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Reflecting on responsibilities, I flash back to embracing humility in acknowledging that leadership is a divine stewardship. Letting humility guide my actions, I am grateful for the LORD's guidance in stewarding my responsibilities. #FlashbackFriday #AccountableLeadership #RadiantTrust #AllGloryToGod

5/17/2024, 6:00:27 AM

Flashback to letting humility guide my reliability as I fulfill commitments. Trusting in God's strength to uphold promises, I am grateful for His reliability in my life. #FlashbackFriday #ReliableLeadership #RadiantTrust #GratefulHeart #AllGloryToGod

4/19/2024, 6:00:13 AM

Flashback to empowering my team with trust in shared responsibility. Inviting God into every decision-making process, trusting in His plan. I am grateful for God's guidance in fostering a collaborative environment. #FlashbackFriday #DelegativeLeadership #RadiantTrust #GratefulHeart

3/22/2024, 5:00:19 AM

In the garden of life, adversity is the soil from which faith blooms as the rarest and most beautiful flower. Like an exquisite blossom that defies the odds, your faith has the power to flourish in the face of challenges. Each trial is an opportunity for your faith to reveal its resilience and beauty. Embrace the storms as a gardener tends to precious blooms, knowing that in the midst of adversity, your faith becomes a testament to God's transformative power. Let it be a radiant flower, standing tall, rooted in the fertile soil of trust. 🌼🌿 #FaithInAdversity #BloomingInChallenges #FaithfulBlossom #AdversityToAdvancementm #ResilientFaith #FlourishInChallenges #BeautifulFaith #BloomInAdversity #RadiantTrust #FaithfulResilience

12/1/2023, 4:00:51 PM

Finding safety in the softening 🌱 #vulnerability #rupikaur #thehousethatgriefbuilt #selftrust #radianttrust

5/16/2018, 8:02:25 PM

{He turns our fears into His radiance and trusting in Him I am never ashamed} #verseoftheday #radiantTrust

10/22/2015, 5:21:54 PM