3 #innovation #futuretech #techhistory #aihistory #innovation

5/21/2024, 8:27:28 PM

On this day, 21st of May 1932, Amelia Earhart completed the first solo transatlantic flight by a woman, flying for 17 hours from Newfoundland to land near Londonderry, Northern Ireland, marking a historic milestone in aviation history. . . . #AmeliaEarhart #Pilot #Plane #AviationHistory #HistoricAchievement #RecordBreaker #AviationLegend #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/21/2024, 11:05:58 AM

#AIfacts Το Perceptron είναι ένας “μαθητής” μηχανικής μάθησης που μαθαίνει από παραδείγματα. Σκέψου το σαν έναν “νευρώνα” που μαθαίνει να ξεχωρίζει πράγματα βασιζόμενος σε χαρακτηριστικά. Όσο περισσότερα παραδείγματα του δώσεις, τόσο καλύτερα μαθαίνει! 🧠💡 Ο Perceptron αναπτύχθηκε από τον Frank Rosenblatt το 1957 και είναι ένας από τους πρώτους αλγορίθμους που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στον τομέα της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης. #ai #aihistory #perceptron

5/21/2024, 10:33:16 AM

045 #aihistory #aiww #aiartist

5/21/2024, 6:17:58 AM

044 #ainewyork #aihistory #aicouple

5/21/2024, 6:07:29 AM

In 2021, 56% of companies adopted AI in at least one function within their organization, up from 50% the previous year. #ai #aihistory #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #aitechnology

5/20/2024, 7:52:17 PM

On this day, 19th of May 1536, Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII’s second wife, was executed at the Tower of London on charges of adultery, incest, and treason. . . . #AnneBoleyn #HenryVIII #TudorHistory #EnglishHistory #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/20/2024, 3:10:02 PM

On this day, 18th of May 1980 Mount St. Helens in Washington state erupted and triggered the largest landslide in recorded history, causing massive devastation. The eruption resulted in the deaths of 57 people. . . . #MountStHelens #Volcano #Eruption #WashingtonState #Geology #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalEvents #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/20/2024, 2:14:04 PM

On this day, 16th of May 1920, French heroine Joan of Arc was canonized as a saint by Pope Benedict XV in the Saint Peter’s Basilica, recognizing her extraordinary courage and devotion to her faith. Joan of Arc led French troops to several important victories, including the lifting of the siege of Orléans in 1429 when she was 17 years old, which is considered a turning point in the 100 Years’ War. . . . #JoanOfArc #SaintJoan # SaintPeterBasilica #FrenchHistory #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/20/2024, 2:09:31 PM

On this day, 14th of May 1787, 55 delegates from twelve states gathered for the Constitutional Convention Philadelphia to deliberate and ultimately draft the United States Constitution. The 6 key players were: the unanimously elected president of the Convention George Washington (pic), James Madison (pic), George Mason (pic), Roger Sherman, William Paterson and James Wilson. The Convention was also Benjamin Franklin’s last public service. The delegates frequently enjoyed alcohol to keep spirits high, including Madeira wine, rum punch, and beer, with some estimates suggesting they drank over 50 bottles of Madeira in one sitting. . . . #ConstitutionalConvention #1787Convention #USConstitution #FoundingFathers #AmericanHistory #USHistory #HistoricConvention #Philadelphia1787 #ConstitutionalHistory #AmericanFounding #GeorgeWashington #BenFranklin #HistoricalConvention #ConstitutionalRepublic #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/20/2024, 1:36:23 PM

On this day, 12th May 1940, the Nazi blitzkrieg and conquest of France commenced as German forces crossed the Meuse River in Belgium, marking the beginning of a swift and devastating campaign. . . . #WWII #WorldWar #WorldWar2 #WorldWarTwo #Germany #France #War #Soldiers #Tanks #Soldier #Tank #Rain #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/20/2024, 1:27:42 PM

On this day, 11th May 1189, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa and 100,000 crusaders depart from Regensburg to embark on the Third Crusade, aimed at reclaiming Jerusalem from Muslim control. Frederick Barbarossa's iconic red beard earned him the nickname "Barbarossa," meaning "Redbeard" in Italian. Some accounts suggest he had a fiery temper to match his facial hair. #Crusades #MiddleAges #Barbarossa #RomanEmperor #Aiart #AiHistory #Aiartwork #History #Historical #HistoricalFigures #HistoryLovers #HistoryFacts #ArtHistory #HistoryInPictures #OnThisDay #TodayInHistory

5/20/2024, 12:39:45 PM